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Cheater thread(Kiwi)
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His circle jerk is going around platy pugs trying to defend him after he got brutally exposed by the ugc anti cheat team.
Every IM team that has faced him has reported him for cheating.
I know this shouldn't be coming from me.
Kiwi circle jerk rn https://imgur.com/FeQ5hE0

His circle jerk is going around platy pugs trying to defend him after he got brutally exposed by the ugc anti cheat team.
Every IM team that has faced him has reported him for cheating.
I know this shouldn't be coming from me.
Kiwi circle jerk rn https://imgur.com/FeQ5hE0
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-58 Frags +

thank you for your hard work

please stop this menace

thank you for your hard work

please stop this menace
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shortstop gang

shortstop gang
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is one cheater really that bad?

is one cheater really that bad?
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Since when does Platypugs care about cheaters?

Since when does Platypugs care about cheaters?
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dishsoapis one cheater really that bad?


everyone downfragging apparently didn't bother watching

[quote=dishsoap]is one cheater really that bad?[/quote]


everyone downfragging apparently didn't bother watching
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ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match

ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match
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illyaugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match

You clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....

[quote=illya]ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match[/quote]
You clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....
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GeneralNickillyaugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a matchYou clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....

its not worth it dogg just let him have the meme

[quote=GeneralNick][quote=illya]ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match[/quote]
You clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....[/quote]
its not worth it dogg just let him have the meme
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This dude was reported all throughout AM playoffs. good work rgl anti-cheat team! also kiwi & his team claimed multiple other people were cheating in AM, ironic.


This dude was reported all throughout AM playoffs. good work rgl anti-cheat team! also kiwi & his team claimed multiple other people were cheating in AM, ironic.

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GeneralNickillyaugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a matchYou clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....


I have no idea how this thing works please help it's 100 degrees

[quote=GeneralNick][quote=illya]ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match[/quote]
You clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....[/quote]

I have no idea how this thing works please help it's 100 degrees
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ive never been so happy in my life to see a youngman post

ive never been so happy in my life to see a youngman post
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kiwi's cheats are extremely bad, paid lmaobox is 10x better than what ever he is using. trust me

kiwi's cheats are extremely bad, paid lmaobox is 10x better than what ever he is using. trust me
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You think he's walling in scrims while currently being accused of cheating?

You think he's walling in scrims while currently being accused of cheating?
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hes clearly toggling on and off its easy to see, snaps on one second, snaps off on the other second. :D

hes clearly toggling on and off its easy to see, snaps on one second, snaps off on the other second. :D
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darkkYou think he's walling in scrims while currently being accused of cheating?

i think hes cheating while we accuse you of brain damage

[quote=darkk]You think he's walling in scrims while currently being accused of cheating?[/quote]
i think hes cheating while we accuse you of brain damage
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did u report him to rgl?

did u report him to rgl?
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GeneralNickillyaugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a matchYou clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....

i do not

[quote=GeneralNick][quote=illya]ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match[/quote]
You clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....[/quote]
i do not
9 Frags +
r4ve_did u report him to rgl?

he has been reported to rgl several times with demos and ticks. It's probably just a matter of the process taking time. Of course, there's the issue of it taking blatantly too long, but that's a separate issue.

[quote=r4ve_]did u report him to rgl?[/quote]
he has been reported to rgl several times with demos and ticks. It's probably just a matter of the process taking time. Of course, there's the issue of it taking blatantly too long, but that's a separate issue.
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Can't believe we're banning the up and coming talent.... without giving them a chance to prove themselves!! :(

Can't believe we're banning the up and coming talent.... without giving them a chance to prove themselves!! :(
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GeneralNickillyaugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a matchYou clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....

Lol? so what did u guys ban alfa for then

[quote=GeneralNick][quote=illya]ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match[/quote]
You clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....[/quote]

Lol? so what did u guys ban alfa for then
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PhantomGeneralNickillyaugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a matchYou clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....
Lol? so what did u guys ban alfa for then

cheating, duh

[quote=Phantom][quote=GeneralNick][quote=illya]ugc anti-cheat team shouldn’t be valued highly after alfa was banned for crouching in a match[/quote]
You clearly have no clue how AC work is conducted.....[/quote]

Lol? so what did u guys ban alfa for then[/quote]
cheating, duh
32 Frags +

Imagine being so bad at the game you blatantly cheat and are still in a low division. Gotta be rough on that tiny ego

Imagine being so bad at the game you blatantly cheat and are still in a low division. Gotta be rough on that tiny ego
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whoevers recording that vid you got a shit hud

whoevers recording that vid you got a shit hud
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simply a lightweight mouse...an android super cyborg mouse perhaps..

simply a lightweight mouse...an android super cyborg mouse perhaps..
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how someone can cheat and still have worst aim and bad dpm in 6s LOL

how someone can cheat and still have worst aim and bad dpm in 6s LOL
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zombiezhow someone can cheat and still have worst aim and bad dpm in 6s LOL

cause hes dogshit. like sub-newcomer bad. no gamesense no movement. he doesn't even understand the concept of damage falloff. but its still blatant that he cheats.

[quote=zombiez]how someone can cheat and still have worst aim and bad dpm in 6s LOL
cause hes dogshit. like sub-newcomer bad. no gamesense no movement. he doesn't even understand the concept of damage falloff. but its still blatant that he cheats.
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yo when he get's banned can his team be removed from having 1st place in open as it wasn't deserved? that'd be great :)

yo when he get's banned can his team be removed from having 1st place in open as it wasn't deserved? that'd be great :)
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