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ESEA's possible demise?
9 Frags +

a lot of newer players get discouraged from playing when they get steamrolled, especially if the other team is offclassing a ton

i think the most fun times i have had playing this game are when teams are even, even if the end result is in a loss, because it was at least a close game

at least in my eyes it's more fun to have even games, because that's what i'm paying to play for

imo neither team benefits from playing at all if it's a roll (unless it's a wake up call to practice better)

(in response to 179)

a lot of newer players get discouraged from playing when they get steamrolled, especially if the other team is offclassing a ton

i think the most fun times i have had playing this game are when teams are even, even if the end result is in a loss, because it was at least a close game

at least in my eyes it's more fun to have even games, because that's what i'm paying to play for

imo neither team benefits from playing at all if it's a roll (unless it's a wake up call to practice better)

(in response to 179)
12 Frags +

From what I'm seeing, ESEA has no interest in supporting TF2 unless the players just flock there of their own accord.

The moment a quarter of the playerbase is discontented enough to flock to CEVO , they're just going to drop it without even trying to do any outreach? This has been eminently foreseeable for quite a while now. The fact that they've done nothing to attract/retain players says it all as far as I'm concerned.

Seriously, why should new/low players go over to a league that doesn't give two shits about us? I get a lot of the higher level players arguments, but they're largely selfish reasons, where are the arguments that might have some chance of convincing people instead of condescending to them?

If all that's holding 6s together is the vague commitment of ESEA to keeping a league running, then the game's already over, it's just a matter of this season or next.

From what I'm seeing, ESEA has no interest in supporting TF2 unless the players just flock there of their own accord.

The moment a quarter of the playerbase is discontented enough to flock to CEVO , they're just going to drop it without even trying to do any outreach? This has been eminently foreseeable for quite a while now. The fact that they've done nothing to attract/retain players says it all as far as I'm concerned.

Seriously, why should new/low players go over to a league that doesn't give two shits about us? I get a lot of the higher level players arguments, but they're largely selfish reasons, where are the arguments that might have some chance of convincing people instead of condescending to them?

If all that's holding 6s together is the vague commitment of ESEA to keeping a league running, then the game's already over, it's just a matter of this season or next.
-1 Frags +


im cryin right now man


im cryin right now man
21 Frags +


tots 2014


tots 2014
-6 Frags +

can't believe i found it again wow

can't believe i found it again wow
10 Frags +


3 Frags +

EDIT: THIS POST WAS MADE WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ABOVE POST. ESEA might not actually be dead, I guess. But this post was made in the assumption that it more or less was confirmed dead. im gay.

Real talk though I guess.

People compete for all kinds of different reasons. They compete to win money, respect and admiration, fun, to chill with their peers at LAN, for strange deviant sexual pleasure, or all of those. The reason itself doesn't really matter, but the presence of the possibility for that reason to be cultivated does. I compete because the struggle to improve and beating difficult teams is fun, but the possibility of never getting to compete on that even playing field never really bothered me; because of that, I don't really feel the loss of the ESEA LAN, as my personal directives are just that--personal. But as shitty as ESEA was to us and even with the reality of the fact that they literally used the client to mine bitcoins from their users, it's also a reality that there are (well, were I guess) people who care enough about the concept of that even playing field to put up with all that.

If there's a single TF2 inviter who played ESEA for the wonderful customer service, I'll eat my hat. The fact is this: one of the reasons to play this game competitively was to advance in ESEA far enough to make top 4 and play at LAN finals, and that reason is now gone. This is objectively a loss and is something that is absolutely, understandably upsetting. Still, I can't help but roll my eyes at the doomsayers in this thread about how "there's no reason to play competitive TF2 anymore", as if to deter people from playing in the free leagues that will fill the player gap in ESEA's place. TF2 has lost its last remaining regional offline LAN finals, and that sucks and will no doubt hurt the top end of the game, but it's comically melodramatic to claim that the "game is dead". No. The game is now different. Weaker in that strictly competitive sense, for sure, but different. And that's just the way it's going to be until the (admittedly unlikely) event of some kind of independent startup.

TF2 is a very popular game and there absolutely are still reasons to play it competitively even without ESEA LAN. Shitting on those reasons because of something you can't change is beyond unproductive and frankly childish--these elusive ~other reasons~ were and are absolutely as valuable as yours were. You're an inviter who has lost their reason to play because ESEA's gone? Good for you, sorry it had to end like this. But it's up to the remaining community where NATF2 will go from here; not you, not anymore. I implore the more influential players left over not to engage in such whining; figure out where to take the game from here instead of crying over spilled milk and hoping everyone else spills theirs too.

EDIT: THIS POST WAS MADE WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ABOVE POST. ESEA might not actually be dead, I guess. But this post was made in the assumption that it more or less was confirmed dead. im gay.

Real talk though I guess.

People compete for all kinds of different reasons. They compete to win money, respect and admiration, fun, to chill with their peers at LAN, for strange deviant sexual pleasure, or all of those. The reason itself doesn't really matter, but the presence of the possibility for that reason to be cultivated [i]does[/i]. I compete because the struggle to improve and beating difficult teams is fun, but the possibility of never getting to compete on that even playing field never really bothered me; because of that, I don't really feel the loss of the ESEA LAN, as my personal directives are just that--personal. But as shitty as ESEA was to us and even with the reality of the fact that they [i]literally used the client to mine bitcoins from their users[/i], it's [i]also[/i] a reality that there are (well, were I guess) people who care enough about the concept of that even playing field to put up with all that.

If there's a single TF2 inviter who played ESEA for the wonderful customer service, I'll eat my hat. The fact is this: one of the reasons to play this game competitively was to advance in ESEA far enough to make top 4 and play at LAN finals, and that reason is now gone. This is objectively a loss and is something that is absolutely, understandably upsetting. Still, I can't help but roll my eyes at the doomsayers in this thread about how "there's no reason to play competitive TF2 anymore", as if to deter people from playing in the free leagues that will fill the player gap in ESEA's place. TF2 has lost its last remaining regional offline LAN finals, and that sucks and will no doubt hurt the top end of the game, but it's comically melodramatic to claim that the "game is dead". No. The game is now [i]different[/i]. Weaker in that strictly competitive sense, for sure, but different. And that's just the way it's going to be until the (admittedly unlikely) event of some kind of independent startup.

TF2 is a very popular game and there absolutely are still reasons to play it competitively even without ESEA LAN. Shitting on those reasons because of something you can't change is beyond unproductive and frankly childish--these elusive ~other reasons~ were and are absolutely as valuable as yours were. You're an inviter who has lost their reason to play because ESEA's gone? Good for you, sorry it had to end like this. But it's up to the remaining community where NATF2 will go from here; not you, not anymore. I implore the more influential players left over not to engage in such whining; figure out where to take the game from here instead of crying over spilled milk and hoping everyone else spills theirs too.
1 Frags +
PsychotropicBurnDLPsychotropicSnipWhy should they weather this season? Our community has told them to fuck off. That's the message we are sending, I would already have pulled the plug in their situation.
As a business decision. Limiting their client base hurts, no matter what people say about whether they do or do not turn a profit. It is in their best interest to preserve the gaming communities which they serve

This community is telling ESEA that they would rather go with a brand new league that has its own shady history then the league that has single-handedly keeping TF2 alive for 15 seasons.

Why should they weather this season? Our community has told them to fuck off. That's the message we are sending, I would already have pulled the plug in their situation.[/quote]

As a business decision. Limiting their client base hurts, no matter what people say about whether they do or do not turn a profit. It is in their best interest to preserve the gaming communities which they serve[/quote]

This community is telling ESEA that they would rather go with a brand new league that has its own shady history then the league that has single-handedly keeping TF2 alive for 15 seasons.
12 Frags +

On the one hand I feel bad for grape for almost making lan again
On the other hand my team wont do esea no matter what. Yeah it sucks that there wont be a lan but at least I don't have to give esea more money

On the one hand I feel bad for grape for [i]almost[/i] making lan again
On the other hand my team wont do esea no matter what. Yeah it sucks that there wont be a lan but at least I don't have to give esea more money
8 Frags +
PHRAKTURE_ALT_54Also to the people advocating playing in both leagues seem to forgot that also means paying for both leagues. Most people can't/don't want to spend that much money on TF2.

Man, that pastebin is a lot to MUNCH on

also hi.

EDIT: lolnuked

[quote=PHRAKTURE_ALT_54]Also to the people advocating playing in both leagues seem to forgot that also means [b]paying[/b] for both leagues. Most people can't/don't want to spend that much money on TF2.[/quote] Man, that pastebin is a lot to [b]MUNCH[/b] on

also hi.

EDIT: lolnuked
2 Frags +

I will say that it's pretty great that tf2 has a community that cares so much about the game, as seen here. Yeah, there's a lot of disagreement, but we've all got the same goal here, and there are a shit ton of vocal supporters.

I will say that it's pretty great that tf2 has a community that cares so much about the game, as seen here. Yeah, there's a lot of disagreement, but we've all got the same goal here, and there are a shit ton of vocal supporters.
19 Frags +
QuindaliOpen teams aren't working towards a LAN, they're working towards doing well in open and learning how to play the game.

Don't put words in people's mouths. Just because you don't have that drive, doesn't mean other players share your lackluster attitude.

I have had lan in my mind before I even played in open. Much like most other gamers above 20. This isn't my first game. I grew up going to lans. The experience of having your teammates sit next to you can not be replicated, and will never compare to online play.

LIT is a great example of this. They were considered a pug team by many. They go to lan, meet each other, realize they get along a lot better than expected because they're not basement dwellers. They form TANGIBLE chemistry and build off of each others energy.
They played out of their minds and I greatly respect them all for stepping up and giving it their all after everyone barked 3rd place at them all season.

Look at mix. They don't put in as many hours as most teams, and their teamwork is always on point. The team building that occurs during one lan (even a local lan), is more valuable that a full season of online play imo. You meet your teammates, build real friendships. Mix has energy.
They get loud. They have fun. Harb and plat scream. They are in their element, arguably where they play their best.

I have wanted to go to lan before i even played comp tf2. I watched s10 lan and had a goal in mind. I put my heart into this game and have been working my way up, season by season with constant improvement in mind. Meeting the long term goal of making lan. Came close last season(my 4th season of 6s), and I'm still putting everything i have into getting there.

No lan, talent fades, dream is dead, game dies. gg.

Open teams aren't working towards a LAN, they're working towards doing well in open and learning how to play the game.[/quote]

Don't put words in people's mouths. Just because you don't have that drive, doesn't mean other players share your lackluster attitude.

I have had lan in my mind before I even played in open. Much like most other gamers above 20. This isn't my first game. I grew up going to lans. The experience of having your teammates sit next to you can not be replicated, and will never compare to online play.

LIT is a great example of this. They were considered a pug team by many. They go to lan, meet each other, realize they get along a lot better than expected because they're not basement dwellers. They form TANGIBLE chemistry and build off of each others energy.
They played out of their minds and I greatly respect them all for stepping up and giving it their all after everyone barked 3rd place at them all season.

Look at mix. They don't put in as many hours as most teams, and their teamwork is always on point. The team building that occurs during one lan (even a local lan), is more valuable that a full season of online play imo. You meet your teammates, build real friendships. Mix has energy.
They get loud. They have fun. Harb and plat scream. They are in their element, arguably where they play their best.

I have wanted to go to lan before i even played comp tf2. I watched s10 lan and had a goal in mind. I put my heart into this game and have been working my way up, season by season with constant improvement in mind. Meeting the long term goal of making lan. Came close last season(my 4th season of 6s), and I'm still putting everything i have into getting there.

No lan, talent fades, dream is dead, game dies. gg.
18 Frags +

I'm thinking that a lot of this is boiling down to blaming the consumers for the failings of a business.

BETAmax was better than VHS. Was it the consumer's fault that BETAmax died?

Upon seeing Killing's post, I'm totally down for asking my team about trying both leagues, but the reasoning that new players are killing TF2 by not going to ESEA is perplexing to me. One league reached out to us, and actively lobbied for our money, and the other didn't (until now).

I'm thinking that a lot of this is boiling down to blaming the consumers for the failings of a business.

BETAmax [i]was[/i] better than VHS. Was it the consumer's fault that BETAmax died?

Upon seeing Killing's post, I'm totally down for asking my team about trying both leagues, but the reasoning that new players are killing TF2 by not going to ESEA is perplexing to me. One league reached out to us, and actively lobbied for our money, and the other didn't (until now).
1 Frags +
tomroadrunnerI'm thinking that a lot of this is boiling down to blaming the consumers for the failings of a business.

BETAmax was better than VHS. Was it the consumer's fault that BETAmax died?

Upon seeing Killing's post, I'm totally down for asking my team about trying both leagues, but the reasoning that new players are killing TF2 by not going to ESEA is perplexing to me. One league reached out to us, and actively lobbied for our money, and the other didn't (until now).

You're right, I probably could have spoken up earlier but I wanted to make sure to let CEVO have their chance. It was important for me to not try and just yell over CEVO to make you think I deserve your money. At the end of the day, I want you to say to yourself "ROFL I'm not playing CEVO, ESEA has everything but better". Are we there yet? Meh, not really but I do think I have the tools to get us there. I'm talking now and I think everyone is listening. Does CEVO not offer refunds for those that request it?

[quote=tomroadrunner]I'm thinking that a lot of this is boiling down to blaming the consumers for the failings of a business.

BETAmax [i]was[/i] better than VHS. Was it the consumer's fault that BETAmax died?

Upon seeing Killing's post, I'm totally down for asking my team about trying both leagues, but the reasoning that new players are killing TF2 by not going to ESEA is perplexing to me. One league reached out to us, and actively lobbied for our money, and the other didn't (until now).[/quote]

You're right, I probably could have spoken up earlier but I wanted to make sure to let CEVO have their chance. It was important for me to not try and just yell over CEVO to make you think I deserve your money. At the end of the day, I want you to say to yourself "ROFL I'm not playing CEVO, ESEA has everything but better". Are we there yet? Meh, not really but I do think I have the tools to get us there. I'm talking now and I think everyone is listening. Does CEVO not offer refunds for those that request it?
-8 Frags +

have fun in cevo l8r

have fun in cevo l8r
1 Frags +

For those who are skeptical, a LAN for CEVO is not far-fetched by any means.

ESEA (season 15):
CS 1.6: 22 teams
CS:GO: 226 open teams, 39 IM teams, 30 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
TF2: 50 Open teams, 16 IM teams, 10 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
Has a LAN?: Yes

CEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?

edit: tldr: cevo is growing quickly and esea is somewhat withering away. A majority are going to want a pay league (for cs:go/dota/bf4?) which will lead to money for LAN.

For those who are skeptical, a LAN for CEVO is not far-fetched by any means.

ESEA (season 15):
CS 1.6: 22 teams
CS:GO: 226 open teams, 39 IM teams, 30 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
TF2: 50 Open teams, 16 IM teams, 10 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
Has a LAN?: Yes

CEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?

edit: tldr: cevo is growing quickly and esea is somewhat withering away. A majority are going to want a pay league (for cs:go/dota/bf4?) which will lead to money for LAN.
10 Frags +
DaggerFor those who are skeptical, a LAN for CEVO is not far-fetched by any means.

ESEA (season 15):
CS 1.6: 22 teams
CS:GO: 226 open teams, 39 IM teams, 30 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
TF2: 50 Open teams, 16 IM teams, 10 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
Has a LAN?: Yes

CEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 paid teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 paid teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?

pretty sure tf2 is the only pay to play league

[quote=Dagger]For those who are skeptical, a LAN for CEVO is not far-fetched by any means.

ESEA (season 15):
CS 1.6: 22 teams
CS:GO: 226 open teams, 39 IM teams, 30 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
TF2: 50 Open teams, 16 IM teams, 10 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
Has a LAN?: Yes

CEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 paid teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 paid teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?[/quote]

pretty sure tf2 is the only pay to play league
-3 Frags +
Saint_pretty sure tf2 is the only pay to play league

There has been a huge influx of new teams this upcoming season, who's to say they won't implement a pay to play league for CS:GO and Dota2?

[quote=Saint_]pretty sure tf2 is the only pay to play league[/quote]

There has been a huge influx of new teams this upcoming season, who's to say they won't implement a pay to play league for CS:GO and Dota2?
16 Frags +
DaggerSaint_pretty sure tf2 is the only pay to play league
There has been a huge influx of new teams this upcoming season, who's to say they won't implement a pay to play league for CS:GO and Dota2?

more speculation. once again, esea has a history and a definite lan.

[quote=Dagger][quote=Saint_]pretty sure tf2 is the only pay to play league[/quote]

There has been a huge influx of new teams this upcoming season, who's to say they won't implement a pay to play league for CS:GO and Dota2?[/quote]

more speculation. once again, esea has a history and a definite lan.
9 Frags +
DaggerFor those who are skeptical, a LAN for CEVO is not far-fetched by any means.

ESEA (season 15):
CS 1.6: 22 teams
CS:GO: 226 open teams, 39 IM teams, 30 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
TF2: 50 Open teams, 16 IM teams, 10 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
Has a LAN?: Yes

CEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?

I would actually like to hear more from CEVO about their potential LAN. I've asked my CSGO friends and they haven't heard a word from CEVO about ever running a LAN. I know before their rebirth, one of their main things was "You don't need LAN". That was actually a selling point back then, that people didn't need to fly out to win a championship. I don't believe they'll ever run a LAN, from what I've heard, it costs absurd amounts of money. So considering I've heard nothing on the CSGO side, I don't think they'll run a LAN solely for TF2.

[quote=Dagger]For those who are skeptical, a LAN for CEVO is not far-fetched by any means.

ESEA (season 15):
CS 1.6: 22 teams
CS:GO: 226 open teams, 39 IM teams, 30 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
TF2: 50 Open teams, 16 IM teams, 10 Main teams, 9 Invite teams
Has a LAN?: Yes

CEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?[/quote]

I would actually like to hear more from CEVO about their potential LAN. I've asked my CSGO friends and they haven't heard a word from CEVO about ever running a LAN. I know before their rebirth, one of their main things was "You don't need LAN". That was actually a selling point back then, that people didn't need to fly out to win a championship. I don't believe they'll ever run a LAN, from what I've heard, it costs absurd amounts of money. So considering I've heard nothing on the CSGO side, I don't think they'll run a LAN solely for TF2.
7 Frags +
blendtecEU TF2 is basically dead, dude. Have you been following the scene the past few seasons? 10-12 top players leave every season.

That's an insult to the 300 teams playing etf2l season 17.

The scene is far from dead, what you see is a natural cycle in every competitive game, people get bored or interested in other games and simply quit, it happens to high level or lower level players alike, and when it happens someone takes their place sooner or later.

EU TF2 is basically dead, dude. Have you been following the scene the past few seasons? 10-12 top players leave every season.[/quote]
That's an insult to the 300 teams playing etf2l season 17.

The scene is far from dead, what you see is a natural cycle in every competitive game, people get bored or interested in other games and simply quit, it happens to high level or lower level players alike, and when it happens someone takes their place sooner or later.
12 Frags +

as a veteran of TF2, I remember competing in cevo before ESEA picked up TF2. Back then cevo was our league, and ESEA was the "other" league. Since ESEA wow'd everyone with all the bells and whistles cevo withered and died. It tried to come back a couple times but nothing could compete with ESEA.

Since all of the bitcoin and related drama, ESEA has become vulnerable and Lange, Nahanni, and many others have really stepped up to revive cevo to the point where ESEA is in real trouble. While I'm no ESEA cheerleader, cevo has a history of ALMOST making it, only to fall short.

Our game is special, most games that have a competitive scene don't last long. TF2 has defied all the odds and had an incredible run. Our comp scene only continues to grow, and our community is incredible. All the LAN donation drives, fundraisers, and charity work... This is something special. We have all this because of the stability of our scene, and to go all in on cevo right now is a very risky move. If cevo fails, which I really hope doesn't happen, and ESEA has dropped TF2 we are left with nothing. Do you really think ESEA would just turn around and pick us back up after we told them to fuck off? They'll just pickup titanfall and move on, and our incredible community will die.

Killings new post offering all the free premium for new open teams shows how desperate they are, but I think we should take advantage of that and keep TF2 alive in ESEA for now until cevo has proved themselves as a stable league that is here to stay. I know cevo is working on a LAN, and they have an incredible staff. I fully support the switch to cevo, but lets not burn our bridges with ESEA until we are sure that we know the grass really is greener on the other side.

as a veteran of TF2, I remember competing in cevo before ESEA picked up TF2. Back then cevo was our league, and ESEA was the "other" league. Since ESEA wow'd everyone with all the bells and whistles cevo withered and died. It tried to come back a couple times but nothing could compete with ESEA.

Since all of the bitcoin and related drama, ESEA has become vulnerable and Lange, Nahanni, and many others have really stepped up to revive cevo to the point where ESEA is in real trouble. While I'm no ESEA cheerleader, cevo has a history of ALMOST making it, only to fall short.

Our game is special, most games that have a competitive scene don't last long. TF2 has defied all the odds and had an incredible run. Our comp scene only continues to grow, and our community is incredible. All the LAN donation drives, fundraisers, and charity work... This is something special. We have all this because of the stability of our scene, and to go all in on cevo right now is a very risky move. If cevo fails, which I really hope doesn't happen, and ESEA has dropped TF2 we are left with nothing. Do you really think ESEA would just turn around and pick us back up after we told them to fuck off? They'll just pickup titanfall and move on, and our incredible community will die.

Killings new post offering all the free premium for new open teams shows how desperate they are, but I think we should take advantage of that and keep TF2 alive in ESEA for now until cevo has proved themselves as a stable league that is here to stay. I know cevo is working on a LAN, and they have an incredible staff. I fully support the switch to cevo, but lets not burn our bridges with ESEA until we are sure that we know the grass really is greener on the other side.
3 Frags +
PYYYOURBlink is this your attempt to join mixup? Limiting esea's transgressions to justthe malware client is laughable.

No no Bradley i'm running with tic, chriz, sherm and romeo in main home boyy! Ya digg?

In other news: I'm glad killing stepped it up with the promotions which will make it even easier for new teams to start out. Go gettem!

[quote=PYYYOUR]Blink is this your attempt to join mixup? Limiting esea's transgressions to justthe malware client is laughable.[/quote]

No no Bradley i'm running with tic, chriz, sherm and romeo in main home boyy! Ya digg?

In other news: I'm glad killing stepped it up with the promotions which will make it even easier for new teams to start out. Go gettem!
3 Frags +
blendtecrofl i totally want to play in esea and i'm sure 70% of open players feel this way

The problem is that the people who want to play in cevo in open refuse to budge, while those who would rather play esea are willing to play in either league.

This means that every opne team on average has like 1-3 players who only want to play in CEVO, and rather than find replacements and play in ESEA, the team would rather stay together and just play in CEVO instead.

That's the real downside of ESEA for open players; the vocal minority on the teams that outright refuse to play ESEA due to their own faulty logic that is based off incorrect information and "love of the game/community".

Honestly atm i wish nothing more than to leave my CEVO team and find an ESEA team instead. IMO if ESEA dies, there's no reason to play 6s anymore aside from fun every once in a while.


I agree wholeheartedly with this post btw, it sums up my thoughts on the whole thing pretty much perfectly.

[quote=blendtec]rofl i totally want to play in esea and i'm sure 70% of open players feel this way

The problem is that the people who want to play in cevo in open refuse to budge, while those who would rather play esea are willing to play in either league.

This means that every opne team on average has like 1-3 players who only want to play in CEVO, and rather than find replacements and play in ESEA, the team would rather stay together and just play in CEVO instead.

That's the real downside of ESEA for open players; the vocal minority on the teams that outright refuse to play ESEA due to their own faulty logic that is based off incorrect information and "love of the game/community".

Honestly atm i wish nothing more than to leave my CEVO team and find an ESEA team instead. IMO if ESEA dies, there's no reason to play 6s anymore aside from fun every once in a while.[/quote]


I agree wholeheartedly with this post btw, it sums up my thoughts on the whole thing pretty much perfectly.
-17 Frags +
DaggerCEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?

Wait so, the comp communities that are bigger than TF2 don't have to pay to play videogames? And they still have good competition? And they don't feel like they need a LAN?

Holy shit wow lol why can't you guys just take free leagues seriously you're literally making yourselves pay to play. Why do you guys think you have to pay for it to be ~esports?

CEVO (This upcoming season):
BF3: 15 teams
CS:GO: 418 Open teams, 39 IM teams, 28 Main teams, 17 Professional teams
Dota 2: 393 Open teams, 50 Main teams
TF2: 92 Teams
BF4: 72 Teams
Cod 4: 97 Teams
CS 1.6: 56 Teams
Has a LAN: No

Which has also brought me to another point.
By the looks of it, CEVO is actually a much bigger league than ESEA and is growing pretty exponentially. Season 3 Open of CS:GO for CEVO had 32 teams, now there are 229 teams for open and 418 rosters this upcoming season. Season 3 of Dota2 for CEVO had 32 open teams, now there are 149 teams and 393 rosters.
CS:GO Open for Season 15 of ESEA had 226 paid teams and this upcoming season there are currently 183 teams, and a decent portion of which are unpaid. By the looks of it, ESEA is dying and CEVO is growing, so why would we stick with ESEA when eventually CEVO is going to become the more superior league?[/quote]

Wait so, the comp communities that are bigger than TF2 don't have to pay to play videogames? And they still have good competition? And they don't feel like they need a LAN?

Holy shit wow lol why can't you guys just take free leagues seriously you're literally [b]making[/b] yourselves pay to play. Why do you guys think you have to pay for it to be [i]~esports[/i]?
14 Frags +

Competition requires commitment. Cevo is not the de facto league for any those games. There's a reason why ESEA left Cevo in the dust a long while back.

Competition requires commitment. Cevo is not the de facto league for any those games. There's a reason why ESEA left Cevo in the dust a long while back.
-7 Frags +
AbramelinIf you're going to quit playing TF2, then do so. There's no need to try and stay relevant by being enigma's lapdog.

Looks like you missed this


[quote=Abramelin]If you're going to quit playing TF2, then do so. There's no need to try and stay relevant by being enigma's lapdog.[/quote] Looks like you missed this

28 Frags +

well thank FUCKING god Fog is with CEVO now I'm on board 100%

well thank FUCKING god Fog is with CEVO now I'm on board 100%
-31 Frags +

I thought the TF2 community cared about each other, and the future of it's game. The community is literally killing themselves to make a point. ESEA probably already gets the point lol

Fuck you guys who registered on CEVO and not ESEA, you're just ruining your own game.

Don't get me wrong, I hate ESEA. But I hate CEVO more. I tried CEVO with Counter-Strike, much worse than ESEA...

I thought the TF2 community cared about each other, and the future of it's game. The community is literally killing themselves to make a point. ESEA probably already gets the point lol

Fuck you guys who registered on CEVO and not ESEA, you're just ruining your own game.

Don't get me wrong, I hate ESEA. But I hate CEVO more. I tried CEVO with Counter-Strike, much worse than ESEA...
10 Frags +
MikeikeikeikeikeikeI thought the TF2 community cared about each other, and the future of it's game. The community is literally killing themselves to make a point. ESEA probably already gets the point lol

Fuck you guys who registered on CEVO and not ESEA, you're just ruining your own game.

Don't get me wrong, I hate ESEA. But I hate CEVO more. I tried CEVO with Counter-Strike, much worse than ESEA...

Yeah, fuck you guys for not making the choice I want! If you all would just choose what I want, then we wouldn't have to leave ESEA!

[quote=Mikeikeikeikeikeike]I thought the TF2 community cared about each other, and the future of it's game. The community is literally killing themselves to make a point. ESEA probably already gets the point lol

Fuck you guys who registered on CEVO and not ESEA, you're just ruining your own game.

Don't get me wrong, I hate ESEA. But I hate CEVO more. I tried CEVO with Counter-Strike, much worse than ESEA...[/quote]

Yeah, fuck you guys for not making the choice I want! If you all would just choose what I want, then we wouldn't have to leave ESEA!
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