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Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread
posted in Customization
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junnum4nntell me please what hud is thaigrr using here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ArRAnYZmD4https://github.com/Hypnootize/Yahud-Old


[quote=junnu][quote=m4nn]tell me please what hud is thaigrr using here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ArRAnYZmD4[/quote]
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HbagdXY6E&t=51s anyone know what this soldier crosshair is? is it crosshair6OL on cfg.tf? if so, could anyone hazard a guess at what the crosshair_scale is? been playing around with it for a bit but can't seem to get it right. if it's a different crosshair entirely that's cool too

edit: think it probably is crosshair6OL at about 22 scale, which is annoying because it means for all of my other weapons the crosshair is way too small. I know I can bind switching to change the scale, but thats pretty inconvenient - especially since I like to switch weapons with Q. if anyone has any advice or knows of a different VTF which is the same but smaller by default then lmk :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HbagdXY6E&t=51s anyone know what this soldier crosshair is? is it crosshair6OL on cfg.tf? if so, could anyone hazard a guess at what the crosshair_scale is? been playing around with it for a bit but can't seem to get it right. if it's a different crosshair entirely that's cool too

edit: think it probably is crosshair6OL at about 22 scale, which is annoying because it means for all of my other weapons the crosshair is way too small. I know I can bind switching to change the scale, but thats pretty inconvenient - especially since I like to switch weapons with Q. if anyone has any advice or knows of a different VTF which is the same but smaller by default then lmk :)
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JWBhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HbagdXY6E&t=51s anyone know what this soldier crosshair is? is it crosshair6OL on cfg.tf? if so, could anyone hazard a guess at what the crosshair_scale is? been playing around with it for a bit but can't seem to get it right. if it's a different crosshair entirely that's cool too

edit: think it probably is crosshair6OL at about 22 scale, which is annoying because it means for all of my other weapons the crosshair is way too small. I know I can bind switching to change the scale, but thats pretty inconvenient - especially since I like to switch weapons with Q. if anyone has any advice or knows of a different VTF which is the same but smaller by default then lmk :)

crosshair ql_3 on cfg.tf

[quote=JWB]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HbagdXY6E&t=51s anyone know what this soldier crosshair is? is it crosshair6OL on cfg.tf? if so, could anyone hazard a guess at what the crosshair_scale is? been playing around with it for a bit but can't seem to get it right. if it's a different crosshair entirely that's cool too

edit: think it probably is crosshair6OL at about 22 scale, which is annoying because it means for all of my other weapons the crosshair is way too small. I know I can bind switching to change the scale, but thats pretty inconvenient - especially since I like to switch weapons with Q. if anyone has any advice or knows of a different VTF which is the same but smaller by default then lmk :)[/quote]
crosshair ql_3 on cfg.tf
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chunkeyyyJWBhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HbagdXY6E&t=51s anyone know what this soldier crosshair is? is it crosshair6OL on cfg.tf? if so, could anyone hazard a guess at what the crosshair_scale is? been playing around with it for a bit but can't seem to get it right. if it's a different crosshair entirely that's cool too

edit: think it probably is crosshair6OL at about 22 scale, which is annoying because it means for all of my other weapons the crosshair is way too small. I know I can bind switching to change the scale, but thats pretty inconvenient - especially since I like to switch weapons with Q. if anyone has any advice or knows of a different VTF which is the same but smaller by default then lmk :)
crosshair ql_3 on cfg.tf


[quote=chunkeyyy][quote=JWB]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HbagdXY6E&t=51s anyone know what this soldier crosshair is? is it crosshair6OL on cfg.tf? if so, could anyone hazard a guess at what the crosshair_scale is? been playing around with it for a bit but can't seem to get it right. if it's a different crosshair entirely that's cool too

edit: think it probably is crosshair6OL at about 22 scale, which is annoying because it means for all of my other weapons the crosshair is way too small. I know I can bind switching to change the scale, but thats pretty inconvenient - especially since I like to switch weapons with Q. if anyone has any advice or knows of a different VTF which is the same but smaller by default then lmk :)[/quote]
crosshair ql_3 on cfg.tf[/quote]
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updated link to shadowburn hud?

updated link to shadowburn hud?
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The one on gamebanana should do the trick

The one on gamebanana should do the trick
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denisbit13updated link to shadowburn hud?


Just need to mess with the overrides files

[quote=denisbit13]updated link to shadowburn hud?[/quote]

Just need to mess with the overrides files
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hello does anyone have this edit of rayshud?


hello does anyone have this edit of rayshud?

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fygghello does anyone have this edit of rayshud?



[quote=fygg]hello does anyone have this edit of rayshud?


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any1 got a dl link to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlhhr2ftxjY&t=74s
all links in his videos and the ones he posted on tftv r dead

any1 got a dl link to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlhhr2ftxjY&t=74s
all links in his videos and the ones he posted on tftv r dead
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denisbit13any1 got a dl link to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlhhr2ftxjY&t=74s
all links in his videos and the ones he posted on tftv r dead

i posted this a while back. should be the one you’re looking for

[quote=denisbit13]any1 got a dl link to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlhhr2ftxjY&t=74s
all links in his videos and the ones he posted on tftv r dead[/quote]
i posted this a while back. should be the one you’re looking for
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szDvZ_5W3xk The fun thing is, that I can't find this hud anywhere, so I'm asking for help.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szDvZ_5W3xk The fun thing is, that I can't find this hud anywhere, so I'm asking for help.
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m4nnhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szDvZ_5W3xk The fun thing is, that I can't find this hud anywhere, so I'm asking for help.

just need to change the color

[quote=m4nn]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szDvZ_5W3xk The fun thing is, that I can't find this hud anywhere, so I'm asking for help.[/quote]
just need to change the color
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Scoutmanm4nnhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szDvZ_5W3xk The fun thing is, that I can't find this hud anywhere, so I'm asking for help.https://www.teamfortress.tv/48176/collyhud
just need to change the color

I think it's one of the presets, maybe number 2? so you don't have to fuck around with positioning

edit: my bad was thinking about uwui, but preset 2 of uwui does look super similar

[quote=Scoutman][quote=m4nn]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szDvZ_5W3xk The fun thing is, that I can't find this hud anywhere, so I'm asking for help.[/quote]
just need to change the color[/quote]
I think it's one of the presets, maybe number 2? so you don't have to fuck around with positioning

edit: my bad was thinking about uwui, but preset 2 of uwui does look super similar
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LUKASTANKfygghello does anyone have this edit of rayshud?




[quote=LUKASTANK][quote=fygg]hello does anyone have this edit of rayshud?


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anyone got garm3n hud rs anywhere

anyone got garm3n hud rs anywhere
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pretty sure https://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=217


pretty sure https://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=217
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pretty sure https://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=217

No, it's his m0rehud edit. Just a smaller font and the no team colored background health cross customization that comes with m0rehud, iirc. I can't find the dl right now, but it is for sure out there.


pretty sure https://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=217[/quote]
No, it's his m0rehud edit. Just a smaller font and the no team colored background health cross customization that comes with m0rehud, iirc. I can't find the dl right now, but it is for sure out there.
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all you had to do was type '!hud' in his chat lol


all you had to do was type '!hud' in his chat lol
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https://youtu.be/2Uu-JH1P3WE anyone got this hud? or is it some creation of his own and unreleased

https://youtu.be/2Uu-JH1P3WE anyone got this hud? or is it some creation of his own and unreleased
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bijlolhttps://youtu.be/2Uu-JH1P3WE anyone got this hud? or is it some creation of his own and unreleased

It's either an old version of grapehud or goathud, I can't remember.
There's supposed to be a minmode version of the HUD that moves everything to the corners of the screen.

[quote=bijlol]https://youtu.be/2Uu-JH1P3WE anyone got this hud? or is it some creation of his own and unreleased[/quote]
It's either an old version of grapehud or goathud, I can't remember.
There's supposed to be a minmode version of the HUD that moves everything to the corners of the screen.
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wut hud

wut hud
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wut hud


wut hud[/quote]
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What's this crosshair

What's this crosshair
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What's this crosshair

could be just about any small generic outlined cross. cfg.tf has smallcrosshair7OL and ql_2 which are both basically that

What's this crosshair[/quote]
could be just about any small generic outlined cross. cfg.tf has smallcrosshair7OL and ql_2 which are both basically that
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What's this crosshair
could be just about any small generic outlined cross. cfg.tf has smallcrosshair7OL and ql_2 which are both basically that

Thank you very much

What's this crosshair[/quote]
could be just about any small generic outlined cross. cfg.tf has smallcrosshair7OL and ql_2 which are both basically that[/quote]
Thank you very much
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There is a crosshair generator for CSGO:
Does anyone know? Is there something similar for TF2??

There is a crosshair generator for CSGO:
Does anyone know? Is there something similar for TF2??
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MasterYoda7557There is a crosshair generator for CSGO:
Does anyone know? Is there something similar for TF2??

I mean really the only other place to kind of do this is to go and see the options in cfg.tf
That and also the fact you can make something with hud crosshair customization and given the choice make your own crosshair in VTF editor

[quote=MasterYoda7557]There is a crosshair generator for CSGO:
Does anyone know? Is there something similar for TF2??[/quote]
I mean really the only other place to kind of do this is to go and see the options in cfg.tf
That and also the fact you can make something with hud crosshair customization and given the choice make your own crosshair in VTF editor
1 ⋅⋅ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ⋅⋅ 52
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