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HUD editing: short questions, quick answers
posted in Customization
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edit: m0rehud has been updated https://github.com/Hypnootize/m0rehud

edit: m0rehud has been updated https://github.com/Hypnootize/m0rehud
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For the things where you're making numeric changes to font/ element sizes, is there some formula you're using for this or is it entirely trial and error? I don't see any documentation about how the UI scaling is actually implemented and I'd like for everything to be the same size and in the same location as it was before without having to spend hours testing values.


For the things where you're making numeric changes to font/ element sizes, is there some formula you're using for this or is it entirely trial and error? I don't see any documentation about how the UI scaling is actually implemented and I'd like for everything to be the same size and in the same location as it was before without having to spend hours testing values.
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Zestyis there some formula you're using for this

No, since the party chat and the right-click menu were the only things that were really broken, and ahud just happened to use the same values as the default HUD before the update, I copied and pasted the updated values. The rest is mostly guesswork based on the changes Valve have made.

[quote=Zesty]is there some formula you're using for this[/quote]

No, since the party chat and the right-click menu were the only things that were really broken, and ahud just happened to use the same values as the default HUD before the update, I copied and pasted the updated values. The rest is mostly guesswork based on the changes Valve have made.
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How do I change the arekkhud default match hud to the progressive background health bars? See the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Mg66Xug

How do I change the arekkhud default match hud to the progressive background health bars? See the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Mg66Xug
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N3voHow do I change the arekkhud default match hud to the progressive background health bars? See the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Mg66Xug

In resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res find "TeamStatus" element, scroll down (60 lines or so) until you find "classimage", "healthbar", and "overhealbar" elements. In "classimage" change "zpos" to 10, in "healthbar" and "overhealbar" change "ypos" to 0 and "tall" to 19.

[quote=N3vo]How do I change the arekkhud default match hud to the progressive background health bars? See the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Mg66Xug[/quote]

In resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res find "TeamStatus" element, scroll down (60 lines or so) until you find "classimage", "healthbar", and "overhealbar" elements. In "classimage" change "zpos" to 10, in "healthbar" and "overhealbar" change "ypos" to 0 and "tall" to 19.
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Thanks, for reference this is the modified arekkhud with the edited match hud: https://zippyshare.day/p8hC4WSZ8dRkIAu/file

Thanks, for reference this is the modified arekkhud with the edited match hud: https://zippyshare.day/p8hC4WSZ8dRkIAu/file
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Is there a way to change the font displayed on "SpectatorGUIHealth" inside disguisestatuspanel.res, so it doesn't interfere with SpectatorGUIHealth.res "PlayerStatusHealthValue"??

I'm encountering a problem where it uses "PlayerStatusHealthValue" as the only font displayed for player hp

Is there a way to change the font displayed on [i]"SpectatorGUIHealth"[/i] inside [b]disguisestatuspanel.res[/b], so it doesn't interfere with [b]SpectatorGUIHealth.res[/b] [i]"PlayerStatusHealthValue"[/i]??

I'm encountering a problem where it uses "PlayerStatusHealthValue" as the only font displayed for player hp
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For the things where you're making numeric changes to font/ element sizes, is there some formula you're using for this or is it entirely trial and error? I don't see any documentation about how the UI scaling is actually implemented and I'd like for everything to be the same size and in the same location as it was before without having to spend hours testing values.

An update on this. The issue was caused by my health and ammo using the "TF2 Build" font for my HudFontHUGE in my edited version of PVHud. I had to edit the "tall" value of this font in ClientScheme.res from 80 to 56 for it to display consistently to the way it previously did on 1080p. To work this out I had to go in and test values in ClientScheme.res and manually compare the pixels in two screenshots in photoshop each time and 80 -> 56 gives an exact match. Not sure why 1080p requires a 70% scaling to match previous behaviour but thought it might be useful for other people with broken hud elements.

For the things where you're making numeric changes to font/ element sizes, is there some formula you're using for this or is it entirely trial and error? I don't see any documentation about how the UI scaling is actually implemented and I'd like for everything to be the same size and in the same location as it was before without having to spend hours testing values.[/quote]

An update on this. The issue was caused by my health and ammo using the "TF2 Build" font for my HudFontHUGE in my edited version of PVHud. I had to edit the "tall" value of this font in ClientScheme.res from 80 to 56 for it to display consistently to the way it previously did on 1080p. To work this out I had to go in and test values in ClientScheme.res and manually compare the pixels in two screenshots in photoshop each time and 80 -> 56 gives an exact match. Not sure why 1080p requires a 70% scaling to match previous behaviour but thought it might be useful for other people with broken hud elements.
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how can i move damage numbers up?

example: https://imgur.com/qroKnWR [sry for low quality]. the dmg number is covering up the head of the soldier im shooting at.

when im playing heavy/engi the dmg numbers completely cover up the target im shooting at. just wanna move the numbers further up, like further above the head of the target.

how would i do this?


how can i move damage numbers up?

example: https://imgur.com/qroKnWR [sry for low quality]. the dmg number is covering up the head of the soldier im shooting at.

when im playing heavy/engi the dmg numbers completely cover up the target im shooting at. just wanna move the numbers further up, like further above the head of the target.

how would i do this?

0 Frags +

In HudDamageAccount there's the lines

"text_x" "0"
"text_y" "0"
"delta_item_end_y" "0"

Change them around a bit to move the number.

In HudDamageAccount there's the lines

"text_x" "0"
"text_y" "0"
"delta_item_end_y" "0"

Change them around a bit to move the number.
0 Frags +

edit: nvm I figured it out following peaches tutorial on youtube to search for all elements under a certain name:
the problem was the "RankModelPanel" element inside 'mainmenuoverride.res' being set to 'xpos 9999' that was overriding 'pvprankpanel.res'

how do I edit IN the 3d casual/competitive medal back onto the main menu?

I've copy-pasted 'pvprankpanel.res' from Hypnootize's ahud edit into my curent hud, but don't really understand what to edit to get it to show up. I've already tried messing with the xpos & ypos of various elements, particularly the "RankModel" section but to no avail. any help is appreciated

edit: nvm I figured it out following peaches tutorial on youtube to search for all elements under a certain name:
the problem was the "RankModelPanel" element inside 'mainmenuoverride.res' being set to 'xpos 9999' that was overriding 'pvprankpanel.res'

[s]how do I edit IN the 3d casual/competitive medal back onto the main menu?

I've copy-pasted 'pvprankpanel.res' from Hypnootize's ahud edit into my curent hud, but don't really understand what to edit to get it to show up. I've already tried messing with the xpos & ypos of various elements, particularly the "RankModel" section but to no avail. any help is appreciated[/s]
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how do I make this CTFImagePanel transparent?

alternatively, if that's not possible, how do I make a custom icon? the stock engineer metal icon uses something called an IconPanel, which does not accept normal materials.. and I have no idea where to look for the ico_metal used by default

how do I make this CTFImagePanel transparent?

alternatively, if that's not possible, how do I make a custom icon? the stock engineer metal icon uses something called an IconPanel, which does not accept normal materials.. and I have no idea where to look for the ico_metal used by default
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how do i change the size of the scoreboard and end round screen so that things dont overlap? i think some elements are too small but i dont know what i should change here
heres the hud too just in case

how do i change the size of the scoreboard and end round screen so that things dont overlap? i think some elements are too small but i dont know what i should change here
heres the hud too just in case
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I'm using ckHud which removes the casual rank badge from the scoreboard. But I want it to be visible.
Does anyone know which files control that?

I'm using ckHud which removes the casual rank badge from the scoreboard. But I want it to be visible.
Does anyone know which files control that?
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how do I fix this borderless something?
I'm not too sure whether what caused it, but it just happened!


how do I fix this borderless something?
I'm not too sure whether what caused it, but it just happened!

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i know the locations of where they are in the files but every time i try to move them they just fully dissapear all i want is the marked for death be above my hp and the snowball weapon counters be above my ammo but even moving the number just makes it dissapear im using Lighthud made by hypnootize

i know the locations of where they are in the files but every time i try to move them they just fully dissapear all i want is the marked for death be above my hp and the snowball weapon counters be above my ammo but even moving the number just makes it dissapear im using Lighthud made by hypnootize
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anyone know how I can get what i assume to be the default damage numbers on arekk hud like the ams video


anyone know how I can get what i assume to be the default damage numbers on arekk hud like the ams video
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anyone know how I can get what i assume to be the default damage numbers on arekk hud like the ams video

in resource/ui/huddamageaccount.res
change delta_item_font and delta_item_font_big to something like hudfontmediumsecondary or any font that uses tf2 secondary


anyone know how I can get what i assume to be the default damage numbers on arekk hud like the ams video[/quote]

in resource/ui/huddamageaccount.res
change delta_item_font and delta_item_font_big to something like hudfontmediumsecondary or any font that uses tf2 secondary
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Anyone know what causes this problem and how I could go about fixing it?


Anyone know what causes this problem and how I could go about fixing it?
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Is there still a working version of fosters 6v6 scoreboard.res?

Is there still a working version of fosters 6v6 scoreboard.res?
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3estinyIs there still a working version of fosters 6v6 scoreboard.res?

yes in the current m0rehud release as one of the customization options

[quote=3estiny]Is there still a working version of fosters 6v6 scoreboard.res?[/quote]
yes in the current m0rehud release as one of the customization options
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How do i change the path of the image of PlayerStatusHealthImage on hudplayerhealth.res?

How do i change the path of the image of PlayerStatusHealthImage on hudplayerhealth.res?
2 Frags +

not really HUD related, but making a separate thread would be pretty stupid, so I decided to post here.
maybe somebody will find it nice.

slightly updated tf2 icon
how to change (just in case):
path: ...tf\custom\userstuff\resource\game.ico
right click desktop icon > properties > change icon


.ico download link

not really HUD related, but making a separate thread would be pretty stupid, so I decided to post here.
maybe somebody will find it nice.

slightly updated tf2 icon
how to change (just in case):
path: ...tf\custom\userstuff\resource\game.ico
right click desktop icon > properties > change icon


[url=https://www.mediafire.com/file/mwz2rjpxrqaqkfe/game.ico].ico download link[/url]
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