n3 is good
n3 is a respectable and well skilled flank and combo scout. He is the next up incoming best scouts of all time in my opinion.
Top IM scout, DM is there, just needs to keep growing his brain.
n3's progressed at a fine rate since his first season of open, surpassing many people's expectations. He's gotten really good, but still retains a good attitude & drive to improve.
Give my man a good IM team.
Give my man a good IM team.
mother fucker wont use anything but rail gun in reflex and shits at like 80% so how do i win.
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: percy
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: ill give u
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: a high five
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: and a spongebob sticker
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: if u bump my lft after nobody posts on it for 2 days
5:24 AM - Percy Bv: deal
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: ill give u
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: a high five
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: and a spongebob sticker
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: if u bump my lft after nobody posts on it for 2 days
5:24 AM - Percy Bv: deal
high im/low invite capable. insane movement, has a brain and is willing to use it, very fluid mechanics. if u dont pick him up ur making a mistake.
if u need a scout you'd be better off picking up someone who doesnt follow the scary weebly sexual alias theory
He helped to turn me from a forever low-mid open gamer to a player with some sort of potential.
Extremely talented and supportive dude who always looks for advice on how to improve and better practice.
Extremely talented and supportive dude who always looks for advice on how to improve and better practice.
n3 is exceptionally nice, hes fun to play with. He is also supposedly a good scout.
such a cool and friendly dude, also insane at scout. good pickup
i still enjoy n3 and continue to think of him as an incredibly good scout
From pug experience: When he tries and has a good team around him, he's invite level. Insane mid-range aim, smart, good comms. Usually gets 75%+ accuracy (which is insane) and deals tons of damage.
If he becomes a zen god he will be invite no questions asked
hes VERY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hes VERY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!