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How to Fix Sniper
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Loafe didn't think my last thread was serious enough (my bad loafe!), so in this post I'm going to give some suggestions for how we could improve Sniper in 6s.

Before I give my suggestions, it’s worth thinking about what is fun and/or reasonable about sniper:

  • Sniper’s skill expression is high in certain respects, in particular difficult headshots, quickscopes, swinging into the open to headshot a medic, and so on. It is not really "unbalanced" to get quickscoped at close range as a Scout, for example; I don't think very many people have a problem with stuff like that.
  • Sniper helps break stalemates on offense, and helps put the game in motion on defense. Having an alternative to double sacking over and over on offense, and having a defensive tool against dryfights is, at least in some situations, reasonable. You can argue that Sniper is too powerful in these situations, but that doesn't necessarily mean the option should be removed from the game.
  • Sniper is crucial for the balance around last pushes, forcing the attacking team to pop through a doorway. If Sniper didn’t exist, pushing last would become easier and less skill-expressive. Last pushes are currently in a good spot balance-wise with the attacking team having, in my estimation, a 70/30 advantage against the defending team on most maps. If Sniper didn't exist, this advantage would increase to 80/20 at least, which would make holding last on disad feel really unfair. On maps like Snakewater, I could see the attacking team milking from top-right all the way to truck before popping uber if Sniper didn't exist, which definitely shouldn't be a viable strategy.

What don't people like about Sniper?

  • People don't like situations where there’s little to no active counterplay to the opposing team having a Sniper. Players generally prefer "active" counterplay (bombing, spamming, exchanging, etc.) to "passive" counterplay (hiding, etc.)
  • People don't like situations where the Sniper isn’t punished for making a mistake or successive mistakes. Snipers being able to whiff 5 headshots before hitting the one crucial shot that wins their team the fight is understandably annoying.
  • People don't like situations where you have to gamble that the Sniper will miss in order to win the fight.

Given these reasons, here are some concrete suggestions for improving Sniper in 6s:

  1. Reduce the Sniper Rifle’s ammo from 25 to 10 or 5. This would force Snipers to think consciously about target selection and manage ammo over the course of a fight. It would reward having high accuracy (which takes skill) and punish rattling shots off at long range.
  2. Make the Sniper Marked-for-Death when the Sniper Rifle is fully charged. This would increase the effectiveness of bombing a Sniper or trying to hit him with a charged sticky. It would also decrease the amount of CS:GO style angle-holding that some Snipers do (e.g. on defense), encouraging them to unscope and scope back in to avoid taking mini-crit damage. You could even make the Mark-for-Death last for 1-2 seconds after the sniper has unscoped (like the Escape Plan) to further discourage fully charging shots.
  3. Make the Sniper Rifle shoot a permanent visible laser when it’s fully charged. This would allow medics to know exactly when they can and can't die to a bodyshot, and it would also help reveal a Sniper’s position to the opposing team. If Snipers tried to hide the laser by e.g. standing next to a wall, this would decrease the amount of positions they could play in. You could also test making the Sniper Rifle shoot a laser whenever a Sniper scopes in, which shounic tried in casual to relative success.
  4. Reduce the Sniper Rifle’s bodyshot damage by 25% (38 uncharged to 113 charged) or 50% (25 uncharged to 75 charged). Maybe the most straightforward way to nerf Sniper, decreasing bodyshot damage would increase Sniper's skill ceiling, make bombing Snipers easier, and overall make it easier to play against a Sniper.
  5. Increase the respawn timer if you die on Sniper (+10s or so compared to dying on another classes) This in effect reduces the round timer but only for Sniper, which avoids some of the downsides of reducing the round timer past 4 minutes. You could reduce the round timer to 3:30 to nerf offensive Sniper, but I think 4:00 is balanced and shouldn't be changed for other reasons.
  6. Buff substitute strategies for Sniper. Unbanning the Disciplinary Action would allow Soldiers to go for powerful whip-bombs, which might decrease the amount of Sniper played. Making Spy run 10% faster when cloaked would allow attacking teams to run a Spy instead of Sniper a little more, and so on.
  7. Decrease Sniper's movement speed from 100% (same as Engineer) to 93% (same as Demo) or 80% (same as Soldier). This would increase the amount of investment teams would have to put in to running a Sniper and make it harder to roll out on Sniper to defend against an imminent push.
  8. Punish snipers for missing. On miss, you could make Sniper slower to scope in, or make the Sniper Rifle’s charge slower for every consecutive miss, e.g. base speed for 0 misses, 10% slower after 1 miss, 20% slower after 2 misses, and so on, like a reverse Bazaar Bargain. You could also simply increase the amount of time between scopes for the Sniper Rifle; the current attack interval is 1.5s, and you could increase this to 2s or 2.5s to allow players to move freely after hearing the Sniper shoot. A meta where attentive Medics could briefly advance to the next piece of cover after hearing a Sniper shoot seems reasonable.

Obviously I don't think every single one of these should be implemented; the best is probably one big nerf like decreasing the amount of ammo in the Sniper Rifle to 5, or a combination of medium-sized nerfs. I'm also not sure if all of these suggestions would be possible to code into 6s, but some of them seem like they wouldn't be too hard (e.g. making the Rifle shoot a laser, decreasing bodyshot damage, decreasing movement speed).

Loafe didn't think my last thread was serious enough (my bad loafe!), so in this post I'm going to give some suggestions for how we could improve Sniper in 6s.

Before I give my suggestions, it’s worth thinking about what is fun and/or reasonable about sniper:
[*]Sniper’s skill expression is high in certain respects, in particular difficult headshots, quickscopes, swinging into the open to headshot a medic, and so on. It is not really "unbalanced" to get quickscoped at close range as a Scout, for example; I don't think very many people have a problem with stuff like that.
[*]Sniper helps break stalemates on offense, and helps put the game in motion on defense. Having an alternative to double sacking over and over on offense, and having a defensive tool against dryfights is, at least in some situations, reasonable. You can argue that Sniper is too powerful in these situations, but that doesn't necessarily mean the option should be removed from the game.
[*]Sniper is [i]crucial[/i] for the balance around last pushes, forcing the attacking team to pop through a doorway. If Sniper didn’t exist, pushing last would become easier and less skill-expressive. Last pushes are currently in a good spot balance-wise with the attacking team having, in my estimation, a 70/30 advantage against the defending team on most maps. If Sniper didn't exist, this advantage would increase to 80/20 [i]at least[/i], which would make holding last on disad feel really unfair. On maps like Snakewater, I could see the attacking team milking from top-right all the way to truck before popping uber if Sniper didn't exist, which definitely shouldn't be a viable strategy.

What don't people like about Sniper?
[*]People don't like situations where there’s little to no active counterplay to the opposing team having a Sniper. Players generally prefer "active" counterplay (bombing, spamming, exchanging, etc.) to "passive" counterplay (hiding, etc.)
[*]People don't like situations where the Sniper isn’t punished for making a mistake or successive mistakes. Snipers being able to whiff 5 headshots before hitting the one crucial shot that wins their team the fight is understandably annoying.
[*]People don't like situations where you have to gamble that the Sniper will miss in order to win the fight.

Given these reasons, here are some concrete suggestions for improving Sniper in 6s:
[*][b]Reduce the Sniper Rifle’s ammo from 25 to 10 or 5[/b]. This would force Snipers to think consciously about target selection and manage ammo over the course of a fight. It would reward having high accuracy (which takes skill) and punish rattling shots off at long range.
[*][b]Make the Sniper Marked-for-Death when the Sniper Rifle is fully charged[/b]. This would increase the effectiveness of bombing a Sniper or trying to hit him with a charged sticky. It would also decrease the amount of CS:GO style angle-holding that some Snipers do (e.g. on defense), encouraging them to unscope and scope back in to avoid taking mini-crit damage. You could even make the Mark-for-Death last for 1-2 seconds after the sniper has unscoped (like the Escape Plan) to further discourage fully charging shots.
[*][b]Make the Sniper Rifle shoot a permanent visible laser when it’s fully charged[/b]. This would allow medics to know exactly when they can and can't die to a bodyshot, and it would also help reveal a Sniper’s position to the opposing team. If Snipers tried to hide the laser by e.g. standing next to a wall, this would decrease the amount of positions they could play in. You could also test making the Sniper Rifle shoot a laser whenever a Sniper scopes in, which shounic tried in casual to relative success.
[*][b]Reduce the Sniper Rifle’s bodyshot damage by 25% (38 uncharged to 113 charged) or 50% (25 uncharged to 75 charged)[/b]. Maybe the most straightforward way to nerf Sniper, decreasing bodyshot damage would increase Sniper's skill ceiling, make bombing Snipers easier, and overall make it easier to play against a Sniper.
[*][b]Increase the respawn timer if you die on Sniper[/b] (+10s or so compared to dying on another classes) This in effect reduces the round timer but only for Sniper, which avoids some of the downsides of reducing the round timer past 4 minutes. You could reduce the round timer to 3:30 to nerf offensive Sniper, but I think 4:00 is balanced and shouldn't be changed for other reasons.
[*][b]Buff substitute strategies for Sniper[/b]. Unbanning the Disciplinary Action would allow Soldiers to go for powerful whip-bombs, which might decrease the amount of Sniper played. Making Spy run 10% faster when cloaked would allow attacking teams to run a Spy instead of Sniper a little more, and so on.
[*][b]Decrease Sniper's movement speed from 100% (same as Engineer) to 93% (same as Demo) or 80% (same as Soldier)[/b]. This would increase the amount of investment teams would have to put in to running a Sniper and make it harder to roll out on Sniper to defend against an imminent push.
[*][b]Punish snipers for missing[/b]. On miss, you could make Sniper slower to scope in, or make the Sniper Rifle’s charge slower for every consecutive miss, e.g. base speed for 0 misses, 10% slower after 1 miss, 20% slower after 2 misses, and so on, like a reverse Bazaar Bargain. You could also simply increase the amount of time between scopes for the Sniper Rifle; the current attack interval is 1.5s, and you could increase this to 2s or 2.5s to allow players to move freely after hearing the Sniper shoot. A meta where attentive Medics could briefly advance to the next piece of cover after hearing a Sniper shoot seems reasonable.

Obviously I don't think every single one of these should be implemented; the best is probably one big nerf like decreasing the amount of ammo in the Sniper Rifle to 5, or a combination of medium-sized nerfs. I'm also not sure if all of these suggestions would be possible to code into 6s, but some of them seem like they wouldn't be too hard (e.g. making the Rifle shoot a laser, decreasing bodyshot damage, decreasing movement speed).
12 Frags +

why people think they deserve to hold last after somehow fumbling into full disad on last ill never know

why people think they deserve to hold last after somehow fumbling into full disad on last ill never know
18 Frags +
Walrexwhy people think they deserve to hold last after somehow fumbling into full disad on last ill never know

not saying that sniper is the answer to this problem (it's not) but if you couldn't feasibly hold or delay a last push, every round of tf2 would be decided at the midfight unless both meds lived or both meds died.

[quote=Walrex]why people think they deserve to hold last after somehow fumbling into full disad on last ill never know[/quote]
not saying that sniper is the answer to this problem (it's not) but if you couldn't feasibly hold or delay a last push, every round of tf2 would be decided at the midfight unless both meds lived or both meds died.
4 Frags +

I aint reading allat

I aint reading allat
-39 Frags +

my name is jeremy, i like going on long hikes and watching pokemon content on youtube, please add me if you have a vagaina

my name is jeremy, i like going on long hikes and watching pokemon content on youtube, please add me if you have a vagaina
2 Frags +

doing almost any of this would just make sniper so unfun that nobody would play it. plus many of these changes seem like they're coming from the perspective of someone that thinks a sniper is constantly pumping out kills when in reality most of the time a sniper misses a lot.
imo: add the classic trail for bullets, make sniper have the same "weight" as heavy so if you surf a rocket you don't go far. bullet reduction i can agree with to something like 15 and maybe reducing unscoped damage, tho not by much. otherwise most of these changes would just make nobody actually want to play the class. granted, people somehow still play spy haha. would you really pick sniper if you had a 30 second respawn time?
also disciplinary action won't be unbanned because heavy to mid.

doing almost any of this would just make sniper so unfun that nobody would play it. plus many of these changes seem like they're coming from the perspective of someone that thinks a sniper is constantly pumping out kills when in reality most of the time a sniper misses a lot.
imo: add the classic trail for bullets, make sniper have the same "weight" as heavy so if you surf a rocket you don't go far. bullet reduction i can agree with to something like 15 and maybe reducing unscoped damage, tho not by much. otherwise most of these changes would just make nobody actually want to play the class. granted, people somehow still play spy haha. would you really pick sniper if you had a 30 second respawn time?
also disciplinary action won't be unbanned because heavy to mid.
8 Frags +

Make sniper rifle basically the rocket jumper.

In all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.

Make sniper rifle basically the rocket jumper.

In all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.
1 Frags +

I'd agree with lowering base movement speed and ammo.
movement speed to like 90%, just below demo's 93%. base ammo to 15

sniper rifles should always have tracers on firing. I half expected this to be done after the classic was added with a decent looking tracer effect. The classic's should be punishing enough within competitive circles. The machina's is overkill unless we're considering pubbers

Lowering bodyshot damage like the hitman's heatmaker is fine imo. only really affects medics walking in fully charged snipers' sightlines though. Which is a skill issue, not a sniper issue

I'd agree with lowering base movement speed and ammo.
movement speed to like 90%, just below demo's 93%. base ammo to 15

sniper rifles should always have tracers on firing. I half expected this to be done after the classic was added with a decent looking tracer effect. The classic's should be punishing enough within competitive circles. The machina's is overkill unless we're considering pubbers

Lowering bodyshot damage like the hitman's heatmaker is fine imo. only really affects medics walking in fully charged snipers' sightlines though. Which is a skill issue, not a sniper issue
13 Frags +

remove the charge from his gun so u can hit for 50 or 150 only and also nerf all the other defensive classes a lot

remove the charge from his gun so u can hit for 50 or 150 only and also nerf all the other defensive classes a lot
6 Frags +

Probably wrong thread to post this but whatever .... just limit offclasses to only 1 per team at a time. You can only have A engi or A heavy or A pyro or A sniper or A spy but no multiples (I don't even know if this can be done in a config). The main reason sniper is too op is because he sits next to another offclass so he can't get punished easily for overextending. This also solves the problem with the last hold meta in EU where offclass min/max is super cancer and the people holding just sit around for 5 minutes waiting for round resets.

And before people start crying about how this would make 6s boring or less skilled. Get good at actually holding lasts and doors nerds instead of hiding in a dispencer

Probably wrong thread to post this but whatever .... just limit offclasses to only 1 per team at a time. You can only have A engi or A heavy or A pyro or A sniper or A spy but no multiples (I don't even know if this can be done in a config). The main reason sniper is too op is because he sits next to another offclass so he can't get punished easily for overextending. This also solves the problem with the last hold meta in EU where offclass min/max is super cancer and the people holding just sit around for 5 minutes waiting for round resets.

And before people start crying about how this would make 6s boring or less skilled. Get good at actually holding lasts and doors nerds instead of hiding in a dispencer
20 Frags +

Having played against bo4r on product once I can confidently say the only reasonable thing to do with sniper is changing the class limit to 0 lol

High level snipers are insane man

Having played against bo4r on product once I can confidently say the only reasonable thing to do with sniper is changing the class limit to 0 lol

High level snipers are insane man
0 Frags +

Some pretty steep damage fall-off by distance with both body- and headshots should be a good start.
Sorts getting insta-dropped across the map by a bodyshot which is the biggest problem

Added to that an 8 week long therapy session if you main the class, execution if no result in the end

Some pretty steep damage fall-off by distance with both body- and headshots should be a good start.
Sorts getting insta-dropped across the map by a bodyshot which is the biggest problem

Added to that an 8 week long therapy session if you main the class, execution if no result in the end
0 Frags +
charlieremove the charge from his gun so u can hit for 50 or 150 only and also nerf all the other defensive classes a lot

leave my pootis alone.....

[quote=charlie]remove the charge from his gun so u can hit for 50 or 150 only and also nerf all the other defensive classes a lot[/quote]
leave my pootis alone.....
8 Frags +
Walrexwhy people think they deserve to hold last after somehow fumbling into full disad on last ill never know

This is actually really good for the game, as it gives the illusion people have control when they don't. If people feel they have control when losing, that there is something they could have done better to win, they will keep playing rather than giving up and playing something more fun. Sniper impacts this in a kinda crazy way, and is largely the reason its frustrating.

StylaxIn all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.

This game is balanced around 2-shots, with some few exceptions. Primary weapons with scout, soldier, demo all two shot most classes when hitting perfectly, pyro and heavy have similar 'time to kill' as these 2-shots. Secondary weapons usually 3-shot, thinking shotguns, revolver etc.

This flow of fighting allows for counterplay and that illusion of control which makes people ok with getting 2-shot as they felt there was something they could do in the situation, as they had time to react to the second shot.

Sniper 1-shots in any sightline, which ruins this flow. It doesn't allow for counterplay, which is the crux of frustration, and is unenjoyable for the player losing in this case, which is unhealthy for the game.

Medic allows every other player on his team to take an extra shot. Medic is THE counter to the sniper. Medic overheal allows people to take 2-shots allowing for counterplay. The rest of the team has an option for counterplay, but it relies on teamwork, and not individual play, which holds some frustration, but not nearly as much as dying to sniper as medic and having actually no agency.

This difference in dynamics between 1 and 2-shot fights is really what makes sniper good. This is the argument that isn't countered by "just learn to play vs sniper" as there is nothing that can reasonably be done to keep your medic alive. If the medic can't walk forward to heal their team and has to stay behind cover, noone receives the overheal buff, and if the medic walks forward, they then in turn die.

The only two real ways to counter sniper in these situations is to either nerf snipers damage by 1, make bodyshots do 149 fully scoped, and 149 quickscope headshots, or buff medic hp by 1. What these would do is it will give the medics a chance to use their kit to counter the sniper using overheal and it forces the enemy to use more resources (sac or spam) on the medic to secure an advantage, which in turn means fewer resources are used to protect the sniper, allowing for further counterplay.

I do believe the 1 hp difference would be massive in how medics can play against sniper without actually impacting how the class feels. It removes a lot of frustration and opens up more angles on how a medic can play the game and it turns this trickles down to how the rest of the team can play against it without actually removing the class from the game. It also enables the counterplay argument giving more enjoyment even when losing.

[quote=Walrex]why people think they deserve to hold last after somehow fumbling into full disad on last ill never know[/quote]

This is actually really good for the game, as it gives the illusion people have control when they don't. If people feel they have control when losing, that there is something they could have done better to win, they will keep playing rather than giving up and playing something more fun. Sniper impacts this in a kinda crazy way, and is largely the reason its frustrating.

[quote=Stylax]In all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.[/quote]

This game is balanced around 2-shots, with some few exceptions. Primary weapons with scout, soldier, demo all two shot most classes when hitting perfectly, pyro and heavy have similar 'time to kill' as these 2-shots. Secondary weapons usually 3-shot, thinking shotguns, revolver etc.

This flow of fighting allows for counterplay and that illusion of control which makes people ok with getting 2-shot as they felt there was something they could do in the situation, as they had time to react to the second shot.

Sniper 1-shots in any sightline, which ruins this flow. It doesn't allow for counterplay, which is the crux of frustration, and is unenjoyable for the player losing in this case, which is unhealthy for the game.

Medic allows every other player on his team to take an extra shot. Medic is THE counter to the sniper. Medic overheal allows people to take 2-shots allowing for counterplay. The rest of the team has an option for counterplay, but it relies on teamwork, and not individual play, which holds some frustration, but not nearly as much as dying to sniper as medic and having actually no agency.

This difference in dynamics between 1 and 2-shot fights is really what makes sniper good. This is the argument that isn't countered by "just learn to play vs sniper" as there is nothing that can reasonably be done to keep your medic alive. If the medic can't walk forward to heal their team and has to stay behind cover, noone receives the overheal buff, and if the medic walks forward, they then in turn die.

The only two real ways to counter sniper in these situations is to either nerf snipers damage by 1, make bodyshots do 149 fully scoped, and 149 quickscope headshots, or buff medic hp by 1. What these would do is it will give the medics a chance to use their kit to counter the sniper using overheal and it forces the enemy to use more resources (sac or spam) on the medic to secure an advantage, which in turn means fewer resources are used to protect the sniper, allowing for further counterplay.

I do believe the 1 hp difference would be massive in how medics can play against sniper without actually impacting how the class feels. It removes a lot of frustration and opens up more angles on how a medic can play the game and it turns this trickles down to how the rest of the team can play against it without actually removing the class from the game. It also enables the counterplay argument giving more enjoyment even when losing.
36 Frags +

Sniper is a totally fair and balanced class, all these arguments of sniper being a bad class root from players who are unable to dodge
You just have to dodge the sniper and kill him, its not that deep
The game doesn't need fixing, just stop being bad at it

Sniper is a totally fair and balanced class, all these arguments of sniper being a bad class root from players who are unable to dodge
You just have to dodge the sniper and kill him, its not that deep
The game doesn't need fixing, just stop being bad at it
3 Frags +

how to fix sniper is literally just push text the guy sniping on steam and bomb him right after

how to fix sniper is literally just push text the guy sniping on steam and bomb him right after
3 Frags +

we group all the sniper players together in a camp and they can go play against each other

we group all the sniper players together in a camp and they can go play against each other
-6 Frags +

i dont know how easy it would be to put your proposed changes into a plugin but

in my humble opinion the easiest way (logistically) to nerf sniper would probably be to ban stock rifles and bazaar bargain (stupid but simple)

next most viable rifle would likely be hitmans heatmaker which has weaker bodyshots (40 uncharged, 120 fully charged) so we can keep awesome headshotting long range class (i dont know how the other attributes of the heatmaker would affect sniper play)

however, it doesnt really address the problem of sniper slowing down play outside of last, only remedies the most pressing issue by making getting value more difficult

sidenote: i think a lot of snipers at higher levels tend to not miss the head much, but in a vacuum this change would help

i also agree that unbanning unlocks would make it easier to battle sniper comps as well but talking about unlocks should be a whole other ordeal

i dont know how easy it would be to put your proposed changes into a plugin but

in my humble opinion the easiest way (logistically) to nerf sniper would probably be to ban stock rifles and bazaar bargain (stupid but simple)

next most viable rifle would likely be hitmans heatmaker which has weaker bodyshots (40 uncharged, 120 fully charged) so we can keep awesome headshotting long range class (i dont know how the other attributes of the heatmaker would affect sniper play)

however, it doesnt really address the problem of sniper slowing down play outside of last, only remedies the most pressing issue by making getting value more difficult

sidenote: i think a lot of snipers at higher levels tend to not miss the head much, but in a vacuum this change would help

i also agree that unbanning unlocks would make it easier to battle sniper comps as well but talking about unlocks should be a whole other ordeal
-2 Frags +
Doughy.. buff medic hp by 1

This but make it a tradeoff on for the mele slot. Like stock gives you a +10 hp. Or it could be worked into some other mechanic like each vita-saw hit gives you +5 hp (which is way more thematic than it is currently).

.. buff medic hp by 1[/quote]

This but make it a tradeoff on for the mele slot. Like stock gives you a +10 hp. Or it could be worked into some other mechanic like each vita-saw hit gives you +5 hp (which is way more thematic than it is currently).
-4 Frags +
DoughyStylaxIn all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.
Reduce sniper damage by 1 or increase medic health by 1

I mean it would help, even if just a little. It's definitely an improvement to what we have now. I agree with your analysis too.

I'd probably even go to reducing full charge body down to 100 or 80 . I'd use the example that on Product hitting bombing soldiers 150 dmg and also killing their momentum with the knockback so they drop and die is pretty OP and doesn't require much skill.

Assuming the knockback stays, I think if full charge bodyshot damage was reduced it would mean soldiers could (occasionally) rejump or get out and so make sniper less powerful or more easily pressured and countered. Basically a bit more balanced.


[quote=Stylax]In all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.[/quote]

Reduce sniper damage by 1 or increase medic health by 1[/quote]

I mean it would help, even if just a little. It's definitely an improvement to what we have now. I agree with your analysis too.

I'd probably even go to reducing full charge body down to 100 or 80 . I'd use the example that on Product hitting bombing soldiers 150 dmg and [b]also [/b]killing their momentum with the knockback so they drop and die is pretty OP and doesn't require much skill.

Assuming the knockback stays, I think if full charge bodyshot damage was reduced it would mean soldiers could (occasionally) rejump or get out and so make sniper less powerful or more easily pressured and countered. Basically a bit more balanced.
10 Frags +
StylaxDoughyStylaxIn all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.
Reduce sniper damage by 1 or increase medic health by 1

I mean it would help, even if just a little. It's definitely an improvement to what we have now. I agree with your analysis too.

I'd probably even go to reducing full charge body down to 100 or 80 . I'd use the example that on Product hitting bombing soldiers 150 dmg and also killing their momentum with the knockback so they drop and die is pretty OP and doesn't require much skill.

Assuming the knockback stays, I think if full charge bodyshot damage was reduced it would mean soldiers could rejump or get out and so make sniper less powerful or more easily pressured and countered. Basically a bit more balanced.

just make it so sniper insta dies if there's a soldier on his screen


[quote=Stylax]In all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.[/quote]

Reduce sniper damage by 1 or increase medic health by 1[/quote]

I mean it would help, even if just a little. It's definitely an improvement to what we have now. I agree with your analysis too.

I'd probably even go to reducing full charge body down to 100 or 80 . I'd use the example that on Product hitting bombing soldiers 150 dmg and [b]also [/b]killing their momentum with the knockback so they drop and die is pretty OP and doesn't require much skill.

Assuming the knockback stays, I think if full charge bodyshot damage was reduced it would mean soldiers could rejump or get out and so make sniper less powerful or more easily pressured and countered. Basically a bit more balanced.[/quote]
just make it so sniper insta dies if there's a soldier on his screen
4 Frags +
ivan_StylaxDoughyStylaxIn all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.
Reduce sniper damage by 1 or increase medic health by 1

I mean it would help, even if just a little. It's definitely an improvement to what we have now. I agree with your analysis too.

I'd probably even go to reducing full charge body down to 100 or 80 . I'd use the example that on Product hitting bombing soldiers 150 dmg and also killing their momentum with the knockback so they drop and die is pretty OP and doesn't require much skill.

Assuming the knockback stays, I think if full charge bodyshot damage was reduced it would mean soldiers could rejump or get out and so make sniper less powerful or more easily pressured and countered. Basically a bit more balanced.
just make it so sniper insta dies if there's a soldier on his screen

Why wait until there's a soldier on his screen?


[quote=Stylax]In all seriousness it is silly you can 1 shot a medic or even other classes with a full charged bodyshot.[/quote]

Reduce sniper damage by 1 or increase medic health by 1[/quote]

I mean it would help, even if just a little. It's definitely an improvement to what we have now. I agree with your analysis too.

I'd probably even go to reducing full charge body down to 100 or 80 . I'd use the example that on Product hitting bombing soldiers 150 dmg and [b]also [/b]killing their momentum with the knockback so they drop and die is pretty OP and doesn't require much skill.

Assuming the knockback stays, I think if full charge bodyshot damage was reduced it would mean soldiers could rejump or get out and so make sniper less powerful or more easily pressured and countered. Basically a bit more balanced.[/quote]
just make it so sniper insta dies if there's a soldier on his screen[/quote]
Why wait until there's a soldier on his screen?
12 Frags +
AMSSniper is a totally fair and balanced class, all these arguments of sniper being a bad class root from players who are unable to dodge. Around 750,000,000 people are married to their 1st or 2nd cousin.
You just have to dodge the sniper and kill him, its not that deep
The game doesn't need fixing, just stop being bad at it

Fully agreed, so many noobs exposing themselves in this thread...

[quote=AMS]Sniper is a totally fair and balanced class, all these arguments of sniper being a bad class root from players who are unable to dodge. Around 750,000,000 people are married to their 1st or 2nd cousin.
You just have to dodge the sniper and kill him, its not that deep
The game doesn't need fixing, just stop being bad at it[/quote]
Fully agreed, so many noobs exposing themselves in this thread...
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zebulonDoughy.. buff medic hp by 1
This but make it a tradeoff on for the mele slot. Like stock gives you a +10 hp. Or it could be worked into some other mechanic like each vita-saw hit gives you +5 hp (which is way more thematic than it is currently).

What if you buffed the amputator so that when deployed it gave you +20% damage res, in addition to the stats it already has

.. buff medic hp by 1[/quote]

This but make it a tradeoff on for the mele slot. Like stock gives you a +10 hp. Or it could be worked into some other mechanic like each vita-saw hit gives you +5 hp (which is way more thematic than it is currently).[/quote]
What if you buffed the amputator so that when deployed it gave you +20% damage res, in addition to the stats it already has
6 Frags +
DewItwe group all the sniper players together in a camp and they can go play against each other

The Final Solution to the Sniper Question

[quote=DewIt]we group all the sniper players together in a camp and they can go play against each other[/quote]
The Final Solution to the Sniper Question
1 Frags +

i think a lot of hate is misdirected towards sniper since he often does make boring situations more boring, with him usually being the worst during last/2nd stalemates, especially for the defending team, since there isn't much risk running him, and its very risky as the defending team to do an interesting exchange or flank push. the problem mostly has to do with the gamemode though, and i think sniper will stop being a problem once 5cp gives more power to the defensive team to be proactive rather than sitting idle for an enemy sac/play. a simple solution could be found in changing respawn timers/waves for defending teams and making them consistent, and considering how it seems no one in the entire community truly understands how respawns work on koth or 5cp, there should be rules made that make respawns easier to understand regardless of sniper.

1 2 4 5 7 8 are all bad ideas, but 4 would be good if the max dmg for bodyshot was ~140 with base remaining 50 so medics no longer die to fully charged bodyshots. making bodyshots do a max of 140 dmg would make it so the defending team can do offensive exchanges or changes in positioning that arent possible without the medic dropping to an easy bodyshot.

i think a lot of hate is misdirected towards sniper since he often does make boring situations more boring, with him usually being the worst during last/2nd stalemates, especially for the defending team, since there isn't much risk running him, and its very risky as the defending team to do an interesting exchange or flank push. the problem mostly has to do with the gamemode though, and i think sniper will stop being a problem once 5cp gives more power to the defensive team to be proactive rather than sitting idle for an enemy sac/play. a simple solution could be found in changing respawn timers/waves for defending teams and making them consistent, and considering how it seems no one in the entire community truly understands how respawns work on koth or 5cp, there should be rules made that make respawns easier to understand regardless of sniper.

1 2 4 5 7 8 are all bad ideas, but 4 would be good if the max dmg for bodyshot was ~140 with base remaining 50 so medics no longer die to fully charged bodyshots. making bodyshots do a max of 140 dmg would make it so the defending team can do offensive exchanges or changes in positioning that arent possible without the medic dropping to an easy bodyshot.
-7 Frags +

unban Machina in North America Please

unban Machina in North America Please
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