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how to die
posted in The Dumpster
0 Frags +

i want to make the news, what are some ways?

i want to make the news, what are some ways?
4 Frags +

why would you want to?

why would you want to?
-5 Frags +

why wouldnt i

why wouldnt i
32 Frags +


14 Frags +
CrimsoNwhy would you want to?

he wants to make the news

[quote=CrimsoN]why would you want to?[/quote]
he wants to make the news
-1 Frags +

why not go save a cat from a tree

or you could burn down your house, news media loves arson

why not go save a cat from a tree

or you could burn down your house, news media loves arson
28 Frags +
CrimsoNwhy would you want to?

he shitposts on tftv every day he clearly needs attention

[quote=CrimsoN]why would you want to?[/quote]
he shitposts on tftv every day he clearly needs attention
26 Frags +


4 Frags +


8 Frags +

why do you have a backwards monitor

why do you have a backwards monitor
28 Frags +

1. console
2. "kill"
3. enter

feel free to replace kill with "explode" for a more flashy news story

1. console
2. "kill"
3. enter

feel free to replace kill with "explode" for a more flashy news story
3 Frags +

crush yourself on the bench press

crush yourself on the bench press
-1 Frags +

Get your dick stuck in a ceiling fan.

Get your dick stuck in a ceiling fan.
-5 Frags +

elliot moose, please put down that noose and let your joy loose
stop being such a needy, insecure little bitch eh?

elliot moose, please put down that noose and let your joy loose
stop being such a needy, insecure little bitch eh?
4 Frags +


-4 Frags +

downfrag means live forever, yes?
can I downfrag about 20 times?

downfrag means live forever, yes?
can I downfrag about 20 times?
-1 Frags +
Spyromancerfeforhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/C110ZQxUcAAJIEh.jpgdownfrag means live forever, yes?
can I downfrag about 20 times?

yeah, well played

downfrag means live forever, yes?
can I downfrag about 20 times?[/quote]

yeah, well played
1 Frags +

You could stick your dick into a battery powered cow heart like that one guy

You could stick your dick into a battery powered cow heart like that one guy
-1 Frags +

lie down and do it

lie down and do it
-2 Frags +


2 Frags +


5 Frags +


9 Frags +

The classic "cool suicide" strat is the superglue + cheesewire strat. If u haven't heard of this one before basically u hang urself but there's a catch. Firstly, you make the noose out of cheesewire, then u get on the stool and put your head through it. Then, instead of hanging yourself right away, you glue your hands to your head. After the glue has dried you kick the stool away and the cheesewire will separate your head from your body (this is more easily done with a longer noose and from greater height). Your corpse will have ur head severed from ur neck but attached to your hands, giving the illusion of you having ripped your own head off. Pretty cool huh?

The classic "cool suicide" strat is the superglue + cheesewire strat. If u haven't heard of this one before basically u hang urself but there's a catch. Firstly, you make the noose out of cheesewire, then u get on the stool and put your head through it. Then, instead of hanging yourself right away, you glue your hands to your head. After the glue has dried you kick the stool away and the cheesewire will separate your head from your body (this is more easily done with a longer noose and from greater height). Your corpse will have ur head severed from ur neck but attached to your hands, giving the illusion of you having ripped your own head off. Pretty cool huh?
8 Frags +

this is a rollercoaster designed to kill you, the ascent is 2 minutes, and the initial descent is 1 minute. you would experience 10 g-force and die


this is a rollercoaster designed to kill you, the ascent is 2 minutes, and the initial descent is 1 minute. you would experience 10 g-force and die

-1 Frags +

i can't read russian. does "agony kick in balls" kill you instantly or let you live longer so the pain lingers?


i can't read russian. does "agony kick in balls" kill you instantly or let you live longer so the pain lingers?
-2 Frags +

wear blackface and suicide by cop

wear blackface and suicide by cop
-1 Frags +
GoofyGorillacrush yourself on the bench press

or go one further and crush yourself on the hydraulic press

[quote=GoofyGorilla]crush yourself on the bench press[/quote]
or go one further and crush yourself on the hydraulic press
2 Frags +

drown in a sea of down frags

drown in a sea of down frags
6 Frags +

Put yourself in an airless vacuum chamber, cut yourself with a 1000 degree knife, press yourself in a hydraulic press. Just make sure you put it on youtube

Put yourself in an airless vacuum chamber, cut yourself with a 1000 degree knife, press yourself in a hydraulic press. Just make sure you put it on youtube
15 Frags +

hold ur breath until cbear casts again

hold ur breath until cbear casts again
1 2
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