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Russia Invades Ukraine
posted in World Events
18 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.

God bless you. Good luck.

[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]
God bless you. Good luck.
15 Frags +

Apparently Putin is threatening Sweden and Finland if they attempt to join NATO as well. Insane times.

Apparently Putin is threatening Sweden and Finland if they attempt to join NATO as well. Insane times.
5 Frags +

If you want to help ukraine beyond thoughts and prayers there are multiple ways that can have a real impact.
donation links:
Donate directly to ukraine's national forces
^ it's like a foreign money transfer, ukrainian law doesn't let them take money through paypal,etc.
List of other ukrainian charities that aren't directly related to ukraine

contact your representative for stronger sanctions, more aid to ukraine, etc
https://www.apa.org/advocacy/guide/letter-email <- includes guidelines for writing a letter and contacting US reps
https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/search <- contacts for canadian mp's

Mentioning more aid for ukraine, stopping Russia Today from broadcasting, admitting ukrainian refugees, personal sanctions on putin, removing russia from the swift payment system,etc is all good.

If you want to help ukraine beyond thoughts and prayers there are multiple ways that can have a real impact.
donation links:
[url= https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi ]Donate directly to ukraine's national forces[/url]
^ it's like a foreign money transfer, ukrainian law doesn't let them take money through paypal,etc.
[url=https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/ ]List of other ukrainian charities that aren't directly related to ukraine[/url]

contact your representative for stronger sanctions, more aid to ukraine, etc
https://www.apa.org/advocacy/guide/letter-email <- includes guidelines for writing a letter and contacting US reps
https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/search <- contacts for canadian mp's

Mentioning more aid for ukraine, stopping Russia Today from broadcasting, admitting ukrainian refugees, personal sanctions on putin, removing russia from the swift payment system,etc is all good.
22 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.

This is fucking heartbreaking to read on tf.tv, never in my life have I thought I would seriously see something like this on the forum, it still feels unreal. Good luck to you and your people

[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]
This is fucking heartbreaking to read on tf.tv, never in my life have I thought I would seriously see something like this on the forum, it still feels unreal. Good luck to you and your people
17 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.

Roommate is a Finish citizen and received a similar summons, extremely heart breaking. Godspeed.

[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]
Roommate is a Finish citizen and received a similar summons, extremely heart breaking. Godspeed.
14 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.

the bravery it takes to take arms and fight for the freedom of your country that has been opressed for decades should never be forgotten, stay safe and come back well, alhamduillah

[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]

the bravery it takes to take arms and fight for the freedom of your country that has been opressed for decades should never be forgotten, stay safe and come back well, alhamduillah
-6 Frags +


2 Frags +

NATO has begun to activate a response force. this is big

[url=https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/25/politics/nato-ukraine-russia/index.html?utm_content=2022-02-25T18%3A31%3A01&utm_source=twCNN&utm_term=link&utm_medium=social]NATO has begun to activate a response force.[/url] this is big
16 Frags +

tough times for ukraine rn

tough times for ukraine rn
16 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.


[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]
1 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.

god bless

[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]

god bless
19 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.

we are all praying for a swift and peaceful end to conflict, may the powers that be keep you safe and duly reckon this terror and loss with Putin and the rest of those responsible.

[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]

we are all praying for a swift and peaceful end to conflict, may the powers that be keep you safe and duly reckon this terror and loss with Putin and the rest of those responsible.
-21 Frags +

For anyone who'd like to read a longer post, here is the best I could do in a Timeline of Events:

1. NATO is created in 1949. Its stated purpose is to combat the Soviet threat.

2. NATO and American intelligence agencies consistently overestimate the strength of Soviet military forces from this point onward.

3. The same American and international bureaucrats, as well as defense contractors and other war manufactures that profit from full-on war also profit from increased NATO production in "response" to the overestimated Soviet military capabilities.

4. As the US emerges in primary military opposition to the Soviet Union, so too grow the contributions of the US to NATO when compared to other NATO members. (The proportion of total NATO spending by the US continues to rise past this point; as of 2021, the US spends 69% of all NATO spending at 811 billion dollars)

5. NATO becomes an extension of the US military bureaucracy.

6. The Soviet Union falls. (It was known to be falling since about 1988.)

7. Pressured by the US, now-Russia and Britain, Ukraine gives up its nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from these three countries. "In 1993, international relations theorist and University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer published an article including his prediction that a Ukraine without any nuclear deterrent was likely to be subjected to aggression by Russia, but this was very much a minority view at the time." (Wikipedia)

8. Support among politicians for NATO and US military spending in Europe begins the wane without a Soviet threat. The US military-spending lobby turns its attention toward the Middle East for lucrative profits from the fall of the Soviet Union onward.

9. Support for NATO itself by American politicians begins to wane as conflicts shift toward the Middle East. NATO declares a new enemy, Russia, in order to justify its existence as the "North Atlantic" military organization.

10. American and NATO intelligence services highly estimate Russian military capabilities.

11. Tensions increase between NATO and Russia as NATO conducts drills near Russian borders; NATO's military presence in Eastern Europe (and American military-industrial production) increases to near-Cold War levels, and is maintained at these levels

12. Russia invades Crimea. NATO does very little to directly combat this, but soon reestablishes a larger Eastern presence and increases production via the success of US lobbying.

13. Russia invades Ukraine in 2022.

No more timeline: now for some predictions. As far as I can tell, this invasion is similar to the annexation of Crimea a few years back. Viewing geopolitics as a push-pull of complacency and aggression, I believe that the military response by the West will be similar to its response to Crimea in 2014.

It's important to keep in mind that a full takeover of Ukraine is not really the aim here; Ukraine has been an effective "buffer zone" between Russia and the West for years, and Russia's main concern geopolitically is large, direct borders with the West. Ukraine is in a similar position to North Korea; even though China could easily take over North Korea, it chooses not to because North Korea acts as an effective buffer between the extraordinary Western military presence in South Korea and mainland China.

In short, as long as smaller-scale conflict remains as lucrative as it has been to the military-industrial organizations of Russia and the US, we are unlikely to see some large escalation to full-blown war between the US and Russia, for example. An increase of conflict to that point would probably indicate diminishing returns for the military-industrial organizations, and the military-spending lobbies know this. Perhaps decreasing US spending in the Middle East indicates otherwise, but I don't have those numbers yet, and my best bet is that spending hasn't decreased enough there to change this analysis.

Thanks for reading! I spent way too much time on this post, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

For anyone who'd like to read a longer post, here is the best I could do in a Timeline of Events:

1. NATO is created in 1949. Its stated purpose is to combat the Soviet threat.

2. NATO and American intelligence agencies consistently overestimate the strength of Soviet military forces from this point onward.

3. The same American and international bureaucrats, as well as defense contractors and other war manufactures that profit from full-on war also profit from increased NATO production in "response" to the overestimated Soviet military capabilities.

4. As the US emerges in primary military opposition to the Soviet Union, so too grow the contributions of the US to NATO when compared to other NATO members. (The proportion of total NATO spending by the US continues to rise past this point; as of 2021, the US spends 69% of all NATO spending at 811 billion dollars)

5. NATO becomes an extension of the US military bureaucracy.

6. The Soviet Union falls. (It was known to be fall[i]ing[/i] since about 1988.)

7. Pressured by the US, now-Russia and Britain, Ukraine gives up its nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from these three countries. "In 1993, international relations theorist and University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer published an article including his prediction that a Ukraine without any nuclear deterrent was likely to be subjected to aggression by Russia, but this was very much a minority view at the time." (Wikipedia)

8. Support among politicians for NATO and US military spending in Europe begins the wane without a Soviet threat. The US military-spending lobby turns its attention toward the Middle East for lucrative profits from the fall of the Soviet Union onward.

9. Support for NATO itself by American politicians begins to wane as conflicts shift toward the Middle East. NATO declares a new enemy, Russia, in order to justify its existence as the "North Atlantic" military organization.

10. American and NATO intelligence services highly estimate Russian military capabilities.

11. Tensions increase between NATO and Russia as NATO conducts drills near Russian borders; NATO's military presence in Eastern Europe (and American military-industrial production) increases to near-Cold War levels, and is maintained at these levels

12. Russia invades Crimea. NATO does very little to directly combat this, but soon reestablishes a larger Eastern presence and increases production via the success of US lobbying.

13. Russia invades Ukraine in 2022.

No more timeline: now for some predictions. As far as I can tell, this invasion is similar to the annexation of Crimea a few years back. Viewing geopolitics as a push-pull of complacency and aggression, I believe that the military response by the West will be similar to its response to Crimea in 2014.

It's important to keep in mind that a full takeover of Ukraine is not really the aim here; Ukraine has been an effective "buffer zone" between Russia and the West for years, and Russia's main concern geopolitically is large, direct borders with the West. Ukraine is in a similar position to North Korea; even though China could easily take over North Korea, it chooses not to because North Korea acts as an effective buffer between the extraordinary Western military presence in South Korea and mainland China.

In short, as long as smaller-scale conflict remains as lucrative as it has been to the military-industrial organizations of Russia and the US, we are unlikely to see some large escalation to full-blown war between the US and Russia, for example. An increase of conflict to that point would probably indicate diminishing returns for the military-industrial organizations, and the military-spending lobbies know this. Perhaps decreasing US spending in the Middle East indicates otherwise, but I don't have those numbers yet, and my best bet is that spending hasn't decreased enough there to change this analysis.

Thanks for reading! I spent way too much time on this post, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
0 Frags +


31 Frags +
ihorI received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.

slava Ukraina, slava geroiam!
stay strong! this world cant understand if Ukrain will loose in this war, Russia will take Georgia, Moldova and other countries, Putin dream was always back to Soviet UNION.
Glory to UKRAINE!

[quote=ihor]I received a summons to the draft board, if I never come back then know that it was fun to play tf2 with all of you for all these many years.
peace to you and your homes.[/quote]
slava Ukraina, slava geroiam!
stay strong! this world cant understand if Ukrain will loose in this war, Russia will take Georgia, Moldova and other countries, Putin dream was always back to Soviet UNION.
Glory to UKRAINE!
-21 Frags +

12.1 - NATO plans on inviting Ukraine to join so they have an excuse to setup military (NATO) bases near the borders. Putin warns them that he will take action if this continues as he does not recognise Ukraine as a sovereign state. NATO completely ignores this of course knowing full well what might happen.

12.2 - Around the 20th February 2022 The Separatist states in the Donbas region ask Putin for help as they fear an attack by Ukrainian military. This is the perfect excuse for Putin to invade Ukraine with the sole purpose of neutralizing "solely military targets" which will prevent this(in his words).

All I can say is that both sides are probably keeping secrets and reading both eastern and western mainstream news sources has made me believe so. I suggest reading some unbiased news sources if you are interested to learn more as the big news corporations on both ends are paid off and told what to write.

Unfortunately we can send all the thoughts and prayers we want but that isn't going to do anything. I wish luck to everyone that is being drafted currently or is already fighting,and the people in Ukraine.

Let us hope this isn't the start of something bigger.


12.1 - NATO plans on inviting Ukraine to join so they have an excuse to setup military (NATO) bases near the borders. Putin warns them that he will take action if this continues as he does not recognise Ukraine as a sovereign state. NATO completely ignores this of course knowing full well what might happen.

12.2 - Around the 20th February 2022 The Separatist states in the Donbas region ask Putin for help as they fear an attack by Ukrainian military. This is the perfect excuse for Putin to invade Ukraine with the sole purpose of neutralizing "solely military targets" which will prevent this(in his words).

All I can say is that both sides are probably keeping secrets and reading both eastern and western mainstream news sources has made me believe so. I suggest reading some unbiased news sources if you are interested to learn more as the big news corporations on both ends are paid off and told what to write.

Unfortunately we can send all the thoughts and prayers we want but that isn't going to do anything. I wish luck to everyone that is being drafted currently or is already fighting,and the people in Ukraine.

Let us hope this isn't the start of something bigger.
-19 Frags +


17 Frags +

mans just tried a #bothsides centrist approach to an imperialist landgrab

mans just tried a #bothsides centrist approach to an imperialist landgrab
15 Frags +
Lupus12.1 - NATO plans on inviting Ukraine to join so they have an excuse to setup military (NATO) bases near the borders. Putin warns them that he will take action if this continues as he does not recognise Ukraine as a sovereign state. NATO completely ignores this of course knowing full well what might happen.

The zeitgeist of world politics today is that two nuclear powers will never cross swords; the US will never invade Russia and vice versa out of fear for nuclear winter. Unless you're a warmongering imperialist dictator, there's no reason to care if there are soldiers on a neighboring border (it's called defense, by the way). They're not going to invade you regardless. Who would be bothered by it? Someone who sees those soldiers as an obstacle. Stop doing mental gymnastics to victimize the aggressor.

Lupus12.2 - Around the 20th February 2022 The Separatist states in the Donbas region ask Putin for help as they fear an attack by Ukrainian military. This is the perfect excuse for Putin to invade Ukraine with the sole purpose of neutralizing "solely military targets" which will prevent this(in his words).

The sad and unfortunate reality is that most of the news that comes from Russia is propaganda and isn't trustworthy whatsoever. To not recognize this is just ignorant of the utter totalitarian control the government has over the country. His entire reason for invading Ukraine now is because Ukraine wanted to adapt with western standards and move away from Soviet ideals. Putin, who is well documented in saying he wants to literally rebuild the Soviet Union, wants to stop this by placing in a puppet government that will ensure this delusional dream will come true.

LupusAround the 20th February 2022 The Separatist states in the Donbas region ask Putin for help as they fear an attack by Ukrainian military.

These are Putin's words by the way. It's "the perfect excuse" because he made it up and it fits his goals. Back in 2014, it was the same bullshit. There were no "separatists" that spontaneously wanted to split away from Ukraine after decades of prosperity. He planted an excuse for imperialism then just as he's doing today. It seems that people have forgotten that Lugansk and Donetsk have been under Russia's control ever since their invasion"annexation") in 2014.
>Putin declares a region independent
>Putin invades the "independent state" because it's not technically part of the country anymore (says him).
Fool-proof strategy.

Don't brainwash yourself.

[quote=Lupus]12.1 - NATO plans on inviting Ukraine to join so they have an excuse to setup military (NATO) bases near the borders. Putin warns them that he will take action if this continues as he does not recognise Ukraine as a sovereign state. NATO completely ignores this of course knowing full well what might happen.[/quote]
The zeitgeist of world politics today is that two nuclear powers will never cross swords; the US will never invade Russia and vice versa out of fear for nuclear winter. Unless you're a warmongering imperialist dictator, there's no reason to care if there are soldiers on a neighboring border (it's called defense, by the way). They're not going to invade you regardless. Who would be bothered by it? Someone who sees those soldiers as an obstacle. Stop doing mental gymnastics to victimize the aggressor.

[quote=Lupus]12.2 - Around the 20th February 2022 The Separatist states in the Donbas region ask Putin for help as they fear an attack by Ukrainian military. This is the perfect excuse for Putin to invade Ukraine with the sole purpose of neutralizing "solely military targets" which will prevent this(in his words).[/quote]
The sad and unfortunate reality is that most of the news that comes from Russia is propaganda and isn't trustworthy whatsoever. To not recognize this is just ignorant of the utter totalitarian control the government has over the country. His entire reason for invading Ukraine now is because Ukraine wanted to adapt with western standards and move away from Soviet ideals. Putin, who is well documented in saying he wants to literally rebuild the Soviet Union, wants to stop this by placing in a puppet government that will ensure this delusional dream will come true.

[quote=Lupus]Around the 20th February 2022 The Separatist states in the Donbas region ask Putin for help as they fear an attack by Ukrainian military.[/quote]
These are Putin's words by the way. It's "[b][i]the perfect excuse[/i][/b]" because he made it up and it fits his goals. Back in 2014, it was the same bullshit. There were no "separatists" that spontaneously wanted to split away from Ukraine after decades of prosperity. He planted an excuse for imperialism then just as he's doing today. It seems that people have forgotten that Lugansk and Donetsk have been under Russia's control ever since their [s]invasion[/s]"annexation") in 2014.
>Putin declares a region independent
>Putin invades the "independent state" because it's not technically part of the country anymore (says him).
Fool-proof strategy.

Don't brainwash yourself.
-8 Frags +

Funny how you forgot to quote the part where I'm clearly not in support of Putin but that's alright.

The fact of the matter is Putin was looking for an excuse to do what he did and he got one. Whether NATO had anything to do with pushing him over the edge we can only speculate, the man is a megalomaniac so this was bound to happen at some point or another, with or without an excuse.

Putin knows NATO ain't going to do shit to help Ukraine military wise unless a nation within NATO is attacked, which honestly disgusts me to my core. I get they are trying to avoid major military conflict but this isn't the way to go about it.

This is my last post on this thread as I find it in bad taste to argue over the internet from the comfort of my home, while the people of Ukraine are fighting an uphill battle with little hope of a peaceful ending.

I hope with all my being that isn't the case and by some miracle this ends as painlessly as possible and there are no long term ramifications.

Funny how you forgot to quote the part where I'm clearly not in support of Putin but that's alright.

The fact of the matter is Putin was looking for an excuse to do what he did and he got one. Whether NATO had anything to do with pushing him over the edge we can only speculate, the man is a megalomaniac so this was bound to happen at some point or another, with or without an excuse.

Putin knows NATO ain't going to do shit to help Ukraine military wise unless a nation within NATO is attacked, which honestly disgusts me to my core. I get they are trying to avoid major military conflict but this isn't the way to go about it.

This is my last post on this thread as I find it in bad taste to argue over the internet from the comfort of my home, while the people of Ukraine are fighting an uphill battle with little hope of a peaceful ending.

I hope with all my being that isn't the case and by some miracle this ends as painlessly as possible and there are no long term ramifications.
-6 Frags +

I hope he hits the button

I hope he hits the button
4 Frags +
LupusssquarePutin knows NATO ain't going to do shit to help Ukraine military wise unless a nation within NATO is attacked, which honestly disgusts me to my core. I get they are trying to avoid major military conflict but this isn't the way to go about it.


K. Turkey, Estonia, Germany, Azerbajan, Slovkia, U.K., Poland and US (Financially at least) all have at least sent military aid in some form (missiles, money, or gasoline).

Yeah, it's not the best, but it's not like we're sitting out doing nothing. We can do much better however.

Putin knows NATO ain't going to do shit to help Ukraine military wise unless a nation within NATO is attacked, which honestly disgusts me to my core. I get they are trying to avoid major military conflict but this isn't the way to go about it.

K. Turkey, Estonia, Germany, Azerbajan, Slovkia, U.K., Poland and US (Financially at least) all have at least sent military aid in some form (missiles, money, or gasoline).

Yeah, it's not the best, but it's not like we're sitting out doing nothing. We can do much better however.
19 Frags +
RicharrrrdJwmans just tried a #bothsides centrist approach to an imperialist landgrab

If you think me addressing the role the US military-industrial complex has played in Eastern geopolitics over the last 70 years is a "bothsides centrist approach," then you didn't read my post. I shared no opinions in that post besides a few reasons why I believe NATO's response will be similar to its response to Crimea. NATO probably isn't going to do anything that changes anything, and we both know it.

Understanding the reasons nation-states do things is important, even if you don't agree with their reasons. If Ukraine had never given its nukes away in response to Western pressure, Russia would be far more cautious.

Ukranian MP Alexey Gocharenko shares this view: "Ukraine is the only nation in the human history which gave up the nuclear arsenal, the third biggest in the world in 1994, with guarantees of the US, UK and Russian Federation. Where are these guarantees?"
Ukraine’s former defense minister Anriy Zahorodniuk also shares this view: "We gave away the [nuclear] capability for nothing."

I said that the actions of Russia in this situation are consistent with geopolitical theory, and you somehow took that as a statement of support for the Russian government.

mans just tried a #bothsides centrist approach to an imperialist landgrab[/quote]
If you think me addressing the role the US military-industrial complex has played in Eastern geopolitics over the last 70 years is a "bothsides centrist approach," then you didn't read my post. I shared no opinions in that post besides a few reasons why I believe NATO's response will be similar to its response to Crimea. NATO probably isn't going to do anything that changes anything, and we both know it.

Understanding the reasons nation-states do things is important, even if you don't agree with their reasons. If Ukraine had never given its nukes away in response to Western pressure, Russia would be far more cautious.

Ukranian MP Alexey Gocharenko shares this view: "Ukraine is the only nation in the human history which gave up the nuclear arsenal, the third biggest in the world in 1994, with guarantees of the US, UK and Russian Federation. Where are these guarantees?"
Ukraine’s former defense minister Anriy Zahorodniuk also shares this view: "We gave away the [nuclear] capability for nothing."

I said that the actions of Russia in this situation are consistent with geopolitical theory, and you somehow took that as a statement of support for the Russian government.
-40 Frags +

Stupid American pov

Stupid American pov
33 Frags +
hannahMaybe I’m crazy but it’s very strange for Ukraine’s government to give untrained civilians guns and have them go fight and die in a war they have basically no chance of winning.

You are crazy.

I might as well add here: They're not just giving it to any random citizen. As a passport holder, you are eligable to essentially rent (as I understand) weapons when you show your passport. These "civilians", now fierce defenders of Ukraine, are highly enthusiastic about defending their home and have the highest levels of morale. They're determined and have some of the best chances of winning this war- and they're doing very well so far.

It's strange from your perspective, but given the context we have now, it's a strategically smart move by Ukraine in order to defend Kiev.

[quote=hannah]Maybe I’m crazy but it’s very strange for Ukraine’s government to give untrained civilians guns and have them go fight and die in a war they have basically no chance of winning.[/quote]
You are crazy.

I might as well add here: They're not just giving it to any random citizen. As a passport holder, you are eligable to essentially rent (as I understand) weapons when you show your passport. These "civilians", now fierce defenders of Ukraine, are highly enthusiastic about defending their home and have the highest levels of morale. They're determined and have some of the best chances of winning this war- and they're doing very well so far.

It's strange from your perspective, but given the context we have now, it's a strategically smart move by Ukraine in order to defend Kiev.
36 Frags +
hannahMaybe I’m crazy but it’s very strange for Ukraine’s government to give untrained civilians guns and have them go fight and die in a war they have basically no chance of winning.

id rather take a gun with no training and at least TRY and support my nation from being taken over than to everything ive ever known taken away from me

[quote=hannah]Maybe I’m crazy but it’s very strange for Ukraine’s government to give untrained civilians guns and have them go fight and die in a war they have basically no chance of winning.[/quote]
id rather take a gun with no training and at least TRY and support my nation from being taken over than to everything ive ever known taken away from me
-2 Frags +

If anyone wants to feel like they're doing something for the people of Ukraine, you can donate to relief efforts. I know and use DonorSee, but I'm sure there are many charities that do the same.

If anyone wants to feel like they're doing something for the people of Ukraine, you can donate to relief efforts. I know and use DonorSee, but I'm sure there are many charities that do the same.
1 Frags +
24LupusssquarePutin knows NATO ain't going to do shit to help Ukraine military wise unless a nation within NATO is attacked, which honestly disgusts me to my core. I get they are trying to avoid major military conflict but this isn't the way to go about it.

K. Turkey, Estonia, Germany, Azerbajan, Slovkia, U.K., Poland and US (Financially at least) all have at least sent military aid in some form (missiles, money, or gasoline).

Yeah, it's not the best, but it's not like we're sitting out doing nothing. We can do much better however.

Vitali Klitschko, ex-boxer and Kiev's mayor perfectly commented Germans' help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnIuKBNQ8bI

Poland and Romania are doing great job here by giving shelter for refugees. Poland have received 200k Ukrainians already and numbers are rising.

Putin knows NATO ain't going to do shit to help Ukraine military wise unless a nation within NATO is attacked, which honestly disgusts me to my core. I get they are trying to avoid major military conflict but this isn't the way to go about it.

K. Turkey, Estonia, Germany, Azerbajan, Slovkia, U.K., Poland and US (Financially at least) all have at least sent military aid in some form (missiles, money, or gasoline).

Yeah, it's not the best, but it's not like we're sitting out doing nothing. We can do much better however.[/quote]
Vitali Klitschko, ex-boxer and Kiev's mayor perfectly commented Germans' help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnIuKBNQ8bI

Poland and Romania are doing great job here by giving shelter for refugees. Poland have received 200k Ukrainians already and numbers are rising.
14 Frags +
supraVitali Klitschko, ex-boxer and Kiev's mayor perfectly commented Germans' help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnIuKBNQ8bI

Germany's position and level of assistance has changed considerably since the start of the invasion, especially yesterday.

[quote=supra]Vitali Klitschko, ex-boxer and Kiev's mayor perfectly commented Germans' help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnIuKBNQ8bI[/quote]
Germany's position and level of assistance has changed considerably since the start of the invasion, especially yesterday.
9 Frags +

Nuclear threat
Let's hope it stays on special alert and nothing more...

[url=https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60542877?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=621b8de2980bea49f4b7a503%26Nuclear%20warning%20is%20exactly%20what%20Nato%20feared%262022-02-27T14%3A42%3A43.133Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:5cded06a-4438-4ebe-9f97-24b0dd6adc93&pinned_post_asset_id=621b8de2980bea49f4b7a503&pinned_post_type=share]Nuclear threat[/url]
Let's hope it stays on special alert and nothing more...
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