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HUD editing: short questions, quick answers
posted in Customization
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I want to try to get that uber percent next to the crosshair into bazhud
I checked around in bwhud and there's some stuff in hudmediccharge and an option to turn it on and off in ClientScheme but I don't really know what to do.
I tried copying hudmediccharge from bwhud(which the pic is from) into bazhud's but it didn't work. Any ideas?

Copy this part from bwhud's hudmediccharge.res into bazhud's hudmediccharge.res, change the font to work with bazhud's fonts, and adjust the position accordingly.

I want to try to get that uber percent next to the crosshair into bazhud
I checked around in bwhud and there's some stuff in hudmediccharge and an option to turn it on and off in ClientScheme but I don't really know what to do.
I tried copying hudmediccharge from bwhud(which the pic is from) into bazhud's but it didn't work. Any ideas?[/quote]

Copy [url=https://github.com/bw-/bwhud/blob/master/resource/ui/HudMedicCharge.res#L83]this part[/url] from bwhud's [i]hudmediccharge.res[/i] into bazhud's [i]hudmediccharge.res[/i], change the font to work with bazhud's fonts, and adjust the position accordingly.
0 Frags +

I found a couple of imperfections in my m0rehud edit, specifically in the MvM department.
I want to know what files I need to change the following:
- player ready-up panels
- canteen indicator (image and # of canteen charges)
- MvM spectator HUD (basically hudspectatortournament but for MvM)

I found a couple of imperfections in my m0rehud edit, specifically in the MvM department.
I want to know what files I need to change the following:
- player ready-up panels
- canteen indicator (image and # of canteen charges)
- MvM spectator HUD (basically hudspectatortournament but for MvM)
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How to remove health cross from EVE hud?
I tried to set PlayerStatusHealthImage to 0 but it removes entire health panel, including health numbers.

How to remove health cross from EVE hud?
I tried to set PlayerStatusHealthImage to 0 but it removes entire health panel, including health numbers.
0 Frags +

How can you make it so when you press "e" on the class selection screen you go to the loadout of that class
And how do you get the class 3d character to show when you hover over a class selection?

How can you make it so when you press "e" on the class selection screen you go to the loadout of that class
And how do you get the class 3d character to show when you hover over a class selection?
-2 Frags +
AbysssHow to remove health cross from EVE hud?
I tried to set PlayerStatusHealthImage to 0 but it removes entire health panel, including health numbers.

So, in the "hudplayerhealth.res" file, near the top you'll find: "PlayerStatusHealthImage", "PlayerStatusHealthImageBG", PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage, and "PlayerStatusClassImageBG" PlayerStatusClassImageBG2"

For the first three, visible/enable doesn't do shit, so what you can do is change the x/y pos to 9999, move it off screen.
And here's what each of those do. PlayerStatusClassImageBG and PlayerStatusClassImageBG2 you can just set the visible and enabled to 0

PlayerStatusHealthImage - White part of the health cross
PlayerStatusHealthImageBG - Background of the cross
PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage - The overheal/low health cross
PlayerStatusClassImageBG - This and the second one are just the team colour border this hud put around the cross, (just two rectangles making a plus)

Side note: For the player model, that can be changed in "hudplayerclass.res" and the console command "cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1" makes it 3D, 0 for 2D uwu

[quote=Abysss]How to remove health cross from EVE hud?
I tried to set PlayerStatusHealthImage to 0 but it removes entire health panel, including health numbers.[/quote]
So, in the "hudplayerhealth.res" file, near the top you'll find: "PlayerStatusHealthImage", "PlayerStatusHealthImageBG", PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage, and "PlayerStatusClassImageBG" PlayerStatusClassImageBG2"

For the first three, visible/enable doesn't do shit, so what you can do is change the x/y pos to 9999, move it off screen.
And here's what each of those do. PlayerStatusClassImageBG and PlayerStatusClassImageBG2 you can just set the visible and enabled to 0[s][/s]

PlayerStatusHealthImage - White part of the health cross
PlayerStatusHealthImageBG - Background of the cross
PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage - The overheal/low health cross
PlayerStatusClassImageBG - This and the second one are just the team colour border this hud put around the cross, (just two rectangles making a plus)

Side note: For the player model, that can be changed in "hudplayerclass.res" and the console command "cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1" makes it 3D, 0 for 2D uwu
0 Frags +
FalkinghammerAbysssHow to remove health cross from EVE hud?
I tried to set PlayerStatusHealthImage to 0 but it removes entire health panel, including health numbers.
So, in the "hudplayerhealth.res" file, near the top you'll find: "PlayerStatusHealthImage", "PlayerStatusHealthImageBG", PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage, and "PlayerStatusClassImageBG" PlayerStatusClassImageBG2"

For the first three, visible/enable doesn't do shit, so what you can do is change the x/y pos to 9999, move it off screen.
And here's what each of those do. PlayerStatusClassImageBG and PlayerStatusClassImageBG2 you can just set the visible and enabled to 0

PlayerStatusHealthImage - White part of the health cross
PlayerStatusHealthImageBG - Background of the cross
PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage - The overheal/low health cross
PlayerStatusClassImageBG - This and the second one are just the team colour border this hud put around the cross, (just two rectangles making a plus)

Side note: For the player model, that can be changed in "hudplayerclass.res" and the console command "cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1" makes it 3D, 0 for 2D uwu

Thank you!

[quote=Falkinghammer][quote=Abysss]How to remove health cross from EVE hud?
I tried to set PlayerStatusHealthImage to 0 but it removes entire health panel, including health numbers.[/quote]
So, in the "hudplayerhealth.res" file, near the top you'll find: "PlayerStatusHealthImage", "PlayerStatusHealthImageBG", PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage, and "PlayerStatusClassImageBG" PlayerStatusClassImageBG2"

For the first three, visible/enable doesn't do shit, so what you can do is change the x/y pos to 9999, move it off screen.
And here's what each of those do. PlayerStatusClassImageBG and PlayerStatusClassImageBG2 you can just set the visible and enabled to 0[s][/s]

PlayerStatusHealthImage - White part of the health cross
PlayerStatusHealthImageBG - Background of the cross
PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage - The overheal/low health cross
PlayerStatusClassImageBG - This and the second one are just the team colour border this hud put around the cross, (just two rectangles making a plus)

Side note: For the player model, that can be changed in "hudplayerclass.res" and the console command "cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1" makes it 3D, 0 for 2D uwu[/quote]
Thank you!
0 Frags +

I use rayshud. it successfully clears k/d/a after pregame when a server goes live, but it doesn't reset my damage numbers (also i think healing and support). any way to get a real blank slate between pregame and match start? is this a hud-specific problem? it's not a big enough deal for me to change huds so for all i know it's some setting in my cfg

I use rayshud. it successfully clears k/d/a after pregame when a server goes live, but it doesn't reset my damage numbers (also i think healing and support). any way to get a real blank slate between pregame and match start? is this a hud-specific problem? it's not a big enough deal for me to change huds so for all i know it's some setting in my cfg
2 Frags +

All huds have that problem as far as I'm aware, I've never seen it reset on any hud that I've used. I think it's on valve to fix.

All huds have that problem as far as I'm aware, I've never seen it reset on any hud that I've used. I think it's on valve to fix.
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hi, how do i edit a) the objective window and b) the ubercharge label in targetid
edit: figured out objective window

hi, how do i edit a) the objective window and b) the ubercharge label in targetid
edit: figured out objective window
0 Frags +

Hi, I would like to know how to remove the top duel wins leader board in the loading screen and have a custom background instead of the map and stamps.

I've used a lot of huds before and most of them did what I mentioned, but now I have found a new hud(bwHUD) and want to edit it to be like the other ones I've had before.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.

Hi, I would like to know how to remove the top duel wins leader board in the loading screen and have a custom background instead of the map and stamps.

I've used a lot of huds before and most of them did what I mentioned, but now I have found a new hud(bwHUD) and want to edit it to be like the other ones I've had before.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.
0 Frags +

Where can I find this element from the lobby screens again?


Where can I find this element from the lobby screens again?

1 Frags +
hi, how do i edit a) the objective window and b) the ubercharge label in targetid
edit: figured out objective window

a) HudTeamGoal.res and HudTeamGoalTournament.res
b) TargetID.res > TargetDataLabel

JBWhere can I find this element from the lobby screens again?


PlayWithFriendsExplanation inside LobbyContainerFrame_Casual/Comp/MvM

hi, how do i edit a) the objective window and b) the ubercharge label in targetid
edit: figured out objective window[/quote]

a) HudTeamGoal.res and HudTeamGoalTournament.res
b) TargetID.res > TargetDataLabel

[quote=JB]Where can I find this element from the lobby screens again?


PlayWithFriendsExplanation inside LobbyContainerFrame_Casual/Comp/MvM
2 Frags +

i put m0rehud black targetid/spectatorgui in normal m0rehud. how do i change the colour of this box (this is the targetid i think)?
edited i figured it out

i put m0rehud black targetid/spectatorgui in normal m0rehud. how do i change the colour of this box (this is the targetid i think)?
edited i figured it out
Spaceship Servers
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how do i change the color of the green highlights in toonhud (with that feature enabled)?


how do i change the color of the green highlights in toonhud (with that feature enabled)?
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How do I move the killfeed on this hud?


How do I move the killfeed on this hud? [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/866239336654903631/BFAF2094034AFC7D189E4ED9EA3772F6A7D2B991/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:864&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C2048%3A864&background-color=black[/img]
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AzazelHow do I move the killfeed on this hud? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/866239336654903631/BFAF2094034AFC7D189E4ED9EA3772F6A7D2B991/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:864&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C2048%3A864&background-color=black

scripts>hudlayout.res then ctrl + f "HudDeathNotice"

[quote=Azazel]How do I move the killfeed on this hud? [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/866239336654903631/BFAF2094034AFC7D189E4ED9EA3772F6A7D2B991/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:864&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C2048%3A864&background-color=black[/img][/quote]
scripts>hudlayout.res then ctrl + f "HudDeathNotice"
0 Frags +

Not sure if this belongs here but worth a shot, the idea just crossed my mind.

I have some STVs lying around and I forgot to record the first person demo. In this thread Beater said something about theoretically being able to make the spectator HUD look like a first person POV demo, the only problem being that it's not possible to display ammo, damage numbers etc while spectating from STV.

At i61 however you were able to see the ammo of every player on the HUD. Does anyone have any idea how this works? I'm assuming it's a plugin of some sort but I'm still curious if it would be do-able to make something like this. Hopefully this poor Photoshop edit does a decent job of showing what I mean.

Not sure if this belongs here but worth a shot, the idea just crossed my mind.

I have some STVs lying around and I forgot to record the first person demo. In [url=http://www.teamfortress.tv/32144/how-to-make-a-stv-behave-as-a-first-person-demo]this thread[/url] Beater said something about theoretically being able to make the spectator HUD look like a first person POV demo, the only problem being that it's not possible to display ammo, damage numbers etc while spectating from STV.

At i61 however you were able to see the ammo of every player on the HUD. Does anyone have any idea how this works? I'm assuming it's a plugin of some sort but I'm still curious if it would be do-able to make something like this. Hopefully this [url=https://imgur.com/a/cbHZM]poor Photoshop edit[/url] does a decent job of showing what I mean.
0 Frags +

Been using this hud lately, really liking it, but in order to see any of the options in the menu I have to click the 3 horizontal lines on the top left. Anyone know how to modify it so I don't have to click on anything to see everything?

Been using this hud lately, really liking it, but in order to see any of the options in the menu I have to click the 3 horizontal lines on the top left. Anyone know how to modify it so I don't have to click on anything to see everything?
3 Frags +
AdjeAt i61 however you were able to see the ammo of every player on the HUD. Does anyone have any idea how this works? I'm assuming it's a plugin of some sort but I'm still curious if it would be do-able to make something like this.

It was a plugin. If you had the plugin it'd be easy, but afaik the plugin used for that isn't public.

Been using this hud lately, really liking it, but in order to see any of the options in the menu I have to click the 3 horizontal lines on the top left. Anyone know how to modify it so I don't have to click on anything to see everything?

Change everything that gets animated by hudanimations_mmenu.txt to have MMenu_PlayList_Expand's xpos value by default. Then make all those animations empty so that pressing the expand-menu button doesn't mess it up for you.

[quote=Adje]At i61 however you were able to see the ammo of every player on the HUD. Does anyone have any idea how this works? I'm assuming it's a plugin of some sort but I'm still curious if it would be do-able to make something like this.[/quote]
It was a plugin. If you had the plugin it'd be easy, but afaik the plugin used for that isn't public.

Been using this hud lately, really liking it, but in order to see any of the options in the menu I have to click the 3 horizontal lines on the top left. Anyone know how to modify it so I don't have to click on anything to see everything?[/quote]
Change everything that gets animated by [url=https://github.com/n0kk/nuhud/blob/master/scripts/hudanimations_mmenu.txt]hudanimations_mmenu.txt[/url] to have MMenu_PlayList_Expand's xpos value by default. Then make all those animations empty so that pressing the expand-menu button doesn't mess it up for you.
0 Frags +
JarateKingChange everything that gets animated by hudanimations_mmenu.txt to have MMenu_PlayList_Expand's xpos value by default. Then make all those animations empty so that pressing the expand-menu button doesn't mess it up for you.

Thanks a bunch! New to hud editing hopefully it will work

Change everything that gets animated by [url=https://github.com/n0kk/nuhud/blob/master/scripts/hudanimations_mmenu.txt]hudanimations_mmenu.txt[/url] to have MMenu_PlayList_Expand's xpos value by default. Then make all those animations empty so that pressing the expand-menu button doesn't mess it up for you.[/quote]
Thanks a bunch! New to hud editing hopefully it will work
0 Frags +

How to make the ItemsContainer not move when the find a game button get clicked? This is in the main menu if you didn't know.

Edit: I keep asking things and after 2 minutes I find it, it's in the hudanimation_tf.txt as one may have guessed

How to make the ItemsContainer not move when the find a game button get clicked? This is in the main menu if you didn't know.

Edit: I keep asking things and after 2 minutes I find it, it's in the hudanimation_tf.txt as one may have guessed
0 Frags +
JarateKingpancake_stacksAnyway to display text vertical?Not a standard way.

You can set the label width to be low and wrap text, but each individual letter will remain normal. You'd need an entirely edited font if you want it to look like it was actually rotated 90 degrees, but even with that kerning will be completely fucked.

Only other way is to just get an individual label for each letter/number. But that takes a lot of work, is resolution & potentially system dependent, and (without tons of workarounds) won't work for things like health that aren't fixed text.

How do you wrap text?

[quote=JarateKing][quote=pancake_stacks]Anyway to display text vertical?[/quote]
Not a standard way.

You can set the label width to be low and wrap text, but each individual letter will remain normal. You'd need an entirely edited font if you want it to look like it was actually rotated 90 degrees, but even with that kerning will be completely fucked.

Only other way is to just get an individual label for each letter/number. But that takes a lot of work, is resolution & potentially system dependent, and (without tons of workarounds) won't work for things like health that aren't fixed text.[/quote]

How do you wrap text?
1 Frags +
pancake_stacksJarateKingpancake_stacksAnyway to display text vertical?Not a standard way.

You can set the label width to be low and wrap text, but each individual letter will remain normal. You'd need an entirely edited font if you want it to look like it was actually rotated 90 degrees, but even with that kerning will be completely fucked.

Only other way is to just get an individual label for each letter/number. But that takes a lot of work, is resolution & potentially system dependent, and (without tons of workarounds) won't work for things like health that aren't fixed text.

How do you wrap text?

All it takes is adding "wrap" "1" to the label iirc. I can't actually test atm but I believe that's all it takes (and is what the default hud uses in certain places to get wrapped text).

[quote=pancake_stacks][quote=JarateKing][quote=pancake_stacks]Anyway to display text vertical?[/quote]
Not a standard way.

You can set the label width to be low and wrap text, but each individual letter will remain normal. You'd need an entirely edited font if you want it to look like it was actually rotated 90 degrees, but even with that kerning will be completely fucked.

Only other way is to just get an individual label for each letter/number. But that takes a lot of work, is resolution & potentially system dependent, and (without tons of workarounds) won't work for things like health that aren't fixed text.[/quote]

How do you wrap text?[/quote]
All it takes is adding "wrap" "1" to the label iirc. I can't actually test atm but I believe that's all it takes (and is what the default hud uses in certain places to get wrapped text).
1 Frags +
JarateKingpancake_stacksJarateKingpancake_stacksAnyway to display text vertical?Not a standard way.

You can set the label width to be low and wrap text, but each individual letter will remain normal. You'd need an entirely edited font if you want it to look like it was actually rotated 90 degrees, but even with that kerning will be completely fucked.

Only other way is to just get an individual label for each letter/number. But that takes a lot of work, is resolution & potentially system dependent, and (without tons of workarounds) won't work for things like health that aren't fixed text.

How do you wrap text?
All it takes is adding "wrap" "1" to the label iirc. I can't actually test atm but I believe that's all it takes (and is what the default hud uses in certain places to get wrapped text).

You can also use “centerwrap” “1” to (obviously) center the wrapped text, which if you’re trying to make text vertical, may result in making the text look more consistent.

[quote=JarateKing][quote=pancake_stacks][quote=JarateKing][quote=pancake_stacks]Anyway to display text vertical?[/quote]
Not a standard way.

You can set the label width to be low and wrap text, but each individual letter will remain normal. You'd need an entirely edited font if you want it to look like it was actually rotated 90 degrees, but even with that kerning will be completely fucked.

Only other way is to just get an individual label for each letter/number. But that takes a lot of work, is resolution & potentially system dependent, and (without tons of workarounds) won't work for things like health that aren't fixed text.[/quote]

How do you wrap text?[/quote]
All it takes is adding "wrap" "1" to the label iirc. I can't actually test atm but I believe that's all it takes (and is what the default hud uses in certain places to get wrapped text).[/quote]
You can also use “centerwrap” “1” to (obviously) center the wrapped text, which if you’re trying to make text vertical, may result in making the text look more consistent.
0 Frags +

Ok, thanks guys. Is there anyway to make the text make the text start from the bottom and go up, opposed to it going down? Maybe use position south?

Ok, thanks guys. Is there anyway to make the text make the text start from the bottom and go up, opposed to it going down? Maybe use position south?
0 Frags +

so i'm using m0rehud black, and i've got some missing textures. i am on a new pc, maybe that's the reason why.


so i'm using m0rehud black, and i've got some missing textures. i am on a new pc, maybe that's the reason why.

0 Frags +

I got this hud called "Evansmorehud" from ams, and this is what happens:
it just get default hud with some diff font.
how can i fix it?

I got this hud called "Evansmorehud" from ams, and this is what happens:
it just get default hud with some diff font.
how can i fix it?
0 Frags +
maniacalso i'm using m0rehud black, and i've got some missing textures. i am on a new pc, maybe that's the reason why.


Looks almost like you are missinge the materials folder, or something is messed up in the clientscheme.
Thats the color you get when a texture is missing and the border quik used there has a custom material so check if you have the material folder there first of all.

SkyH4ighI got this hud called "Evansmorehud" from ams, and this is what happens:
it just get default hud with some diff font.
how can i fix it?

Add the info.vdf file, take it from whatever hud and change the name inside it to match the name of the hud folder

[quote=maniacal]so i'm using m0rehud black, and i've got some missing textures. i am on a new pc, maybe that's the reason why.


Looks almost like you are missinge the materials folder, or something is messed up in the clientscheme.
Thats the color you get when a texture is missing and the border quik used there has a custom material so check if you have the material folder there first of all.

[quote=SkyH4igh]I got this hud called "Evansmorehud" from ams, and this is what happens:
it just get default hud with some diff font.
how can i fix it?[/quote]

Add the info.vdf file, take it from whatever hud and change the name inside it to match the name of the hud folder
0 Frags +

uh what is the "info.vdf" file, im retarded.

uh what is the "info.vdf" file, im retarded.
0 Frags +
pancake_stacksOk, thanks guys. Is there anyway to make the text make the text start from the bottom and go up, opposed to it going down? Maybe use position south?

Spelling the word backwards would probably do it efficiently.

[quote=pancake_stacks]Ok, thanks guys. Is there anyway to make the text make the text start from the bottom and go up, opposed to it going down? Maybe use position south?[/quote]
Spelling the word backwards would probably do it efficiently.
1 ⋅⋅ 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 ⋅⋅ 234
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