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0 Frags +

After the hypest LAN Grand Finals you will EVER see, we are eager to hear your opinion of this event as a whole!
We are interested in what went well, what you liked, and what our mistakes were so we can get better for next year!

Shoot away!

After the hypest LAN Grand Finals you will EVER see, we are eager to hear your opinion of this event as a whole!
We are interested in what went well, what you liked, and what our mistakes were so we can get better for next year!

Shoot away!
19 Frags +

Really well written script for the final, but I'd have made Gary win personally

Really well written script for the final, but I'd have made Gary win personally
8 Frags +

bar???? closed????????

love GAry he should have won

bar???? closed????????

love GAry he should have won
4 Frags +

A stage for the final would have been great, other than that I have nothing but positive things to say. Huge shoutout to everyone who made this happen and production for doing your thing and working super hard!

Edit: bar closing was also pretty bad. We sorted it out in the most tf2 way possible. But I'm thinking maybe next year you could start 1 day earlier in order to have the grand finals on a saturday

A stage for the final would have been great, other than that I have nothing but positive things to say. Huge shoutout to everyone who made this happen and production for doing your thing and working super hard!

Edit: bar closing was also pretty bad. We sorted it out in the most tf2 way possible. But I'm thinking maybe next year you could start 1 day earlier in order to have the grand finals on a saturday
4 Frags +
twiikuubar???? closed????????

nvm turns out you can just stun lock barmen

[quote=twiikuu]bar???? closed????????[/quote]
nvm turns out you can just stun lock barmen
4 Frags +

great Lan, good location

personally I would have liked a formally organised b tournament playoffs, but that's the only thing I'd change.

hoping for more LANs at rcadia, would definitely attend again

great Lan, good location

personally I would have liked a formally organised b tournament playoffs, but that's the only thing I'd change.

hoping for more LANs at rcadia, would definitely attend again
Fireside Casts
7 Frags +

wish stream quality couldve been at a steady 60 fps, otherwise major props to production!!

if there is a need for remote casters for next lan i'll definitely volunteer, esp if there is a need for remote casters for a weekend lan like this. always happy to help out with production

wish stream quality couldve been at a steady 60 fps, otherwise major props to production!!

if there is a need for remote casters for next lan i'll definitely volunteer, esp if there is a need for remote casters for a weekend lan like this. always happy to help out with production
2 Frags +

karaoke good
pub quiz good but needs a mic next time
venue very good
stage next time?

karaoke good
pub quiz good but needs a mic next time
venue very good
stage next time?
2 Frags +

Like Whip said the b playoffs would've been nice to see + a less strict timetable for the ulti tournament seeing that like 50+% of the games got forfeited by admins cause of the 30min limit each round.
Stage for finals would've been nice aswell but besides that was a really great lan

Like Whip said the b playoffs would've been nice to see + a less strict timetable for the ulti tournament seeing that like 50+% of the games got forfeited by admins cause of the 30min limit each round.
Stage for finals would've been nice aswell but besides that was a really great lan
31 Frags +

I really appreciated how this was a tf2 only event and how they set up everything for us before we even got there. Crazy convenience for us players.

That being said, can we just ditch iseries for this? Just so much more value

I really appreciated how this was a tf2 only event and how they set up everything for us before we even got there. Crazy convenience for us players.

That being said, can we just ditch iseries for this? Just so much more value
15 Frags +

That being said, can we just ditch iseries for this? Just so much more value

^ 2nded, have 2 eu lans a year with cph and this, maybe 3 with france?

That being said, can we just ditch iseries for this? Just so much more value

^ 2nded, have 2 eu lans a year with cph and this, maybe 3 with france?
15 Frags +

someone should have put on sweet victory during the karaoke
other than that please stream on tftv and provide dedicated servers for invite teams

also yes please just come to germany, let iseries die

someone should have put on sweet victory during the karaoke
other than that please stream on tftv and provide dedicated servers for invite teams

also yes please just come to germany, let iseries die
8 Frags +

The lan had quite low viewership but honestly i don't really think there is much you can do there. The games were great and from what people who were there have said the venue was good too.

Lets move on from iseries!

The lan had quite low viewership but honestly i don't really think there is much you can do there. The games were great and from what people who were there have said the venue was good too.

Lets move on from iseries!
22 Frags +

all my homies hate iseries

Edit: Venue was great, good hardware as well. Probably the best community/social lan I've ever been to.

all my homies hate iseries

Edit: Venue was great, good hardware as well. Probably the best community/social lan I've ever been to.
0 Frags +

i loved it but the monitors were kinda bad

i loved it but the monitors were kinda bad
16 Frags +

Surely there's a space/hall for a stage, even if its just a row of tables for the players and an area with chairs for the crowd. As much as i loved to sit right behind the finalists during the games, it adds an extra motivation/reward for the top players to be able to conpete in front of a crowd, with the extra benefit of having crowd noise for the stream. Everything else was pretty much perfect, dont think a tf2 lan can get any better than this. +1 to ditch insomnia, even talking to production members they hate working with multiplay, why bother when we have so many better/cheaper options.

Surely there's a space/hall for a stage, even if its just a row of tables for the players and an area with chairs for the crowd. As much as i loved to sit right behind the finalists during the games, it adds an extra motivation/reward for the top players to be able to conpete in front of a crowd, with the extra benefit of having crowd noise for the stream. Everything else was pretty much perfect, dont think a tf2 lan can get any better than this. +1 to ditch insomnia, even talking to production members they hate working with multiplay, why bother when we have so many better/cheaper options.
14 Frags +

Need better organisation concerning the bar. Someone probably just has to take the time to make sure the venues are aware we drink and stay longer after the grand finals.

It's not the first time this happens.
Heard a story from DrHappiness we once drained the insomnia bar within 1-2 hours (i63? i65? idr).
CPG2018 they kicked us out the PC hall because the venue thought nobody stays once the grand finals are over.
CPG2019 all the cs:go people left on the final night. The afterparty was all the TF2 people hanging out and maybe like 20 people from not-TF2 at the afterparty

Maybe we're just different compared to the bigger scenes and they mostly leave once GF are over?

This time around they estimated to close the venue on midnight after grand finals, but closed the venue at 2-3am on other nights (aka it got to 4am and the bartenders asked us to leave the karaoke because they were tired).
The bar almost closed at like 11pm after grand finals because everyone was at the award ceremony. The bartenders (bless them) stayed a couple hours longer on the final night and gave us a crate of free beer hoping that'd do it for the rest of the night (it did not and like 20-30 people scared the shit out of a gas station employee by arriving there at like 2am)

As a result the bar was then also stacked with empty beer bottles from outside the venue, which we are definitely to blame for. But wouldn't have happened had the venue been able to anticipate we party after grand finals.
I left for the airport at 3am so never got to see the aftermath. I can only hope some people helped clean up when things calmed down.

Also this isn't feedback
But Chiers stayed until 2am during the final night to make sure we were able to have a proper closing of the LAN and be loud. And when she did finally leave at like 2am and made sure we knew she was gone and we'd be at risk of being kicked out for the noise people just laughed it off. Disappointing ngl. Chiers worked hard for us

Need better organisation concerning the bar. Someone probably just has to take the time to make sure the venues are aware we drink and stay longer after the grand finals.

It's not the first time this happens.
Heard a story from DrHappiness we once drained the insomnia bar within 1-2 hours (i63? i65? idr).
CPG2018 they kicked us out the PC hall because the venue thought nobody stays once the grand finals are over.
CPG2019 all the cs:go people left on the final night. The afterparty was all the TF2 people hanging out and maybe like 20 people from not-TF2 at the afterparty

Maybe we're just different compared to the bigger scenes and they mostly leave once GF are over?

This time around they estimated to close the venue on midnight after grand finals, but closed the venue at 2-3am on other nights (aka it got to 4am and the bartenders asked us to leave the karaoke because they were tired).
The bar almost closed at like 11pm after grand finals because everyone was at the award ceremony. The bartenders (bless them) stayed a couple hours longer on the final night and gave us a crate of free beer hoping that'd do it for the rest of the night (it did not and like 20-30 people scared the shit out of a gas station employee by arriving there at like 2am)

As a result the bar was then also stacked with empty beer bottles from outside the venue, which we are definitely to blame for. But wouldn't have happened had the venue been able to anticipate we party after grand finals.
I left for the airport at 3am so never got to see the aftermath. I can only hope some people helped clean up when things calmed down.

Also this isn't feedback
But Chiers stayed until 2am during the final night to make sure we were able to have a proper closing of the LAN and be loud. And when she did finally leave at like 2am and made sure we knew she was gone and we'd be at risk of being kicked out for the noise people just laughed it off. Disappointing ngl. Chiers worked hard for us
12 Frags +

The venue was great, I love the community feel when its only tf2 players, goes up easily with cph19 as one of the best lans for me as a social experience. The bar was great, and the karaoke a bonus, though as Tob said, might wanna warn them next time what we can be like as a community. As Gaz said the way it was all setup ready for us was amazing. Would 100% attend again.

We had a few (a lot) of PC and monitor issues, I think I changed monitors a total of 4 times on the first day, Josh also went through a couple PCS and a couple monitors himself so that were a little frustrating but honestly not the end of the world. A stage would have also been nice but its also not necessary.

As for ditching iseries, I live 40 minutes away from it and It still breaks the bank for me to attend as a player, which emphasises how bad it is for those travelling in for it. I think I said to a few people after the most recent one that was the last time I'd attend as a player given the cost/benefit of it all. If it keeps going I will happily always turn up as a spec because of how many people love to go as its always been the staple of tf2 lans in EU, but it would take some significant convincing to get me personally there as a player again.

The venue was great, I love the community feel when its only tf2 players, goes up easily with cph19 as one of the best lans for me as a social experience. The bar was great, and the karaoke a bonus, though as Tob said, might wanna warn them next time what we can be like as a community. As Gaz said the way it was all setup ready for us was amazing. Would 100% attend again.

We had a few (a lot) of PC and monitor issues, I think I changed monitors a total of 4 times on the first day, Josh also went through a couple PCS and a couple monitors himself so that were a little frustrating but honestly not the end of the world. A stage would have also been nice but its also not necessary.

As for ditching iseries, I live 40 minutes away from it and It still breaks the bank for me to attend as a player, which emphasises how bad it is for those travelling in for it. I think I said to a few people after the most recent one that was the last time I'd attend as a player given the cost/benefit of it all. If it keeps going I will happily always turn up as a spec because of how many people love to go as its always been the staple of tf2 lans in EU, but it would take some significant convincing to get me personally there as a player again.
12 Frags +

i am interested to hear from players and spectators about what they thought of extra round end time.
for me as a caster at least those 5 seconds really went a long way so i didnt have to rush or overflow into a midfight, it seemed it gave teams some nice extra talk time too, but it looked strange on stream that everyone was kind of awkwardly standing around for a bit too long after the round end jingle (we maybe could try to fill time with replays here?). it would also be better if we can refund those few seconds to the map time somehow, but thats very minor.

die iSeries die.

i am interested to hear from players and spectators about what they thought of extra round end time.
for me as a caster at least those 5 seconds really went a long way so i didnt have to rush or overflow into a midfight, it seemed it gave teams some nice extra talk time too, but it looked strange on stream that everyone was kind of awkwardly standing around for a bit too long after the round end jingle (we maybe could try to fill time with replays here?). it would also be better if we can refund those few seconds to the map time somehow, but thats very minor.

die iSeries die.
7 Frags +

I kinda like the extra seconds, gives a little bit more time for discussion but also lowers the comeback potential a tiny tiny bit but it doesnt matter. I like that we had tac pauses available however we forgot to use it lol :D

iseries bust the bank completely. I think I spend 2-3 times more money going to iseries than rcadia. if we know we have copenhagen and rcadia happening every year we should focus on them. The only good thing with iseries is that there is usually alot of people attending and the stage but I think the attendence will never get back to pre covid levels especially now with the options we have and how expensive it is even as a spectator. Spec ticket is expensive, byoc ticket expensive, travel expensive, hotel expensive, bar/food expensive, rental expensive everything is just expensive and the tf2 is so spread out so it lacks that special community feeling we get at copenhagen and rcadia where we are all together

I kinda like the extra seconds, gives a little bit more time for discussion but also lowers the comeback potential a tiny tiny bit but it doesnt matter. I like that we had tac pauses available however we forgot to use it lol :D

iseries bust the bank completely. I think I spend 2-3 times more money going to iseries than rcadia. if we know we have copenhagen and rcadia happening every year we should focus on them. The only good thing with iseries is that there is usually alot of people attending and the stage but I think the attendence will never get back to pre covid levels especially now with the options we have and how expensive it is even as a spectator. Spec ticket is expensive, byoc ticket expensive, travel expensive, hotel expensive, bar/food expensive, rental expensive everything is just expensive and the tf2 is so spread out so it lacks that special community feeling we get at copenhagen and rcadia where we are all together
5 Frags +

long timer is fine and even more incentive to get rid of tac pause entirely. i dont think tac pauses belong in this game, the skill is all in efficient communication and fast problem-solving and tac pauses lets chimps like my team cheese wins. also they destroy flow of the game, which always sucks when ur feeling it. tho its a hard argument cus even if theyre banned people can get one if they want by faking a tech.

long timer is fine and even more incentive to get rid of tac pause entirely. i dont think tac pauses belong in this game, the skill is all in efficient communication and fast problem-solving and tac pauses lets chimps like my team cheese wins. also they destroy flow of the game, which always sucks when ur feeling it. tho its a hard argument cus even if theyre banned people can get one if they want by faking a tech.
10 Frags +

i second pretty much everything in this thread but i wish for the day where we can have a lan hall with normal lights instead of the red/blue rgb gamer lighting

i second pretty much everything in this thread but i wish for the day where we can have a lan hall with normal lights instead of the red/blue rgb gamer lighting
8 Frags +
Wandumi second pretty much everything in this thread but i wish for the day where we can have a lan hall with normal lights instead of the red/blue rgb gamer lighting

i hated this so much, the only feedback i left in the google form regarding the hall was to have normal ceiling white lights. also would be nice to actually properly isolate the unused door next to where we were sat, it was so cold i had to wear gloves before every game.

[quote=Wandum]i second pretty much everything in this thread but i wish for the day where we can have a lan hall with normal lights instead of the red/blue rgb gamer lighting[/quote]
i hated this so much, the only feedback i left in the google form regarding the hall was to have normal ceiling white lights. also would be nice to actually properly isolate the unused door next to where we were sat, it was so cold i had to wear gloves before every game.
12 Frags +

when is rcadia 2.

also giga agree with everyone complaining about iseries, i was 100% not going to go to i69 if it werent for my i65 team convincing lilcute to go. cost is absurd plus mulitplay do not give us support.

when is rcadia 2.

also giga agree with everyone complaining about iseries, i was 100% not going to go to i69 if it werent for my i65 team convincing lilcute to go. cost is absurd plus mulitplay do not give us support.
9 Frags +

Although there was no stage and I do see the appeal to a stage, I personally really enjoyed having all the people who wished to watch us sit behind us as I could feel their energy so much more when even something small happened like getting a med kill or a clutch last hold.
I know that everyone will get to watch from in front of said stage but the hall was split evenly viewers wise behind both teams and hearing both teams erupt with their fans behind them at the same was sensational so I don't see no stage as a bad thing.

The extra round timer is lovely but I think having pauses and keeping it within the time limit allocated to the pause itself I think is the best way to continue with it, two minutes for the pause feels plenty enough as it won't completely diminish any momentum one team has. It's also useful time for the team with said momentum because you can try to think of what's coming next, what different strategy is going to be played, etc.

Although there was no stage and I do see the appeal to a stage, I personally really enjoyed having all the people who wished to watch us sit behind us as I could feel their energy so much more when even something small happened like getting a med kill or a clutch last hold.
I know that everyone will get to watch from in front of said stage but the hall was split evenly viewers wise behind both teams and hearing both teams erupt with their fans behind them at the same was sensational so I don't see no stage as a bad thing.

The extra round timer is lovely but I think having pauses and keeping it within the time limit allocated to the pause itself I think is the best way to continue with it, two minutes for the pause feels plenty enough as it won't completely diminish any momentum one team has. It's also useful time for the team with said momentum because you can try to think of what's coming next, what different strategy is going to be played, etc.
8 Frags +

I'm happy to see people voice the same concerns I've had with iSeries as well, even dating back to pre-covid.
Mainly because it's not a TF2-dedicated event and we always get royally fucking destroyed by scheduling and delays completely out of our control, on top of the costs and the (worst part) fact it's in the UK.

RCADIA was a fucking blast tho, can't wait to be back tbh

I'm happy to see people voice the same concerns I've had with iSeries as well, even dating back to pre-covid.
Mainly because it's not a TF2-dedicated event and we always get royally fucking destroyed by scheduling and delays completely out of our control, on top of the costs and the (worst part) fact it's in the UK.

RCADIA was a fucking blast tho, can't wait to be back tbh
10 Frags +

Agree with everything said comparing this LAN to iSeries, rental prices were fucking sick as well. Having the hotel and the venue in the same building was super nice too.
BIG agree on the lighting, was hard to see and I feel like it made me sleepy + I kept knocking over one light fixture close to me.
Only thing that I would add is that I really enjoyed having a Grand Final that started earlier than usual. I know Insomnia gets delays all the time so it was not the admins' fault but having it start around the late afternoon makes it so much better for the afterparty and for people who have to leave early in the morning.

Agree with everything said comparing this LAN to iSeries, rental prices were fucking sick as well. Having the hotel and the venue in the same building was super nice too.
BIG agree on the lighting, was hard to see and I feel like it made me sleepy + I kept knocking over one light fixture close to me.
Only thing that I would add is that I really enjoyed having a Grand Final that started earlier than usual. I know Insomnia gets delays all the time so it was not the admins' fault but having it start around the late afternoon makes it so much better for the afterparty and for people who have to leave early in the morning.
4 Frags +

I did not catch most of the LAN on the stream. Feedback:
Make the date of the event clearer. In this article https://www.teamfortress.tv/62310/rcadia-fortress-tf2-community-lan the date is first mentioned in the 4th paragraph. I think it should be in the first paragraph.
I saw an interview with 2 swedes. The volume difference between the host and the swedes was massive. Should probably do a sound check before interviews.

I did not catch most of the LAN on the stream. Feedback:
Make the date of the event clearer. In this article https://www.teamfortress.tv/62310/rcadia-fortress-tf2-community-lan the date is first mentioned in the 4th paragraph. I think it should be in the first paragraph.
I saw an interview with 2 swedes. The volume difference between the host and the swedes was massive. Should probably do a sound check before interviews.
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