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See your medic's uber% on hud
posted in Customization
-28 Frags +

Can we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.

Can we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.
25 Frags +
MongCan we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.

actual dog shit take
tf2 is in this weird spot where there are a lot of modifications that can be made to game files that would just straight up get you autobanned in games that are designed to be competitive focused (vtf crosshairs, modifying game particles, being able to hear spies cross map)
People are used to being given a high amount of freedom when it comes to customizing their game. Being able to see your meds uber percentage exactly from the flank is for sure a grey area where there is precedent that leagues haven't really controlled what you can change in your hud, but I think leaning to the side of caution and banning is a smart choice until you've at least heard back and forth from both sides as to what the ruling should be

but no you type literal brain damage take "ban ctapping" its not even close to the same

[quote=Mong]Can we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.[/quote]
actual dog shit take
tf2 is in this weird spot where there are a lot of modifications that can be made to game files that would just straight up get you autobanned in games that are designed to be competitive focused (vtf crosshairs, modifying game particles, being able to hear spies cross map)
People are used to being given a high amount of freedom when it comes to customizing their game. Being able to see your meds uber percentage exactly from the flank is for sure a grey area where there is precedent that leagues haven't really controlled what you can change in your hud, but I think leaning to the side of caution and banning is a smart choice until you've at least heard back and forth from both sides as to what the ruling should be

but no you type literal brain damage take "ban ctapping" its not even close to the same
-16 Frags +

In this rant you fail to provide any argument for why it's a "dogshit take". You only show it's a grey area because "there is precedent that leagues haven't really controlled what you can change in your hud". Why this would mean unintended hud elements aren't meant to allowed is beyond me. If anything, it would help the case that leagues shouldn't ban hud elements but there is precedent that leagues ban hud exploits like box shadows, transparent scope, etc.
If the argument for banning specgui is "it's not intended/an exploit" then that argument would also lead to banning many common features like c-tapping, hud elements (the vgui/thumbnails bug), different explosions, etc. Like these features, specgui is an exploit that provides a minor and niche gameplay advantage.
FYI, specgui has existed for a very long time in the game and past threads have been made about it and the game hasn't died.

In this rant you fail to provide any argument for why it's a "dogshit take". You only show it's a grey area because "there is precedent that leagues haven't really controlled what you can change in your hud". Why this would mean unintended hud elements aren't meant to allowed is beyond me. If anything, it would help the case that leagues shouldn't ban hud elements but there is precedent that leagues ban hud exploits like box shadows, transparent scope, etc.
If the argument for banning specgui is "it's not intended/an exploit" then that argument would also lead to banning many common features like c-tapping, hud elements (the vgui/thumbnails bug), different explosions, etc. Like these features, specgui is an exploit that provides a minor and niche gameplay advantage.
FYI, specgui has existed for a very long time in the game and past threads have been made about it and the game hasn't died.
13 Frags +
RebelFrom my understanding this is NOT legal in rgl

how the fuck they gonna know

[quote=Rebel]From my understanding this is NOT legal in rgl[/quote]
how the fuck they gonna know
21 Frags +
MongCan we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.

As usual your post is pointless and dumb.

The etf2l ruling states that scripts that mimic actions that a player can perform are allowed, and those which perform actions that the player cannot are banned. As without this, as a player, you cannot view your medics ubercharge at all times whilst alive, it's pretty clear-cut.

This and c-tap scripts are a completely false equivalence.

[quote=Mong]Can we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.[/quote]
As usual your post is pointless and dumb.

The etf2l ruling states that scripts that mimic actions that a player can perform are allowed, and those which perform actions that the player cannot are banned. As without this, as a player, you cannot view your medics ubercharge at all times whilst alive, it's pretty clear-cut.

This and c-tap scripts are a completely false equivalence.
19 Frags +

you're 100% right mong we should also ban speedshots and wallbugs and edgebugs oh and if someone accidentally bhops ban them too also if you get a melee hit sound but no damage you get banned too, or maybe the other person does idk

you're 100% right mong we should also ban speedshots and wallbugs and edgebugs oh and if someone accidentally bhops ban them too also if you get a melee hit sound but no damage you get banned too, or maybe the other person does idk
-4 Frags +
WhipThe etf2l ruling states that scripts that mimic actions that a player can perform are allowed, and those which perform actions that the player cannot are banned. As without this, as a player, you cannot view your medics ubercharge at all times whilst alive, it's pretty clear-cut.

That's pretty funny considering the only people that have a script for ctapping are those that can't ctap without a script which falls under your category of 'actions that the player cannot perform' which should be banned according to the definition you provided.

[quote=Whip]The etf2l ruling states that scripts that mimic actions that a player can perform are allowed, and those which perform actions that the player cannot are banned. As without this, as a player, you cannot view your medics ubercharge at all times whilst alive, it's pretty clear-cut.[/quote]
That's pretty funny considering the only people that have a script for ctapping are those that can't ctap without a script which falls under your category of 'actions that the player cannot perform' which should be banned according to the definition you provided.
-9 Frags +
WhipMongCan we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.As usual your post is pointless and dumb.

The etf2l ruling states that scripts that mimic actions that a player can perform are allowed, and those which perform actions that the player cannot are banned. As without this, as a player, you cannot view your medics ubercharge at all times whilst alive, it's pretty clear-cut.

This and c-tap scripts are a completely false equivalence.

What ruling? How does this distinction make any sense? Without match hud a player cannot view teammate respawn time or health without looking at them either. The only difference between match hud and specgui is that one is intended by Valve and one supposedly isn't.

Wild_Rumpusyou're 100% right mong we should also ban speedshots and wallbugs and edgebugs oh and if someone accidentally bhops ban them too also if you get a melee hit sound but no damage you get banned too, or maybe the other person does idk


[quote=Whip][quote=Mong]Can we also ban c-taping if this is banned? It's the logical conclusion.[/quote]
As usual your post is pointless and dumb.

The etf2l ruling states that scripts that mimic actions that a player can perform are allowed, and those which perform actions that the player cannot are banned. As without this, as a player, you cannot view your medics ubercharge at all times whilst alive, it's pretty clear-cut.

This and c-tap scripts are a completely false equivalence.[/quote]

What ruling? How does this distinction make any sense? Without match hud a player cannot view teammate respawn time or health without looking at them either. The only difference between match hud and specgui is that one is intended by Valve and one supposedly isn't.

[quote=Wild_Rumpus]you're 100% right mong we should also ban speedshots and wallbugs and edgebugs oh and if someone accidentally bhops ban them too also if you get a melee hit sound but no damage you get banned too, or maybe the other person does idk[/quote]
11 Frags +
Tholei think going off gut instinct for a lot of this shit is part of what makes tf2 so much better than its peers. tons of crucial information is not really just given to you 24/7. better players will have better gut instinct when it comes to uber ad/disad, enemy health, how many stickies your demo has loaded, etc. all part of the charm and skill ceiling.

Fair, but when things like match hud, player outlines and heal target's ammo count were added to the game, they were seen as welcome quality of life updates, and not as some crutches for bad players. Medics have been using chat binds with uber info for years, and this uber on hud thing kind of accomplishes the same thing.

I agree that using your "gut feeling" to anticipate enemy health and ubers is a part of the game's skill ceiling, but I don't think that in a serious comp setting people should ever rely on this feeling to figure out what their medic's uber is. Making a call that you have uber once you get it doesn't exactly take a lot of game mastery either, and to me it seems more like busywork, rather than good game sense.

[quote=Thole]i think going off gut instinct for a lot of this shit is part of what makes tf2 so much better than its peers. tons of crucial information is not really just given to you 24/7. better players will have better gut instinct when it comes to uber ad/disad, enemy health, how many stickies your demo has loaded, etc. all part of the charm and skill ceiling.[/quote]

Fair, but when things like match hud, player outlines and heal target's ammo count were added to the game, they were seen as welcome quality of life updates, and not as some crutches for bad players. Medics have been using chat binds with uber info for years, and this uber on hud thing kind of accomplishes the same thing.

I agree that using your "gut feeling" to anticipate enemy health and ubers is a part of the game's skill ceiling, but I don't think that in a serious comp setting people should ever rely on this feeling to figure out what their medic's uber is. Making a call that you have uber once you get it doesn't exactly take a lot of game mastery either, and to me it seems more like busywork, rather than good game sense.
24 Frags +

Ban c taps cause I can't do it

Ban c taps cause I can't do it
6 Frags +

Official etf2l ruling on this would be appreciated, imo its quality of life and not gamebreaking.

Official etf2l ruling on this would be appreciated, imo its quality of life and not gamebreaking.
10 Frags +
N3voOfficial etf2l ruling on this would be appreciated, imo its quality of life and not gamebreaking.

It is banned.

[quote=N3vo]Official etf2l ruling on this would be appreciated, imo its quality of life and not gamebreaking.[/quote]
It is banned.
2 Frags +

so this is banned but b4nny bind isint? lol

so this is banned but b4nny bind isint? lol
13 Frags +

I don't even play this game but I'm mad that these 2 braincell admins take their fake internet job so seriously that they feel it's necessary to penalize a simple hud mod that gives you information that literally 99% of the players at these events will already know at all times and are willing to dedicate energy into enforcing something so stupid.

This is truly nothing but a simple QoL change and the fact that the admins think they're actually doing something and not just dick waving is equal parts asinine and hilarious.

Ok fine it might help really bad teams- the kind of teams that don't communicate uber percentages which are really fucking bad. Any teams that actually need this 'exploit' (LMFAO) to win games are so bad that we should just give them every help that they can get tbh.

Not an exploit. Purely QoL. Admins dumb frfr

I don't even play this game but I'm mad that these 2 braincell admins take their fake internet job so seriously that they feel it's necessary to penalize a simple hud mod that gives you information that literally 99% of the players at these events will already know at all times and are willing to dedicate energy into enforcing something so stupid.

This is truly nothing but a simple QoL change and the fact that the admins think they're actually doing something and not just dick waving is equal parts asinine and hilarious.

Ok fine it might help really bad teams- the kind of teams that don't communicate uber percentages which are really fucking bad. Any teams that actually need this 'exploit' (LMFAO) to win games are so bad that we should just give them every help that they can get tbh.

Not an exploit. Purely QoL. Admins dumb frfr
7 Frags +

I'll take the bait I guess.
This thing requires you to edit/modify a HUD element that should only be available to spectators and you also need to keep activating it after dying. Without the edit you cannot see it on your HUD. People who don't use this are at a big disadvantage compared to those who do, if you don't use it you might as well be trolling your team if you ask your Medic how much % he has and clutter comms, especially on the flank or when you are behind the enemy. You are bypassing the game to access the information. It is an exploit.
If Valve intended for this to be just available they would have added this to the player HUD together with the team health, but they didn't.

Edit: If the question comes up how AC teams would even police this outside of LANs, well they are able to find out if you are using it, that's all I can say.

I'll take the bait I guess.
This thing requires you to edit/modify a HUD element that should only be available to spectators and you also need to keep activating it after dying. Without the edit you cannot see it on your HUD. People who don't use this are at a big disadvantage compared to those who do, if you don't use it you might as well be trolling your team if you ask your Medic how much % he has and clutter comms, especially on the flank or when you are behind the enemy. You are bypassing the game to access the information. It is an exploit.
If Valve intended for this to be just available they would have added this to the player HUD together with the team health, but they didn't.

Edit: If the question comes up how AC teams would even police this outside of LANs, well they are able to find out if you are using it, that's all I can say.
9 Frags +

People who have a quick loadout bind to get insta resup are at a big advantage compared to those who don't. If you don't use it you might as well be trolling your team.


People who have a quick loadout bind to get insta resup are at a big advantage compared to those who don't. If you don't use it you might as well be trolling your team.
9 Frags +
SamusI'll take the bait I guess.

Explaining your reasoning is a part of the communication process, it provides ground for discussion. People expect admins to justify their decisions in the first place, no matter how obvious or ambiguous the reasons are. Thanks for giving a response anyway.

Samusshould only be available to spectators

"It should be" is an opinion unless someone from Valve actually comes out and confirms what it really should be (don't think this ever happened).

Samusyou also need to keep activating it after dying

Yeah, it's buggy, but what can you do. A lot of mechanics in this game are janky to use. (wallbugs are still allowed, right?)

SamusWithout the edit you cannot see it on your HUD.

Fair, but you can hear it in your comms with very little effort on your medic's part, so this doesn't reveal any secret information that you didn't have access to before. Editing HUDs in general is not a part of in-game options and knowing how to do it already provides a tangible advantage.

SamusPeople who don't use this are at a big disadvantage compared to those who do

It's arguable how "big" this disadvantage really is, but I tend to trust admins to make these judgement calls. Would you say that teams with medics who don't use chat binds for ubers (50%, 100%, faked, used, etc.) are also at a big disadvantage compared to those who do?

SamusIf Valve intended for this to be just available they would have added this to the player HUD together with the team health, but they didn't.

If Valve intended for this to be available to spectators only, they would have fixed it years ago or restricted it with cvars, but they didn't. Valve also intended for 6v6 gamemode to be played within their matchmaking with default dx9 graphics. Valve forgot to fix Iron Bomber hitbox and only remembered recently, what if they also forgot to put uber % in match hud? It seems to fit there just fine. It's usually hard to tell what exactly Valve's intentions are, so I think this decision should be kept purely between admins and players.

This "exploit" is not a fresh discovery either, so I guess it just hasn't been brought to admins' attention before. I can also claim that this is an "accessibility feature" for people who can't speak very much, and that we shouldn't discriminate against them (lol). Either way, this uber % on hud thing seems very negligible to me, so I'm fine with whatever the final decision is.

[quote=Samus]I'll take the bait I guess.[/quote]
Explaining your reasoning is a part of the communication process, it provides ground for discussion. People expect admins to justify their decisions in the first place, no matter how obvious or ambiguous the reasons are. Thanks for giving a response anyway.

[quote=Samus]should only be available to spectators[/quote]
"It should be" is an opinion unless someone from Valve actually comes out and confirms what it really should be (don't think this ever happened).

[quote=Samus]you also need to keep activating it after dying[/quote]
Yeah, it's buggy, but what can you do. A lot of mechanics in this game are janky to use. (wallbugs are still allowed, right?)

[quote=Samus]Without the edit you cannot see it on your HUD.[/quote]
Fair, but you can hear it in your comms with very little effort on your medic's part, so this doesn't reveal any secret information that you didn't have access to before. Editing HUDs in general is not a part of in-game options and knowing how to do it already provides a tangible advantage.

[quote=Samus]People who don't use this are at a big disadvantage compared to those who do[/quote]
It's arguable how "big" this disadvantage really is, but I tend to trust admins to make these judgement calls. Would you say that teams with medics who don't use chat binds for ubers (50%, 100%, faked, used, etc.) are also at a big disadvantage compared to those who do?

[quote=Samus]If Valve intended for this to be just available they would have added this to the player HUD together with the team health, but they didn't.[/quote]
If Valve intended for this to be available to spectators only, they would have fixed it years ago or restricted it with cvars, but they didn't. Valve also intended for 6v6 gamemode to be played within their matchmaking with default dx9 graphics. Valve forgot to fix Iron Bomber hitbox and only remembered recently, what if they also forgot to put uber % in match hud? It seems to fit there just fine. It's usually hard to tell what exactly Valve's intentions are, so I think this decision should be kept purely between admins and players.

This "exploit" is not a fresh discovery either, so I guess it just hasn't been brought to admins' attention before. I can also claim that this is an "accessibility feature" for people who can't speak very much, and that we shouldn't discriminate against them (lol). Either way, this uber % on hud thing seems very negligible to me, so I'm fine with whatever the final decision is.
16 Frags +

y'all need to stop comparing information leak bugs to mechanical bugs, it's embarrassing

dqzSamusshould only be available to spectators"It should be" is an opinion unless someone from Valve actually comes out and confirms what it really should be (don't think this ever happened).

that's not how that works

even if it was, here's a bunch of references in the code that clearly refer to this as *spectator* HUD elements
when you are alive as a character in a team, you are not a spectator


y'all need to stop comparing information leak bugs to mechanical bugs, it's embarrassing

[quote=Samus]should only be available to spectators[/quote]
"It should be" is an opinion unless someone from Valve actually comes out and confirms what it really should be (don't think this ever happened).
that's not how that works

even if it was, here's a bunch of references in the code that clearly refer to this as *spectator* HUD elements
when you are alive as a character in a team, you are not a spectator

2 Frags +
twiikuueven if it was, here's a bunch of references in the code that clearly refer to this as *spectator* HUD elements
when you are alive as a character in a team, you are not a spectator

Just out of curiosity, do you know anything about the ubercharge panel in HudMatchStatus?

Other than your own post asking about it many years ago, all I could find about it was the original post from swissolo's match hud thread when it first released:

swissoloLots of parameters and features are broken as far as I can tell because Valve didn't bother to finish implementing what they weren't using. Every block below respawntime in my file is disabled. The death and skull panels work, but I couldn't get anything useful out of the other disabled sections (which includes chargeamount sadly). Let me know if you get one of these features working.

Given that leagues are against it on the basis of how it is accessed, it seems that the only way to show this info "legally" would be by pursuing this lead.
I don't know enough about the actual mechanisms of the tf2 hud to try to bruteforce any information out of it, but the panel at least exists.
I have had people anecdotally tell me that they have had huds with this enabled, but I seriously doubt this was cracked without being big news.

[quote=twiikuu]even if it was, here's a bunch of references in the code that clearly refer to this as *spectator* HUD elements
when you are alive as a character in a team, you are not a spectator[/quote]

Just out of curiosity, do you know anything about the ubercharge panel in HudMatchStatus?

Other than your own post asking about it many years ago, all I could find about it was the original post from swissolo's match hud thread when it first released:

[quote=swissolo]Lots of parameters and features are broken as far as I can tell because Valve didn't bother to finish implementing what they weren't using. Every block below respawntime in my file is disabled. The death and skull panels work, but I couldn't get anything useful out of the other disabled sections (which includes chargeamount sadly). Let me know if you get one of these features working.[/quote]

Given that leagues are against it on the basis of how it is accessed, it seems that the only way to show this info "legally" would be by pursuing this lead.
I don't know enough about the actual mechanisms of the tf2 hud to try to bruteforce any information out of it, but the panel at least exists.
I have had people anecdotally tell me that they have had huds with this enabled, but I seriously doubt this was cracked without being big news.
5 Frags +

Ok now someone smarter than me figure out how to make the damage taken animation events work so we can use timed animations to indicate if players have critheals or not

SamusI'll take the bait I guess.
This thing requires you to edit/modify a HUD element that should only be available to spectators and you also need to keep activating it after dying. Without the edit you cannot see it on your HUD

That isn't true, the default HUD still shows ubercharge percentage on specgui, this hud just hides other elements and moves it into a more convenient place (comparable to moving player hp and hiding the ugly cross for visibility) - maybe this seems like nitpicking but its an important distinction to make that showing the spectator panel is your entire issue and there's no extra steps taken or anything devious done to make this work other than typing a single unrestricted console command

Ok now someone smarter than me figure out how to make the damage taken animation events work so we can use timed animations to indicate if players have critheals or not

[quote=Samus]I'll take the bait I guess.
This thing requires you to edit/modify a HUD element that should only be available to spectators and you also need to keep activating it after dying. Without the edit you cannot see it on your HUD[/quote]

That isn't true, the default HUD still shows ubercharge percentage on specgui, this hud just hides other elements and moves it into a more convenient place (comparable to moving player hp and hiding the ugly cross for visibility) - maybe this seems like nitpicking but its an important distinction to make that showing the spectator panel is your entire issue and there's no extra steps taken or anything devious done to make this work other than typing a single unrestricted console command
6 Frags +

i'll have a quick read of how the panel is implemented, or at least was implemented as of the time when the source got leaked

E: I've compared the implementations, the spectator hud uses `CTFPlayerPanel`, the match hud uses `CTFTeamStatusPlayerPanel`, `CTFTeamStatusPlayerPanel` is a subclass of `CTFPlayerPanel` (it inherits the data and behavior), however `CTFTeamStatusPlayerPanel` overrides its `::Update(void)` method, so the behavior to track the ubercharge % is lost. You may have been able to show the `chargeamount` HUD variable, but it's just set to an empty string. That seems like a conscious decision, the overridden `::Update(void)` method was copied verbatim from the former and edited to fit the behavior wanted (super, sub).

i'll have a quick read of how the panel is implemented, or at least was implemented as of the time when the source got leaked

E: I've compared the implementations, the spectator hud uses `CTFPlayerPanel`, the match hud uses `CTFTeamStatusPlayerPanel`, `CTFTeamStatusPlayerPanel` is a subclass of `CTFPlayerPanel` (it inherits the data and behavior), however `CTFTeamStatusPlayerPanel` overrides its `::Update(void)` method, so the behavior to track the ubercharge % is lost. You may have been able to show the `chargeamount` HUD variable, but it's just set to an empty string. That seems like a conscious decision, the overridden `::Update(void)` method was copied verbatim from the former and edited to fit the behavior wanted ([url=https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-hl2_src/blob/3bf9df6b2785fa6d951086978a3e66f49427166a/game/client/tf/vgui/tf_playerpanel.cpp#L81-L297]super[/url], [url=https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-hl2_src/blob/3bf9df6b2785fa6d951086978a3e66f49427166a/game/client/tf/tf_teamstatus.cpp#L56-L296]sub[/url]).
24 Frags +

i don't have a lot to add to this discussion i just want to say that the take that things valve didn't intend shouldn't be in the game is the most hilarious thing i've read all day

i don't have a lot to add to this discussion i just want to say that the take that things valve didn't intend shouldn't be in the game is the most hilarious thing i've read all day
-2 Frags +
SamusEdit: If the question comes up how AC teams would even police this outside of LANs, well they are able to find out if you are using it, that's all I can say.

But one can use specgui as a better match hud for verticality and health points while hiding the %ubercharge. Assuming these aren't bannable reasons (they shouldn't be), you cannot distinguish between this and the bannable version.
Here's an example: https://streamable.com/v9r3ri

Edit: If the question comes up how AC teams would even police this outside of LANs, well they are able to find out if you are using it, that's all I can say.[/quote]
But one can use specgui as a better match hud for verticality and health points while hiding the %ubercharge. Assuming these aren't bannable reasons (they shouldn't be), you cannot distinguish between this and the bannable version.
Here's an example: https://streamable.com/v9r3ri
15 Frags +
SamusYou are bypassing the game to access the information. It is an exploit.
If Valve intended for this to be just available they would have added this to the player HUD together with the team health, but they didn't.

From the top of my head, here are the things i currently use in my TF2 which are not meant by Valve to be accessed and are allowed by etf2l:
1, unlocked negative LOD to 15 for smoother textures
2, custom vtf crosshairs
3, custom explosion particles
4, anything with preloading (custom animations like left hand fix for original) on sv_pure enabled servers
5, afaik mastercomms no soundscapes addons also fucks with the same files that enables you to cheat game sounds

Valve didn't fix major exploits in years, close to a decade for some of them. If we can have a nice QoL addon to our HUD, it's not the end of the world.

[quote=Samus]You are bypassing the game to access the information. It is an exploit.
If Valve intended for this to be just available they would have added this to the player HUD together with the team health, but they didn't.

From the top of my head, here are the things i currently use in my TF2 which are not meant by Valve to be accessed and are allowed by etf2l:
1, unlocked negative LOD to 15 for smoother textures
2, custom vtf crosshairs
3, custom explosion particles
4, anything with preloading (custom animations like left hand fix for original) on sv_pure enabled servers
5, afaik mastercomms no soundscapes addons also fucks with the same files that enables you to cheat game sounds

Valve didn't fix major exploits in years, close to a decade for some of them. If we can have a nice QoL addon to our HUD, it's not the end of the world.
-5 Frags +
adyskyValve didn't fix major exploits in years, close to a decade for some of them. If we can have a nice QoL addon to our HUD, it's not the end of the world.

We'd just like to be careful because what is considered a QOL addition and what isn't can become a slippery slope really fast. Is it just a QOL improvement when it also removes the "element of team discussion/comms" if you never have to ask or look at your Medic for this info again because you have the exact % on your screen, wherever you are, and your Medic doesn't have to speak up about it anymore?
I can understand that this is considered as something minor, especially by higher experienced players, it doesn't affect that much. But the % is still supposed to be shown as part of the spectator element/panel only, or if you look at your Medic/get healed by him. We could do a poll and ask the community what they think about this. However, if you allow this specific method to show the % on your HUD and then suddenly more is found, that opens up the question if that would be okay too since it would use the same or a similar method and is thus part of the game. At what point is something considered to be too "game breaking"?

Whenever we allow a modification or a script people are opening requests and ask for more and more obscure stuff, something I've noticed a lot in the past fews months. TF2 comp is really open to allowing custom modifications and scripts compared to comp CS:GO leagues like ESL. It gets really difficult to monitor and keep track of for staff. The main issue is that Valve rarely does bug patches and TF2 leagues are left to decide what is an exploit that is still 'okay' and what isn't. If TF2 got some of the sv_pure fixes CS:GO got we wouldn't have to have these discussions. We had some major bug fixes in the June and July updates, I just hope it wasn't a one time thing.

Valve didn't fix major exploits in years, close to a decade for some of them. If we can have a nice QoL addon to our HUD, it's not the end of the world.[/quote]
We'd just like to be careful because what is considered a QOL addition and what isn't can become a slippery slope really fast. Is it just a QOL improvement when it also removes the "element of team discussion/comms" if you never have to ask or look at your Medic for this info again because you have the exact % on your screen, wherever you are, and your Medic doesn't have to speak up about it anymore?
I can understand that this is considered as something minor, especially by higher experienced players, it doesn't affect that much. But the % is still supposed to be shown as part of the spectator element/panel only, or if you look at your Medic/get healed by him. We could do a poll and ask the community what they think about this. However, if you allow this specific method to show the % on your HUD and then suddenly more is found, that opens up the question if that would be okay too since it would use the same or a similar method and is thus part of the game. At what point is something considered to be too "game breaking"?

Whenever we allow a modification or a script people are opening requests and ask for more and more obscure stuff, something I've noticed a lot in the past fews months. TF2 comp is really open to allowing custom modifications and scripts compared to comp CS:GO leagues like ESL. It gets really difficult to monitor and keep track of for staff. The main issue is that Valve rarely does bug patches and TF2 leagues are left to decide what is an exploit that is still 'okay' and what isn't. If TF2 got some of the sv_pure fixes CS:GO got we wouldn't have to have these discussions. We had some major bug fixes in the June and July updates, I just hope it wasn't a one time thing.
4 Frags +
SamusIs it just a QOL improvement when it also removes the "element of team discussion/comms" if you never have to ask or look at your Medic for this info again because you have the exact % on your screen, wherever you are, and your Medic doesn't have to speak up about it anymore?

If the answer to this question is "no, it's not just QoL, it's an exploit", then you'd also have to ban medic's uber-related chat binds, because it effectively accomplishes the same thing by showing uber info on HUD and reducing reliance on comms. Except, in this case, medic is the one pressing buttons to give info, instead of the other way around. Also chat is not called "Spectator GUI" in the game files, so I guess it adds legitimacy. Many people use these binds and, from my experience, it's seen as a sign of competence, not as exploit abuse.

SamusTF2 leagues are left to decide what is an exploit that is still 'okay' and what isn't.

Yeah, it's tough, but that's the hand we're dealt. Adding more clarity and examples to the rules would definitely help, so that people wouldn't ask what is allowed as often. "Just ban exploits, gimmicks and all that shady stuff" is an attractive and easy solution, I just don't think it's always right for the game with bare minimum dev support.

[quote=Samus]Is it just a QOL improvement when it also removes the "element of team discussion/comms" if you never have to ask or look at your Medic for this info again because you have the exact % on your screen, wherever you are, and your Medic doesn't have to speak up about it anymore?[/quote]
If the answer to this question is "no, it's not just QoL, it's an exploit", then you'd also have to ban medic's uber-related chat binds, because it effectively accomplishes the same thing by showing uber info on HUD and reducing reliance on comms. Except, in this case, medic is the one pressing buttons to give info, instead of the other way around. Also chat is not called "Spectator GUI" in the game files, so I guess it adds legitimacy. Many people use these binds and, from my experience, it's seen as a sign of competence, not as exploit abuse.

[quote=Samus]TF2 leagues are left to decide what is an exploit that is still 'okay' and what isn't.[/quote]
Yeah, it's tough, but that's the hand we're dealt. Adding more clarity and examples to the rules would definitely help, so that people wouldn't ask what is allowed as often. "Just ban exploits, gimmicks and all that shady stuff" is an attractive and easy solution, I just don't think it's always right for the game with bare minimum dev support.
10 Frags +

Most modern games have charge percentages for ults etc available at a glance of their scoreboard, how would having this in TF2 for uber % dramatically impact gameplay outside of pugs and lobbies?

Most modern games have charge percentages for ults etc available at a glance of their scoreboard, how would having this in TF2 for uber % dramatically impact gameplay outside of pugs and lobbies?
9 Frags +
dqzthen you'd also have to ban medic's uber-related chat binds, because it effectively accomplishes the same thing by showing uber info on HUD and reducing reliance on comms. Except, in this case, medic is the one pressing buttons to give info, instead of the other way around.

I don’t think this is a fair comparison, given that
1. you are relying on your medic to ensure the info is accurate
2. the medic is manually pressing buttons to communicate the info
2.a. the one receiving the info cannot control when it is sent
3. the info is not exact

SamusHowever, if you allow this specific method to show the % on your HUD and then suddenly more is found, that opens up the question if that would be okay too since it would use the same or a similar method and is thus part of the game. At what point is something considered to be too "game breaking"?

I don’t think it’s unprecedented to have specific rules detailing what is and isn’t allowed on ETF2L. Many of the rules pages go into excruciating detail as to what exactly you can and can’t do with game exploits. It’s a fair concern, but I’m pretty confident there’s nothing else in specifically “showpanel specgui” that can be abused. Any other showpanel or related command ffound in the future could be easily banned (and, as you said, detected).

I think the admins have done a good job of explaining why it’s not allowed right now, especially considering how many people seem to be against their consensus. Even though it’s possible to use this command on default HUD with no game modifications, you would want a hud that cleans up the specGUI or you’d be missing a decent chunk of your screen for a tiny number. Arguing based on contradictions in the rules feels to me like missing the point - at the very least, it’s understandable to ban it right before LAN out of caution. The QOL vs EasyMode debate will be familiar to literally anyone who has played OSRS/WoW Classic and it’s not a simple one.

Devil’s advocate: it does reduce the reliance on comms in some specific situations. It is not completely worthless in high level games. How big is the difference? Not as obvious as it seems unless people start trying hard to abuse it on teams. It would take purposely omitting all % calls until uber is almost ready, and actively using the comms space for calls - is this ever enough of a gain to make a difference? I could potentially see it happening with very talkative teams - shouldn’t they be punished instead?
Would having it improve the game? Does teams being more effortlessly cohesive benefit fast play more than stalemating?

While researching I found this thread from 2 years ago - pretty interesting read regarding peoples’ opinions on Match HUD.

Unrelated: I’ve been updating the hud in the OP (not uploaded yet) with an emphasis on glance value and subconscious information that a lot of huds neglect. More on that soon.

[quote=dqz]then you'd also have to ban medic's uber-related chat binds, because it effectively accomplishes the same thing by showing uber info on HUD and reducing reliance on comms. Except, in this case, medic is the one pressing buttons to give info, instead of the other way around.[/quote]

I don’t think this is a fair comparison, given that
1. you are relying on your medic to ensure the info is accurate
2. the medic is manually pressing buttons to communicate the info
2.a. the one receiving the info cannot control when it is sent
3. the info is not exact

[quote=Samus]However, if you allow this specific method to show the % on your HUD and then suddenly more is found, that opens up the question if that would be okay too since it would use the same or a similar method and is thus part of the game. At what point is something considered to be too "game breaking"?[/quote]

I don’t think it’s unprecedented to have specific rules detailing what is and isn’t allowed on ETF2L. Many of the rules pages go into excruciating detail as to what exactly you can and can’t do with game exploits. It’s a fair concern, but I’m pretty confident there’s nothing else in specifically “showpanel specgui” that can be abused. Any other showpanel or related command ffound in the future could be easily banned (and, as you said, detected).

I think the admins have done a good job of explaining why it’s not allowed right now, especially considering how many people seem to be against their consensus. Even though it’s possible to use this command on default HUD with no game modifications, you would want a hud that cleans up the specGUI or you’d be missing a decent chunk of your screen for a tiny number. Arguing based on contradictions in the rules feels to me like missing the point - at the very least, it’s understandable to ban it right before LAN out of caution. The QOL vs EasyMode debate will be familiar to literally anyone who has played OSRS/WoW Classic and it’s not a simple one.

Devil’s advocate: it does reduce the reliance on comms in some specific situations. It is not completely worthless in high level games. How big is the difference? Not as obvious as it seems unless people start trying hard to abuse it on teams. It would take purposely omitting all % calls until uber is almost ready, and actively using the comms space for calls - is this ever enough of a gain to make a difference? I could potentially see it happening with very talkative teams - shouldn’t they be punished instead?
Would having it improve the game? Does teams being more effortlessly cohesive benefit fast play more than stalemating?

While researching I found [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/54447/tf-use-match-hud-1]this thread[/url] from 2 years ago - pretty interesting read regarding peoples’ opinions on Match HUD.

Unrelated: I’ve been updating the hud in the OP (not uploaded yet) with an emphasis on glance value and subconscious information that a lot of huds neglect. More on that soon.
32 Frags +

for the record, i will NOT be adding this to my hud, and i will NOT be using it in official RGL league matches
p.s. i will no longer be streaming

for the record, i will NOT be adding this to my hud, and i will NOT be using it in official RGL league matches
p.s. i will no longer be streaming
19 Frags +

before valve added cl_autoreload, you had to manually put +reload in console or bind it to w to always enable it, and afaik it would be slower than cl_autoreload too

I think that's a QoL feature no one can live without nowadays (except maybe viewmodel gun-spy mains), so I'm in favour of allowing the uber% HUD element and maybe one day Valve will also add it to tournament HUDs :)


before valve added cl_autoreload, you had to manually put +reload in console or bind it to w to always enable it, and afaik it would be slower than cl_autoreload too

I think that's a QoL feature no one can live without nowadays (except maybe viewmodel gun-spy mains), so I'm in favour of allowing the uber% HUD element and maybe one day Valve will also add it to tournament HUDs :)
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