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1 2
I Miss The News : (
0 Frags +

I miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.

I miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.
0 Frags +

I will try this in some shape or form again for Main (and am open to other divs).

I will try this in some shape or form again for Main (and am open to other divs).
9 Frags +

I've been thinking the same thing recently. The news sections were probably my favorite part of reading old tf.tv posts.

I've been thinking the same thing recently. The news sections were probably my favorite part of reading old tf.tv posts.
-35 Frags +
GrapeJuiceIIII miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.

I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.

[quote=GrapeJuiceIII]I miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.[/quote]
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.
61 Frags +
Prime-SanityGrapeJuiceIIII miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.

I'll keep it a hundred with you, because a lot of people seem to facetiously egg you on at times. You haven't really demonstrated an ability to string well-written and coherent sentences together, nor the inclination to discuss storylines that do not entirely revolve around yourself. If you can grow in those areas, maybe RGL or tftv would let you write news articles for them.

[quote=Prime-Sanity][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]I miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.[/quote]
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.[/quote]

I'll keep it a hundred with you, because a lot of people seem to facetiously egg you on at times. You haven't really demonstrated an ability to string well-written and coherent sentences together, nor the inclination to discuss storylines that do not entirely revolve around yourself. If you can grow in those areas, maybe RGL or tftv would let you write news articles for them.
20 Frags +

Agreed. It was quite surprising how common these "news" threads were back then and the effort of research that went into these articles.




Its kind of a lost art form, I honestly wanted to get into it, but I wouldn't know where to start in terms of the formatting. Like, how did they get the flags or class symbols like that 0_0

Agreed. It was quite surprising how common these "news" threads were back then and the effort of research that went into these articles.




Its kind of a lost art form, I honestly wanted to get into it, but I wouldn't know where to start in terms of the formatting. Like, how did they get the flags or class symbols like that 0_0
5 Frags +

I think if more people genuinely want these back, I wouldn't mind volunteering just to help the news section of tf.tv get back in shape.

I think if more people genuinely want these back, I wouldn't mind volunteering just to help the news section of tf.tv get back in shape.
7 Frags +

I had never written anything before the couple of poLANd.tf articles that I got involved with, and it was good fun, so I'd recommend it to anyone keen to get involved. Definitely agree though that more written content would be nice, as it really helps to build interest and storylines, but I don't know how big the demand for it is nowadays. A resurgence would be great though!

I had never written anything before the couple of poLANd.tf articles that I got involved with, and it was good fun, so I'd recommend it to anyone keen to get involved. Definitely agree though that more written content would be nice, as it really helps to build interest and storylines, but I don't know how big the demand for it is nowadays. A resurgence would be great though!
-9 Frags +

just wait for team fortress 3

just wait for team fortress 3
21 Frags +

Me too, man.

Me too, man.
2 Frags +
JuustinIts kind of a lost art form, I honestly wanted to get into it, but I wouldn't know where to start in terms of the formatting. Like, how did they get the flags or class symbols like that 0_0

TFTV backend has a kind of expanded BBCode that lets you add all the extra flags and class icons and stuff. Was pretty easy to figure out when I did it briefly

Its kind of a lost art form, I honestly wanted to get into it, but I wouldn't know where to start in terms of the formatting. Like, how did they get the flags or class symbols like that 0_0[/quote]

TFTV backend has a kind of expanded BBCode that lets you add all the extra flags and class icons and stuff. Was pretty easy to figure out when I did it briefly
17 Frags +

At least in EU, the problem is that it was being kept alive by a small handful of people who slowly lost interest, and none of the adverts we put out resulted in new people coming on board. I like reading those articles, and if anybody wants to write them DM me here or on Discord (@jmaxchill) and we can support you writing, editing, formatting etc, but unless people want to write and come forward to do it then it sadly won't happen.

At least in EU, the problem is that it was being kept alive by a small handful of people who slowly lost interest, and none of the adverts we put out resulted in new people coming on board. I like reading those articles, and if anybody wants to write them DM me here or on Discord (@jmaxchill) and we can support you writing, editing, formatting etc, but unless people want to write and come forward to do it then it sadly won't happen.
18 Frags +

if anyone is reading this thread and thinking about doing some writing please dont hesitate to give it a shot
something the comp tf2 community has taught me time and time again is that the only thing stopping you from creating content of any kind (be it articles, interviews, casts, etc) is you
tf2 is not a big esport so the barrier to entry is literally just messaging jmax here or on discord (na and eu)

if anyone is reading this thread and thinking about doing some writing please dont hesitate to give it a shot
something the comp tf2 community has taught me time and time again is that the only thing stopping you from creating content of any kind (be it articles, interviews, casts, etc) is you
tf2 is not a big esport so the barrier to entry is literally just messaging jmax here or on discord (na and eu)
31 Frags +

good content surrounding invite/prem would bring more eyes and hype to the scene for sure. sad to see how little coverage there is these days, especially given how competitive these past 2-3 years have been.

Wandumif anyone is reading this thread and thinking about doing some writing please dont hesitate to give it a shot something the comp tf2 community has taught me time and time again is that the only thing stopping you from creating content of any kind (be it articles, interviews, casts, etc) is you
tf2 is not a big esport so the barrier to entry is literally just messaging jmax here or on discord (na and eu)

this is a very good point, the barrier of entry is not bad at all.

another thing, i think it'd be a good idea for RGL try making better youtube content. maybe trying to do team documentaries or player profiles/interviews.

also last thing, kinda unrelated but why doesnt RGL mirror all the big announcements and news threads from the rgl forums with this forum? usually some random person has to copy and paste it and make their own thread here for it to actually be seen by anyone. https://forums.rgl.gg/category/1/rgl-news-updates

good content surrounding invite/prem would bring more eyes and hype to the scene for sure. sad to see how little coverage there is these days, especially given how competitive these past 2-3 years have been.
[quote=Wandum]if anyone is reading this thread and thinking about doing some writing please dont hesitate to give it a shot something the comp tf2 community has taught me time and time again is that the only thing stopping you from creating content of any kind (be it articles, interviews, casts, etc) is you
tf2 is not a big esport so the barrier to entry is literally just messaging jmax here or on discord (na and eu)[/quote]
this is a very good point, the barrier of entry is not bad at all.

another thing, i think it'd be a good idea for RGL try making better youtube content. maybe trying to do team documentaries or [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4YKlh8D3a-cVEv4i94erzaxPxNYzOcS]player profiles/interviews[/url].

also last thing, kinda unrelated but why doesnt RGL mirror all the big announcements and news threads from the rgl forums with this forum? usually some random person has to copy and paste it and make their own thread here for it to actually be seen by anyone. https://forums.rgl.gg/category/1/rgl-news-updates
Fireside Casts
12 Frags +

Im ready.

Im ready.
5 Frags +
another thing, i think it'd be a good idea for RGL try making better youtube content. maybe trying to do team documentaries or player profiles/interviews.

Would really love to see interview returns, like the ones done at previous LAN events. I think we definitely we need more faces to represent competitive TF2 again - in the literal sense.

Oh yeah, made a little playlist of those "interviews", assuming your talking something similar to these also? (Think I might of missed a few, don't know which though)



another thing, i think it'd be a good idea for RGL try making better youtube content. maybe trying to do team documentaries or [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4YKlh8D3a-cVEv4i94erzaxPxNYzOcS]player profiles/interviews[/url].[/quote]

Would really love to see interview returns, like the ones done at previous LAN events. I think we definitely we need more faces to represent competitive TF2 again - in the literal sense.

Oh yeah, made a little playlist of those "interviews", assuming your talking something similar to these also? (Think I might of missed a few, don't know which though)

5 Frags +
JuustinWould really love to see interview returns, like the ones done at previous LAN events. I think we definitely we need more faces to represent competitive TF2 again - in the literal sense.

Oh yeah, made a little playlist of those "interviews", assuming your talking about these? (Think I might of missed a few, don't know which though)


These interviews were great, I remember before even touching 6s at all just having faces to an alias really makes the community seem much more real. Another dumb video is also grape's s17 arm wrestling tourny that I remember watching a ton. The banter is great and having personalities on display does a lot for the game imo, just look at the FGC for an example of that.

Formal interviews are a lot of work so I just wanted to add to the idea that even short casual stuff has a lot of merit. Long form, structured interviews are better for getting more insightful thoughts from players and generating mid-season/pre-playoffs hype.

Although maybe the arm wrestling itself shouldn't return I don't trust any of you, think we already had one bad incident.

Would really love to see interview returns, like the ones done at previous LAN events. I think we definitely we need more faces to represent competitive TF2 again - in the literal sense.

Oh yeah, made a little playlist of those "interviews", assuming your talking about these? (Think I might of missed a few, don't know which though)


These interviews were great, I remember before even touching 6s at all just having faces to an alias really makes the community seem much more real. Another dumb video is also [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRY-1ObPuWI]grape's s17 arm wrestling tourny[/url] that I remember watching a ton. The banter is great and having personalities on display does a lot for the game imo, just look at the FGC for an example of that.

Formal interviews are a lot of work so I just wanted to add to the idea that even short casual stuff has a lot of merit. Long form, structured interviews are better for getting more insightful thoughts from players and generating mid-season/pre-playoffs hype.

Although maybe the arm wrestling itself shouldn't return I don't trust any of you, think we already had one bad incident.
4 Frags +

I'm curious if the halt of articles is due to a lack of writers, a lack of leadership, or both

I looked around for 10 minutes and the only "recent" advertisement I could find that said tftv was looking for writers is 3 years old and posted by someone who I believe has since stepped down from the game

I'm curious if the halt of articles is due to a lack of writers, a lack of leadership, or both

I looked around for 10 minutes and the only "recent" advertisement I could find that said tftv was looking for writers is 3 years old and posted by someone who I believe has since stepped down from the game
6 Frags +
loafeI'm curious if the halt of articles is due to a lack of writers, a lack of leadership, or both

I looked around for 10 minutes and the only "recent" advertisement I could find that said tftv was looking for writers is 3 years old and posted by someone who I believe has since stepped down from the game

If I'm not mistaken i think I'm the one of the last active NA writers and the last one i did was RGL season 10, a year ago. Not a lot of support here on TFTV i mean I write sometimes when I feel like it but I've been side tracked by other projects. If you message a mod on the discord (COULD BE WRONG) and are interested in just writing stuff feel free to support for the NA bros.

[quote=loafe]I'm curious if the halt of articles is due to a lack of writers, a lack of leadership, or both

I looked around for 10 minutes and the only "recent" advertisement I could find that said tftv was looking for writers is 3 years old and posted by someone who I believe has since stepped down from the game[/quote]

If I'm not mistaken i think I'm the one of the last active NA writers and the last one i did was RGL season 10, a year ago. Not a lot of support here on TFTV i mean I write sometimes when I feel like it but I've been side tracked by other projects. If you message a mod on the discord (COULD BE WRONG) and are interested in just writing stuff feel free to support for the NA bros.
3 Frags +

they did interviews of the invite teams/players at the last localhost lan in september, but (as with the photos) have yet to be released


they did interviews of the invite teams/players at the last localhost lan in september, but (as with the photos) have yet to be released
4 Frags +
alfredodanIf I'm not mistaken i think I'm the one of the last active NA writers and the last one i did was RGL season 10, a year ago. Not a lot of support here on TFTV i mean I write sometimes when I feel like it but I've been side tracked by other projects. If you message a mod on the discord (COULD BE WRONG) and are interested in just writing stuff feel free to support for the NA bros.

I remember the advanced award ceremony that you put on where everyone voted best player per class and most improved. It was really fun it would be cool to bring that back again.

If I'm not mistaken i think I'm the one of the last active NA writers and the last one i did was RGL season 10, a year ago. Not a lot of support here on TFTV i mean I write sometimes when I feel like it but I've been side tracked by other projects. If you message a mod on the discord (COULD BE WRONG) and are interested in just writing stuff feel free to support for the NA bros.[/quote]

I remember the advanced award ceremony that you put on where everyone voted best player per class and most improved. It was really fun it would be cool to bring that back again.
2 Frags +
they did interviews of the invite teams/players at the last localhost lan in september, but (as with the photos) have yet to be released

Can I have a link or timestamp to these interviews? I don't know if I'm just stupid, but trying to search "localhost interviews tf2", the only content that appears is these two videos:


Unless you're talking about the vods, which I only briefly recall a G6 one?

Any-case, I think what I reference is more... individual interviews. I want to know about who "soapymeister" is, who is "jayhyunpae " is, who is "Sin_K4rma" is, who "Junifromspyskids" is --- like those i46 interviews.

Maybe its a bit too much, as I'm not familiar what the availability is like for players during LAN.


they did interviews of the invite teams/players at the last localhost lan in september, but (as with the photos) have yet to be released[/quote]

Can I have a link or timestamp to these interviews? I don't know if I'm just stupid, but trying to search "localhost interviews tf2", the only content that appears is these two videos:


Unless you're talking about the vods, which I only briefly recall a G6 one?

Any-case, I think what I reference is more... individual interviews. I want to know about who "soapymeister" is, who is "jayhyunpae " is, who is "Sin_K4rma" is, who "Junifromspyskids" is --- like those i46 interviews.

Maybe its a bit too much, as I'm not familiar what the availability is like for players during LAN.
3 Frags +

I second this, individual player interviews are a rarity in today's time. The most recent example that I can recall is Dippidy's podcast/interview with soapymeister in early 2023.


I think there is an issue of availability during LANs, but I'd also like to point out that there probably aren't as many people on LAN production who are willing/able to drop whatever they're working on for the tournament. So, if we're trying to see more of these interviews, it will definitely have to be a task spearheaded by attendees/players.

I second this, individual player interviews are a rarity in today's time. The most recent example that I can recall is Dippidy's podcast/interview with soapymeister in early 2023. [youtube]https://youtu.be/aYi7rw5hHoU?si=I5cvVrQ4RFWnscQC[/youtube]

I think there is an issue of availability during LANs, but I'd also like to point out that there probably aren't as many people on LAN production who are willing/able to drop whatever they're working on for the tournament. So, if we're trying to see more of these interviews, it will definitely have to be a task spearheaded by attendees/players.
-9 Frags +
mustardoverlordPrime-SanityGrapeJuiceIIII miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.

I'll keep it a hundred with you, because a lot of people seem to facetiously egg you on at times. You haven't really demonstrated an ability to string well-written and coherent sentences together, nor the inclination to discuss storylines that do not entirely revolve around yourself. If you can grow in those areas, maybe RGL or tftv would let you write news articles for them.

I will work on my craft.

[quote=mustardoverlord][quote=Prime-Sanity][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]I miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.[/quote]
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.[/quote]

I'll keep it a hundred with you, because a lot of people seem to facetiously egg you on at times. You haven't really demonstrated an ability to string well-written and coherent sentences together, nor the inclination to discuss storylines that do not entirely revolve around yourself. If you can grow in those areas, maybe RGL or tftv would let you write news articles for them.[/quote]
I will work on my craft.
-12 Frags +


-2 Frags +
Prime-SanitymustardoverlordPrime-SanityGrapeJuiceIIII miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.

I'll keep it a hundred with you, because a lot of people seem to facetiously egg you on at times. You haven't really demonstrated an ability to string well-written and coherent sentences together, nor the inclination to discuss storylines that do not entirely revolve around yourself. If you can grow in those areas, maybe RGL or tftv would let you write news articles for them.
I will work on my craft.

Inb4 “Who is young sanity”

[quote=Prime-Sanity][quote=mustardoverlord][quote=Prime-Sanity][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]I miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.[/quote]
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.[/quote]

I'll keep it a hundred with you, because a lot of people seem to facetiously egg you on at times. You haven't really demonstrated an ability to string well-written and coherent sentences together, nor the inclination to discuss storylines that do not entirely revolve around yourself. If you can grow in those areas, maybe RGL or tftv would let you write news articles for them.[/quote]
I will work on my craft.[/quote]
Inb4 “Who is young sanity”
Fireside Casts
6 Frags +
tobiasJuustinI second this, individual player interviews are a rarity in today's time. The most recent example that I can recall is Dippidy's podcast/interview with soapymeister in early 2023. https://youtu.be/aYi7rw5hHoU?si=I5cvVrQ4RFWnscQC

I think there is an issue of availability during LANs, but I'd also like to point out that there probably aren't as many people on LAN production who are willing/able to drop whatever they're working on for the tournament. So, if we're trying to see more of these interviews, it will definitely have to be a task spearheaded by attendees/players.

O dank might be referring to the interviews I did that were about an hour long each

I interviewed


i didnt plan on releasing them tho that was for fireside

I second this, individual player interviews are a rarity in today's time. The most recent example that I can recall is Dippidy's podcast/interview with soapymeister in early 2023. [youtube]https://youtu.be/aYi7rw5hHoU?si=I5cvVrQ4RFWnscQC[/youtube]

I think there is an issue of availability during LANs, but I'd also like to point out that there probably aren't as many people on LAN production who are willing/able to drop whatever they're working on for the tournament. So, if we're trying to see more of these interviews, it will definitely have to be a task spearheaded by attendees/players.[/quote]

O dank might be referring to the interviews I did that were about an hour long each

I interviewed


i didnt plan on releasing them tho that was for fireside
2 Frags +

For unnamed reasons the photos (and in tandem the vods) have yet to be released for the lan. Although, the interviews were taken backstage and were conducted by the guy that I forgot the name of who took all the photos for the lan (behind the camera) and zilly (interviewer) so I'm not sure if those would be uploaded separately or even who is in charge/possession of them.

For [i]unnamed reasons[/i] the photos (and in tandem the vods) have yet to be released for the lan. Although, the interviews were taken backstage and were conducted by the guy that I forgot the name of who took all the photos for the lan (behind the camera) and zilly (interviewer) so I'm not sure if those would be uploaded separately or even who is in charge/possession of them.
2 Frags +

I tried to do interviews at Fullerton with b0nes but it was a last minute thing for fun. I would love to do more content stuff but hard to get into it since I done follow 6s much

I tried to do interviews at Fullerton with b0nes but it was a last minute thing for fun. I would love to do more content stuff but hard to get into it since I done follow 6s much
7 Frags +
siyoO dank might be referring to the interviews I did that were about an hour long each

I interviewed


i didnt plan on releasing them tho that was for fireside

any chance of putting those up on the fireside youtube so we can watch?

O dank might be referring to the interviews I did that were about an hour long each

I interviewed


i didnt plan on releasing them tho that was for fireside[/quote]

any chance of putting those up on the fireside youtube so we can watch?
1 2
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