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I Think The 6v6 Meta Team Composition Is Flawed
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Flawed might be the wrong word, Two Scouts, Two Soldiers, a Demo and a Medic works really well, it has a great blend of speed and power and uses the four most powerful classes in the game. What I mean by this is I think I found another team composition that if used by competent players could rival meta. First step is to figure out which classes should be switched out.


The medic is by far the most powerful class in the game with Uber being the most powerful ability, even if you took away Uber he would probably be a contender for competitive. The medic stays of course.

The demo is the most powerful power class having two Primary Weapons and a DPS that will make your eyes water. Demo-Man Of course stays as well.

I would say soldier is not as powerful as demo but he's a solid side grade. Better mobility and Better Health if not having a little less utility. Also stays.

Which brings us to our two Scouts. Scout is probably the fourth most powerful class in the game, I'm not arguing with that. He's the most dexterous of the classes being able to double jump and has the fastest running speed not to mention great DPS. I never said there was anything wrong with meta I just said that we could tweak it a little bit and the whole world won't come crashing down. Let's play around with ditching the scouts in favor of a gunslinger engineer and a pyro.


On the surface Gunslinger engineer looks pretty similar to the scout. Worst Dodge and Rush potential but better at tanking hits with a similar but slightly less DPS, a downgrade for sure but comparable. If we throw the engineers buildings into the mix however we see a much different story. This composition is designed to counter meta and Scouts take up a large percentage of meta so the mini century will be doing wonderfully for bullying the scouts. Engineer will be taking the place of the flank Scout that accompanies the roamer so we will also have slightly more potential with defending the flank. The dispenser is also invaluable to this composition, not only can the dispenser heal the medic but the medic can also hide in the dispenser for dispenser armor. The one downside to picking engineer over Scout is speed, competitive 5 CP is a very fast-paced game mode and engineer has a problem with keeping up to the other classes but I don't think he's as terrible for pushing as you might think, you can slap down the mini and forget about it and at that point you're running with the same speed as the medic and demo, certainly doesn't have the same rush potential as a scout but I never said this composition was perfect, it's a side grade to meta not an upgrade. When defending last the engineer should switch the Gunslinger out for one of the other wrenches and ditch The Minis.


The Pyro would take the place of the Scout that accompanies the combo, While engineer was there to counter the scouts and protect the medic, the Pyro is here to counter the soldier and demo while also protecting the medic. While it's true that you can throw off the air blast of pyros by changing your firing pattern and hesitating, I feel this is more of a skill issue that can be overcome with practice. Air Blast can become absolutely invaluable for defending the medic by throwing projectiles away and mitigating damage as well as stuffing Ubers (what pyro is already used for in competitive). Also there's a myth that pyro is too slow for 6v6, I completely disagree with this as the power jack exists (I am unaware if the power jack is banned in certain competitive leagues, if it is then it shouldn't be. Even if it is you're still running at the same speed as the demo and medic and they get along fine). With the Power Jack you are able to run at almost the same speed as a scout so you're really not losing all that much Rush potential the Pyro should not be used for this in this composition. Pyro should be used to punish overzealous Scouts looking to gun down the medic with afterburn and to defend the medic and the pocket with air blast. When defending last the Pyro should switch to heavy.


This composition is designed to have maximum medic defense as well as countering the current meta. Well it's quite obvious this composition has flaws in terms of its push potential, I think it can act as a viable side grade to meta. The Pyro replaces the combo Scout and acts as a bodyguard for the combo and the engineer shuts down the scouts, defends the flank and keeps the medic alive. Of course the team composition switches when defending last so in this case this composition should mimic meta with the heavy and engineer.


Flawed might be the wrong word, Two Scouts, Two Soldiers, a Demo and a Medic works really well, it has a great blend of speed and power and uses the four most powerful classes in the game. What I mean by this is I think I found another team composition that if used by competent players could rival meta. First step is to figure out which classes should be switched out.


The medic is by far the most powerful class in the game with Uber being the most powerful ability, even if you took away Uber he would probably be a contender for competitive. The medic stays of course.

The demo is the most powerful power class having two Primary Weapons and a DPS that will make your eyes water. Demo-Man Of course stays as well.

I would say soldier is not as powerful as demo but he's a solid side grade. Better mobility and Better Health if not having a little less utility. Also stays.

Which brings us to our two Scouts. Scout is probably the fourth most powerful class in the game, I'm not arguing with that. He's the most dexterous of the classes being able to double jump and has the fastest running speed not to mention great DPS. I never said there was anything wrong with meta I just said that we could tweak it a little bit and the whole world won't come crashing down. Let's play around with ditching the scouts in favor of a gunslinger engineer and a pyro.


On the surface Gunslinger engineer looks pretty similar to the scout. Worst Dodge and Rush potential but better at tanking hits with a similar but slightly less DPS, a downgrade for sure but comparable. If we throw the engineers buildings into the mix however we see a much different story. This composition is designed to counter meta and Scouts take up a large percentage of meta so the mini century will be doing wonderfully for bullying the scouts. Engineer will be taking the place of the flank Scout that accompanies the roamer so we will also have slightly more potential with defending the flank. The dispenser is also invaluable to this composition, not only can the dispenser heal the medic but the medic can also hide in the dispenser for dispenser armor. The one downside to picking engineer over Scout is speed, competitive 5 CP is a very fast-paced game mode and engineer has a problem with keeping up to the other classes but I don't think he's as terrible for pushing as you might think, you can slap down the mini and forget about it and at that point you're running with the same speed as the medic and demo, certainly doesn't have the same rush potential as a scout but I never said this composition was perfect, it's a side grade to meta not an upgrade. When defending last the engineer should switch the Gunslinger out for one of the other wrenches and ditch The Minis.


The Pyro would take the place of the Scout that accompanies the combo, While engineer was there to counter the scouts and protect the medic, the Pyro is here to counter the soldier and demo while also protecting the medic. While it's true that you can throw off the air blast of pyros by changing your firing pattern and hesitating, I feel this is more of a skill issue that can be overcome with practice. Air Blast can become absolutely invaluable for defending the medic by throwing projectiles away and mitigating damage as well as stuffing Ubers (what pyro is already used for in competitive). Also there's a myth that pyro is too slow for 6v6, I completely disagree with this as the power jack exists (I am unaware if the power jack is banned in certain competitive leagues, if it is then it shouldn't be. Even if it is you're still running at the same speed as the demo and medic and they get along fine). With the Power Jack you are able to run at almost the same speed as a scout so you're really not losing all that much Rush potential the Pyro should not be used for this in this composition. Pyro should be used to punish overzealous Scouts looking to gun down the medic with afterburn and to defend the medic and the pocket with air blast. When defending last the Pyro should switch to heavy.


This composition is designed to have maximum medic defense as well as countering the current meta. Well it's quite obvious this composition has flaws in terms of its push potential, I think it can act as a viable side grade to meta. The Pyro replaces the combo Scout and acts as a bodyguard for the combo and the engineer shuts down the scouts, defends the flank and keeps the medic alive. Of course the team composition switches when defending last so in this case this composition should mimic meta with the heavy and engineer.
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hello, i quit this game years ago but i just started binging s17 because i like watching soapymeister and kobe1920

2 things i notice (and i recognize this might be a funny shitpost but im doing nothing else rn):

you can slap down the mini and forget about it and at that point you're running with the same speed as the medic and demo

if the other team has any explosive spam classes up, isnt it a bad idea to stand right next to the two (as you already noted) most powerful classes?

the pyro stuff

i just checked botmodes last logs and it lines up with what i remember invite scout accuracy to be, around 70%. If two scouts with this level of accuracy decide to focus you at mid range (where your flamethrower cannot hit) and say a demo is spamming you and maybe their roamer is jumping past or w/e, what is the upside versus being a scout yourself and dodging etc.

no hate of course, theory crafting is fun. let us know if you try this comp and it works :)

hello, i quit this game years ago but i just started binging s17 because i like watching soapymeister and kobe1920

2 things i notice (and i recognize this might be a funny shitpost but im doing nothing else rn):

[quote]you can slap down the mini and forget about it and at that point you're running with the same speed as the medic and demo[/quote]
if the other team has any explosive spam classes up, isnt it a bad idea to stand right next to the two (as you already noted) most powerful classes?

[quote]the pyro stuff[/quote]
i just checked [url=https://logs.tf/3813638#76561198019322078]botmodes last logs[/url] and it lines up with what i remember invite scout accuracy to be, around 70%. If two scouts with this level of accuracy decide to focus you at mid range (where your flamethrower cannot hit) and say a demo is spamming you and maybe their roamer is jumping past or w/e, what is the upside versus being a scout yourself and dodging etc.

no hate of course, theory crafting is fun. let us know if you try this comp and it works :)
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was expecting a brock post, was still let down

0/10 no #heavy

was expecting a brock post, was still let down

0/10 no #heavy
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