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0 Frags +

n3 is good

n3 is good
6 Frags +

n3 is a respectable and well skilled flank and combo scout. He is the next up incoming best scouts of all time in my opinion.

n3 is a respectable and well skilled flank and combo scout. He is the next up incoming best scouts of all time in my opinion.
3 Frags +

Top IM scout, DM is there, just needs to keep growing his brain.

Top IM scout, DM is there, just needs to keep growing his brain.
0 Frags +

n3's progressed at a fine rate since his first season of open, surpassing many people's expectations. He's gotten really good, but still retains a good attitude & drive to improve.

Give my man a good IM team.

n3's progressed at a fine rate since his first season of open, surpassing many people's expectations. He's gotten really good, but still retains a good attitude & drive to improve.

Give my man a good IM team.
-1 Frags +

nuts and nice

nuts and nice
-1 Frags +

mad potential

mad potential
0 Frags +

mother fucker wont use anything but rail gun in reflex and shits at like 80% so how do i win.

mother fucker wont use anything but rail gun in reflex and shits at like 80% so how do i win.
1 Frags +


7 Frags +

5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: percy
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: ill give u
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: a high five
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: and a spongebob sticker
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: if u bump my lft after nobody posts on it for 2 days
5:24 AM - Percy Bv: deal

5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: percy
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: ill give u
5:23 AM - EatDatPussy445: a high five
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: and a spongebob sticker
5:24 AM - EatDatPussy445: if u bump my lft after nobody posts on it for 2 days
5:24 AM - Percy Bv: deal
1 Frags +

high im/low invite capable. insane movement, has a brain and is willing to use it, very fluid mechanics. if u dont pick him up ur making a mistake.

high im/low invite capable. insane movement, has a brain and is willing to use it, very fluid mechanics. if u dont pick him up ur making a mistake.
9 Frags +

if u need a scout you'd be better off picking up someone who doesnt follow the scary weebly sexual alias theory

if u need a scout you'd be better off picking up someone who doesnt follow the scary weebly sexual alias theory
9 Frags +

watch out he might try to date your teammates

watch out he might try to date your teammates
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1 Frags +

He helped to turn me from a forever low-mid open gamer to a player with some sort of potential.

Extremely talented and supportive dude who always looks for advice on how to improve and better practice.

He helped to turn me from a forever low-mid open gamer to a player with some sort of potential.

Extremely talented and supportive dude who always looks for advice on how to improve and better practice.
10 Frags +


2 Frags +

n3 is exceptionally nice, hes fun to play with. He is also supposedly a good scout.

n3 is exceptionally nice, hes fun to play with. He is also supposedly a good scout.
-6 Frags +


20 Frags +

conversing with n3 is an experience

conversing with n3 is an experience
1 Frags +

this guy cant miss

this guy cant miss
3 Frags +

such a cool and friendly dude, also insane at scout. good pickup

such a cool and friendly dude, also insane at scout. good pickup
1 Frags +

i love n3 so much

i love n3 so much
2 Frags +

i still enjoy n3 and continue to think of him as an incredibly good scout

i still enjoy n3 and continue to think of him as an incredibly good scout
3 Frags +

good player hes my son in law

good player hes my son in law
4 Frags +

From pug experience: When he tries and has a good team around him, he's invite level. Insane mid-range aim, smart, good comms. Usually gets 75%+ accuracy (which is insane) and deals tons of damage.

From pug experience: When he tries and has a good team around him, he's invite level. Insane mid-range aim, smart, good comms. Usually gets 75%+ accuracy (which is insane) and deals tons of damage.
3 Frags +

incredibly invested and strong deathmatch

incredibly invested and strong deathmatch
5 Frags +

i love n3

i love n3
-1 Frags +

very good dm and has a brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!

very good dm and has a brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Frags +

necromancer is a nuts player!

necromancer is a nuts player!
0 Frags +

If he becomes a zen god he will be invite no questions asked
hes VERY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If he becomes a zen god he will be invite no questions asked
hes VERY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 Frags +

words alone cannot describe what it's like to talk to him

words alone cannot describe what it's like to talk to him
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