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RGL Division Restructure
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21 Frags +

div 2 time

div 2 time
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in favor

in favor
22 Frags +

Might as well name all the non-Invite divisions with numbers. Makes for a cleaner look, but yeah overall good realignment.

Might as well name all the non-Invite divisions with numbers. Makes for a cleaner look, but yeah overall good realignment.
18 Frags +

tha playmo paragraph

rglThis has been done due to teams not consulting admins before picking up inappropriately experienced players
tha playmo paragraph
[quote=rgl]This has been done due to teams not consulting admins before picking up inappropriately experienced players[/quote]
18 Frags +
Virgildiv 2 time

give these guys div1 they deserve

[quote=Virgil]div 2 time[/quote]
give these guys div1 they deserve
29 Frags +

happy ive been grinding non-stop for the past 3 seasons to finally be moved down a div!

happy ive been grinding non-stop for the past 3 seasons to finally be moved down a div!
8 Frags +
zandaVirgildiv 2 timegive these guys div1 they deserve
[quote=zanda][quote=Virgil]div 2 time[/quote]
give these guys div1 they deserve[/quote]
67 Frags +

I don't know how you get from me playing demo in main and still losing to half of main to, "Gotta split the divs and move this team up to mini advanced". Are the rgl admins actually this fucking incompetent at running any semblance of a league, or did I really just piss boxcar off that fucking bad just for beating her in a single night of scrims. Maybe you guys should figure out what the hell running a league actually means before changing 3 divs 24 hours before asking for people to give you money. However I doubt that would happen seeing as you guys cant even ban someone and stand by it, the sheer lack of competence in what you do to have to unban people hours after banning them is fucking astounding. Regardless, good luck running this joke of a league that seems to piss people off on a weekly basis and sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Go fuck yourselves.

I don't know how you get from me playing demo in main and still losing to half of main to, "Gotta split the divs and move this team up to mini advanced". Are the rgl admins actually this fucking incompetent at running any semblance of a league, or did I really just piss boxcar off that fucking bad just for beating her in a single night of scrims. Maybe you guys should figure out what the hell running a league actually means before changing 3 divs 24 hours before asking for people to give you money. However I doubt that would happen seeing as you guys cant even ban someone and stand by it, the sheer lack of competence in what you do to have to unban people hours after banning them is fucking astounding. Regardless, good luck running this joke of a league that seems to piss people off on a weekly basis and sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Go fuck yourselves.
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this is probably a good idea tbh considering the skill gap between the d1 and d2 teams

this is probably a good idea tbh considering the skill gap between the d1 and d2 teams
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20 Frags +

this killed our team thanks

this killed our team thanks
19 Frags +

teams dead lol thx

teams dead lol thx
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mekdeddythis killed our team thanksEntropyTFteams dead lol thx

RGL killed our team
Thanks :)

[quote=mekdeddy]this killed our team thanks[/quote]
[quote=EntropyTF]teams dead lol thx[/quote]
RGL killed our team
Thanks :)
24 Frags +

also i need my money back sigafoo $10 please

also i need my money back sigafoo $10 please
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Virgilalso i need my money back sigafoo $10 please
[quote=Virgil]also i need my money back sigafoo $10 please[/quote]
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EntropyTFteams dead lol thx

we had u in mumble earlier when we were trying to make this decision and you said you didn't see any problems with this

[quote=EntropyTF]teams dead lol thx[/quote]
we had u in mumble earlier when we were trying to make this decision and you said you didn't see any problems with this
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Playmo for president 2020

Playmo for president 2020
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THEBILLDOZERPlaymo for president 2020

this is how we get our major

[quote=THEBILLDOZER]Playmo for president 2020[/quote]
this is how we get our major
22 Frags +

How is this fair to the players that actually wanted to play advanced? Just so they could be transfered into glorified main? How do these logistics work for the prize pool, was this decision polled around the community in any way? If I was playing this season I'd quit. Stop pulling this shit from out of nowhere, give the teams the experience they want, not the experience the RGL Admins think they want.

How is this fair to the players that actually wanted to play advanced? Just so they could be transfered into glorified main? How do these logistics work for the prize pool, was this decision polled around the community in any way? If I was playing this season I'd quit. Stop pulling this shit from out of nowhere, give the teams the experience they want, not the experience the RGL Admins think they want.
-1 Frags +

Can't wait to play high open again after grinding for 2 seasons to play advanced :)

Can't wait to play high open again after grinding for 2 seasons to play advanced :)
5 Frags +

I was looking forward to playing against all the good teams in main and now I'm div 3, this is so lame.

I was looking forward to playing against all the good teams in main and now I'm div 3, this is so lame.
37 Frags +

i agree with this change but not the time that it happened

the people in top advanced and bottom advanced are nowhere near each other in skill level and i feel like the difference big enough for a new division but i think that doing it 1 day before people pay up is really fucking retarded

people should know what division they are playing prior to paying for it

Show Content
if ur gonna call them div1 and div2 u should prob name everything after that 3 4 5 etc
i agree with this change but not the time that it happened

the people in top advanced and bottom advanced are nowhere near each other in skill level and i feel like the difference big enough for a new division but i think that doing it 1 day before people pay up is really fucking retarded

people should know what division they are playing prior to paying for it

[spoiler]if ur gonna call them div1 and div2 u should prob name everything after that 3 4 5 etc[/spoiler]
0 Frags +

how big would div 2 be if you did not add any main teams?

how big would div 2 be if you did not add any main teams?
-26 Frags +
ScreamStop pulling this shit from out of nowhere, give the teams the experience they want, not the experience the RGL Admins think they want.

almost everybody we talked to today agreed this change would be good and people have messaged us since then saying that they think they're good changes

VanxiCan't wait to play high open again after grinding for 2 seasons to play advanced :)

you can play against the bottom two teams in Div-1 to try and qualify for your spot

cleanbuddyhow big would div 2 be if you did not add any main teams?

8 teams

[quote=Scream]Stop pulling this shit from out of nowhere, give the teams the experience they want, not the experience the RGL Admins think they want.[/quote]
almost everybody we talked to today agreed this change would be good and people have messaged us since then saying that they think they're good changes

[quote=Vanxi]Can't wait to play high open again after grinding for 2 seasons to play advanced :)[/quote]
you can play against the bottom two teams in Div-1 to try and qualify for your spot

[quote=cleanbuddy]how big would div 2 be if you did not add any main teams?[/quote]
8 teams
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19 Frags +

i genuinely want to know what the decision process was for moving teams up. for our team, was it literally just having playmo on an offclass? We were scrimming and losing to teams that were left in main, if anyone would've cared to look at logs for literally 5 minutes before making a decision. I was told we had several admins give us the ok to have playmo on demo in main before we actually committed to having him play it.

I don't care about the change itself, the change isn't bad, but this is something that should've been done months ago, not literally right before the season was about to start.

I just wasted so much fucking time on this game just to get fucked because of this.


i genuinely want to know what the decision process was for moving teams up. for our team, was it literally just having playmo on an offclass? We were scrimming and losing to teams that were left in main, if anyone would've cared to look at logs for literally 5 minutes before making a decision. I was told we had several admins give us the ok to have playmo on demo in main before we actually committed to having him play it.

I don't care about the change itself, the change isn't bad, but this is something that should've been done months ago, not literally right before the season was about to start.

I just wasted so much fucking time on this game just to get fucked because of this.
24 Frags +

>be me
>seasoned tf2 veteran (who's never been good XD)
>give game tons of time and love only to see it destroyed slowly by shitty admins and sigafoo

mfw https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1029581270238279781/5E5E2F7CD083576670B22F9AE4268232239AAAD0/

>be me
>seasoned tf2 veteran (who's never been good XD)
>give game tons of time and love only to see it destroyed slowly by shitty admins and sigafoo

mfw https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1029581270238279781/5E5E2F7CD083576670B22F9AE4268232239AAAD0/
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