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The Papercuts Thread - Bring up annoyances here
posted in Projects
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When players run into annoyances, they don't always bring it up in the proper communication channels, and contributors may only pay attention to their own dedicated communication channels, leading to these small issues never being fixed. I don't intend to blame either parties, I imagine that both players and contributors prefer these annoyances be squashed.

Let's try something, you bring up the annoyances you come across while playing, and I'll try finding out what the reason for it, and bring it up to the respective projects owners.

I've started today:
The SOAPDM spawns on cp_gullywash_f5/f6 would often break on serveme.tf (This is the annoyance, this is what you report), however JaguarKing had provided new configurations to the SOAPDM project about a month ago, it turns out that only some of the serveme.tf installations had an outdated version of SOAPDM. That should be fixed now.

When players run into annoyances, they don't always bring it up in the proper communication channels, and contributors may only pay attention to their own dedicated communication channels, leading to these small issues never being fixed. I don't intend to blame either parties, I imagine that both players and contributors prefer these annoyances be squashed.

Let's try something, you bring up the annoyances you come across while playing, and I'll try finding out what the reason for it, and bring it up to the respective projects owners.

I've started today:
The SOAPDM spawns on cp_gullywash_f5/f6 would often break on serveme.tf (This is the annoyance, this is what you report), however JaguarKing had provided new configurations to the SOAPDM project about a month ago, it turns out that only some of the serveme.tf installations had an outdated version of SOAPDM. That should be fixed now.
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Hitscan blocked by friendly players

Hitscan blocked by friendly players
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idiot (me) catching pipe and killing teammate (lol)

idiot (me) catching pipe and killing teammate (lol)
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playing koth and a player gets on point at 0:00 to force overtime with no previous captime at the same time the game thinks the round is over which results in overtime not happening and the cap decay not getting sped up https://streamable.com/sofgoe (notice no overtime in hud or announcer saying it)

playing koth and a player gets on point at 0:00 to force overtime with no previous captime at the same time the game thinks the round is over which results in overtime not happening and the cap decay not getting sped up https://streamable.com/sofgoe (notice no overtime in hud or announcer saying it)
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crit heals getting removed by scout from a mile away

crit heals getting removed by scout from a mile away
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I Fucking Hate Fyg….

I Fucking Hate Fyg….
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scrambledHitscan blocked by friendly players

projectiles blocked by/bounced off friendly players too (I know there's a plugin, but I really want to normalize using it)

[quote=scrambled]Hitscan blocked by friendly players[/quote]
projectiles blocked by/bounced off friendly players too (I know there's a plugin, but I really want to normalize using it)
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loafePEOPLE RUNNING AWAY IN DM SERVERSYoung_Sanitypeople playing passive in MGE. Like what mechanic are you practicing by sitting back and spamming?

this isnt the point of the thread, FUCK OFF.


[quote=Young_Sanity]people playing passive in MGE. Like what mechanic are you practicing by sitting back and spamming?[/quote]

this isnt the point of the thread, FUCK OFF.
9 Frags +
JackyLegsplaying koth and a player gets on point at 0:00 to force overtime with no previous captime at the same time the game thinks the round is over which results in overtime not happening and the cap decay not getting sped up https://streamable.com/sofgoe (notice no overtime in hud or announcer saying it)

I didn't realise that was a general koth bug, have seen it before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT9s8vDOJg8

Makes sense that is what causes it.

[quote=JackyLegs]playing koth and a player gets on point at 0:00 to force overtime with no previous captime at the same time the game thinks the round is over which results in overtime not happening and the cap decay not getting sped up https://streamable.com/sofgoe (notice no overtime in hud or announcer saying it)[/quote]

I didn't realise that was a general koth bug, have seen it before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT9s8vDOJg8

Makes sense that is what causes it.
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Capping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does

Capping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does
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#3 #6 This is part of the game.

#4 #7 #8 #9 I don't care

I wasn't expecting mostly feature requests for tf2-comp-fixes, but that's fine too. You might want to check issue tracker.

scrambledHitscan blocked by friendly players

I've got a note for this on the tf2-comp-fixes issue tracker, however it felt low priority to implement compared to projectiles hitting friendlies: you have more chances to prevent that from happening on scout. I remember that you play a bunch of heavy, in which case I can totally see the issue being harder to deal with. I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to new tf2-comp-fixes features, but I'll keep it in mind for next time.

JackyLegs[..] weird fucky shit with the overtime [..]

That's good to know, I'll make a note of it.

wishCapping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does

Do you have an example video/demo of that happening? I'll make a note of it as well.

#3 #6 This is part of the game.

#4 #7 #8 #9 I don't care

I wasn't expecting mostly feature requests for tf2-comp-fixes, but that's fine too. You might want to check [url=https://github.com/ldesgoui/tf2-comp-fixes/issues]issue tracker[/url].

[quote=scrambled]Hitscan blocked by friendly players[/quote]
I've got a note for this on the tf2-comp-fixes issue tracker, however it felt low priority to implement compared to projectiles hitting friendlies: you have more chances to prevent that from happening on scout. I remember that you play a bunch of heavy, in which case I can totally see the issue being harder to deal with. I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to new tf2-comp-fixes features, but I'll keep it in mind for next time.

[quote=JackyLegs][..] weird fucky shit with the overtime [..][/quote]
That's good to know, I'll make a note of it.

[quote=wish]Capping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does[/quote]
Do you have an example video/demo of that happening? I'll make a note of it as well.
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wishCapping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does

i have to tell people this every season:
when neither team has cap you both have fast spawns,
when you cap you get slower spawns.

[quote=wish]Capping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does[/quote]
i have to tell people this every season:
when neither team has cap you both have fast spawns,
when you cap you get slower spawns.
13 Frags +
coyo_geezerwishCapping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it doesi have to tell people this every season:
when neither team has cap you both have fast spawns,
when you cap you get slower spawns.

on viaduct rcx this season my team experienced the coinflip 1st cap as well. sometimes it delayed and other times it didnt.

[quote=coyo_geezer][quote=wish]Capping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does[/quote]
i have to tell people this every season:
when neither team has cap you both have fast spawns,
when you cap you get slower spawns.[/quote]
on viaduct rcx this season my team experienced the coinflip 1st cap as well. sometimes it delayed and other times it didnt.
-8 Frags +

is taking full self damage from shooting people point blank still a thing on soldier?

is taking full self damage from shooting people point blank still a thing on soldier?
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GrapeJuiceIIIcoyo_geezerwishCapping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it doesi have to tell people this every season:
when neither team has cap you both have fast spawns,
when you cap you get slower spawns.
on viaduct rcx this season my team experienced the coinflip 1st cap as well. sometimes it delayed and other times it didnt.

this is just due to how spawn waves work, this affects every cap on every map.

[quote=GrapeJuiceIII][quote=coyo_geezer][quote=wish]Capping the point during the midfight on KOTH shouldn't delay spawns, but sometimes it does[/quote]
i have to tell people this every season:
when neither team has cap you both have fast spawns,
when you cap you get slower spawns.[/quote]
on viaduct rcx this season my team experienced the coinflip 1st cap as well. sometimes it delayed and other times it didnt.[/quote]

this is just due to how spawn waves work, this affects every cap on every map.
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segamwis taking full self damage from shooting people point blank still a thing on soldier?

Not in EU

[quote=segamw]is taking full self damage from shooting people point blank still a thing on soldier?[/quote]

Not in EU
25 Frags +

Another note on the spawn waves thing- in 5cp sometimes when two people have the same spawn timer and the enemy team caps a point, some players get delayed spawn waves and others don't. I don't know if this is deliberate and it's based on when they died rather than when they were going to spawn or something but it doesn't seem like it would be intentional.

Another note on the spawn waves thing- in 5cp sometimes when two people have the same spawn timer and the enemy team caps a point, some players get delayed spawn waves and others don't. I don't know if this is deliberate and it's based on when they died rather than when they were going to spawn or something but it doesn't seem like it would be intentional.
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ZestyAnother note on the spawn waves thing- in 5cp sometimes when two people have the same spawn timer and the enemy team caps a point, some players get delayed spawn waves and others don't. I don't know if this is deliberate and it's based on when they died rather than when they were going to spawn or something but it doesn't seem like it would be intentional.

you have a minimum time that you must be dead for in order to catch the next wave, and this is the only thing the map controls (e. I think the map controls the wave time aswell actually)

so if you would previously make the same wave but the minimum spawn timer changes, then u might miss the upcoming wave that ur teammate will still spawn in, if he's been dead longer & that qualifies him to make the wave and ur not dead long enough for it - so ur right

e. I think this is the same deal that is going on with koth. on viaduct the minimum death time starts at 6, then is set to 4 and 8 respectively - respawn waves happen every 4 seconds, so depending on what time you died during that timeframe, you may or may not get ur timer extended on cap. tired so might be a dumbass here

example: u died at exact 2 seconds after last wave
u get minimum 6s, the wave hits at 6 so u spawn
unless u cap cause then ur mins 8 vs 6, so on cap u will get extended spawn

other hand: u died at exact 1 second after last wave
u miss wave, min 6s vs wave hit at 5s
u still spawn next wave if u cap because ur min is 8s vs the wave hitting at 9s

[quote=Zesty]Another note on the spawn waves thing- in 5cp sometimes when two people have the same spawn timer and the enemy team caps a point, some players get delayed spawn waves and others don't. I don't know if this is deliberate and it's based on when they died rather than when they were going to spawn or something but it doesn't seem like it would be intentional.[/quote]

you have a minimum time that you must be dead for in order to catch the next wave, and this is the only thing the map controls (e. I think the map controls the wave time aswell actually)

so if you would previously make the same wave but the minimum spawn timer changes, then u might miss the upcoming wave that ur teammate will still spawn in, if he's been dead longer & that qualifies him to make the wave and ur not dead long enough for it - so ur right

e. I think this is the same deal that is going on with koth. on viaduct the minimum death time starts at 6, then is set to 4 and 8 respectively - respawn waves happen every 4 seconds, so depending on what time you died during that timeframe, you may or may not get ur timer extended on cap. tired so might be a dumbass here

example: u died at exact 2 seconds after last wave
u get minimum 6s, the wave hits at 6 so u spawn
unless u cap cause then ur mins 8 vs 6, so on cap u will get extended spawn

other hand: u died at exact 1 second after last wave
u miss wave, min 6s vs wave hit at 5s
u still spawn next wave if u cap because ur min is 8s vs the wave hitting at 9s
11 Frags +

I swear I heard b4nny say something about whichever team won the previous round would get longer spawns on first cap of the new round. Not sure doe

I swear I heard b4nny say something about whichever team won the previous round would get longer spawns on first cap of the new round. Not sure doe
26 Frags +

Randomized spawns suck. They are rare and are usually caused by someone changing class, teams, or dying or something, but there have definitely been times where the med is far enough away from the demo to the point which it affects the rollout. I think this would have to be fixed mapside though.

Randomized spawns suck. They are rare and are usually caused by someone changing class, teams, or dying or something, but there have definitely been times where the med is far enough away from the demo to the point which it affects the rollout. I think this would have to be fixed mapside though.
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seeing a medic get spawned all the way at the back of spawn

seeing a medic get spawned all the way at the back of spawn
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teammates blocking arrows meant for other teammates

teammates blocking arrows meant for other teammates
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twiikuuI've got a note for this on the tf2-comp-fixes issue tracker, however it felt low priority to implement compared to projectiles hitting friendlies: you have more chances to prevent that from happening on scout. I remember that you play a bunch of heavy, in which case I can totally see the issue being harder to deal with. I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to new tf2-comp-fixes features, but I'll keep it in mind for next time.

The main impact would be sniping through choke points; it is a common occurance that you peek a tight angle and your teammate would walk in front of you, blocking the shot. You'd have to consider how something like that could seriously impact the outcomes of games and potential strategies that could be abused.

It's important to note that only headshots and fully charged machina shots can go through friendly players as a lot of people seem to conflate that penetration mechanic with sniper rifles generally.

I've got a note for this on the tf2-comp-fixes issue tracker, however it felt low priority to implement compared to projectiles hitting friendlies: you have more chances to prevent that from happening on scout. I remember that you play a bunch of heavy, in which case I can totally see the issue being harder to deal with. I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to new tf2-comp-fixes features, but I'll keep it in mind for next time.
The main impact would be sniping through choke points; it is a common occurance that you peek a tight angle and your teammate would walk in front of you, blocking the shot. You'd have to consider how something like that could seriously impact the outcomes of games and potential strategies that could be abused.

It's important to note that only headshots and fully charged machina shots can go through friendly players as a lot of people seem to conflate that penetration mechanic with sniper rifles generally.
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the randomized spawn positions at the beginning of each round is annoying

the randomized spawn positions at the beginning of each round is annoying
24 Frags +

When you have auto reload on, and you lightly/briefly click mouse1 (not a full click and usually done by accident) during the reload animation, the reload is cancelled and reset without actually firing anything. I'm pretty sure it's been a bug (feature?) for over 10 years now and god it's annoying

When you have auto reload on, and you lightly/briefly click mouse1 (not a full click and usually done by accident) during the reload animation, the reload is cancelled and reset without actually firing anything. I'm pretty sure it's been a bug (feature?) for over 10 years now and god it's annoying
31 Frags +

Shooting at the enemy team and your scout / soldier jumps in front of your sticky so then the sticky just fucking bounces off your teammate. I deadass almost died to my own sticky once because either jay or b4nny caught one with his ASS mid double yump and it reflected back into me

Shooting at the enemy team and your scout / soldier jumps in front of your sticky so then the sticky just fucking bounces off your teammate. I deadass almost died to my own sticky once because either jay or b4nny caught one with his ASS mid double yump and it reflected back into me
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